Take Back America!


New member
I sent the following out in an e-mail to most of my e-mail list. I want to repost it here to make sure that as many people as I can reach see it.
My Dear Friends,

We were betrayed at the deepest level today by the US Senate. All Americans and those immigrants who bothered to subject themselves to the hoops and hurdles of immigrating here legally should be shocked, appalled and disgusted with the betrayal by the Senate today. We have the best government money can buy here in the US. Unfortunately, that money comes from vested foreign interests and multinational corporations.

Who benefits from today's Illegal Immigrant welcome mat bill?

Foreign governments, Mexico namely, relies on the money sent home by their citizens who work here in the US. They receive a huge percentage of the GNP directly from the paychecks of illegals here in the US. Mexico also uses the US as a pressure relief to send excess population rather than fixing their own economy to make emigration unnecessary.

Multinational corporations and many US based large businesses depend on illegal aliens willing to work for slave wages because they can not complain to anyone without facing deportation. Illegal aliens as workers allows these employers to keep down their expenses thereby increasing their profit margin while still undercutting businesses who rely solely on legal employees.

The Republicans benefit because their main contributors have more cash to pour into the GOP campaign coffers.

The Democrats benefit because they have droves of new voters who will vote for them to insure a continuity of welfare, free medical care and free schooling for their kids.

The only people who do not benefit from today's Senate largess are the American taxpayers. We will continue to be stuck with the bill for hospitals that go out of business because to many patients are illegal aliens and can not be traced to pay their bills. We will continue to pay for the high cost in prisons and jails where a huge percentage of convicts are illegal aliens. We will continue to pay for schools that are becoming over crowded and teachers are forced to teach in foreign languages and to the lowest common denominator. Many teachers outright leave the system because they are too intimidated by kids who care nothing for our values and threaten teachers on a daily basis.

We saw Vincente Fox crowing about the wonderful news today out of DC.They only people who are pleased with this news besides Mr. Fox is President Bush and the bought and paid for Congress.

We must change something NOW before it is too late to save the US. We must get rid of every Congress person who voted to sell out the US today. We must wake-up and realize that there are alternatives to the Republicans and the Democrats. There are viable third parties that would honor the oat that all elected officials take to preserve and defend the Constitution and these United States against all enemies FOREIGN and DOMESTIC!

Those of us who are able to run for office must put their hat in the ring. Those of who can not run must support candidates who promise to TAKE BACK AMERICA!

I am no racist. I am half Mexican myself. I do not hate Mexicans or Mexico.I honor my ancestors and where they came from and I love and welcome LEGAL immigrants to this wonderful nation. I am a nationalist as I firmly believe that we must put the interests of the United States of America and its people first above all other considerations. We must TAKE BACK AMERICA!

I want to get a web site setup and running to facilitate exchanging information between those of who are willing to work to TAKE BACK AMERICA! I welcome any help that I might get.

Glenn Morris
I will be looking for an inexpensive web host and registering a domain name as soon as I can raise some funds. This must be addressed!



New member
In the past year I discovered gun forums. WOW! It was so nice to see and hear from other people who think as I do. I then realized through much conversation and dialogue that I started as a conservative Democrat (Senator JJ Exxon from Nebraska comes to mind). Then When Slick willey came to being I realized that the Democratic party had left me behind to pursue other interests. I switched to Republican as they align more with my values and beliefs. Well, we all see how that is working out. I have been looking and it appears as though the Libertaian party is my new party.

So, thank you for standing up for what I believe in.


New member
On a side note: when I heard about the shooting at the Capitol this morning, the first thing I thought was "someone out there is even angrier than I am!" :eek:


New member
Millions of Americans took the time to vote for their American Idol.

They deserve to get screwed bad, shame on lazy Americans. You won't see these same people write to save their own country.

Too hell with parties and politicians, it's up to the people. Im just so disappointed today, this country is turning into a bunch spinless idiots :mad:


Bend over, America

Indiana's Senators vote:

Bayh (D): Yea
Lugar (R): Yea

As I said when the R's and D's were singing the same song just before NAFTA was rammed up our collective bungholes -

When you get Senate R's and D's singing the same song, We The People are about to get "made love to."

It shouldn't hurt too much, though - God knows we've been broken in well over the years.:barf:

Fellow Hoosiers, take note:
Next time you vote, vote for whoever runs against both these maggots. Need I remind you that both voted "Yea" on the Clinton gun ban in 1994? Now it's "Yea" for the illegal alien welcome mat.

It's time to end the ride on the gravy train for both of them!
Take back America? That has to be one of the most defeatest battle cries I have heard in a long time. I had no idea we had lost America. How sad for us.


I wouldn't say that we've lost America. We've merely lost a bit of grip at the helm to some madmen. We've got to take back the helm, in order to avoid the reef.

Big Ruger

New member
Yes it used to be clearly defined. Democrats were liberal, and Republicans were conservative. Now it seems like Democrats are socialists, and Republicans are liberal. A sad turn no doubt. As long as Americans are worried about "what can the Government do for ME"? as opposed to "what is good for the country as a whole" it will only get worse. As Limbaugh says,"Its exassabatin oudeah!"


New member
Libertarian said:
Multinational corporations and many US based large businesses depend on illegal aliens willing to work for slave wages because they can not complain to anyone without facing deportation. Illegal aliens as workers allows these employers to keep down their expenses thereby increasing their profit margin while still undercutting businesses who rely solely on legal employees.

Just FYI, most illegal aliens are not employed by large multinational corporations and big businesses. Practically all of these big businesses have huge HR departments with automated payroll systems. If a social security number comes back as fraudulent, the employee gets booted. Paying an employee without a valid social security number is usually done in cash (under the table). It would be pretty hard for large corporations to deal with that amount of cash payments due to mandatory audits. The Walmart situation occured becuase they were subcontracting the cleaning services. Most illegal workers work in agriculture, construction, restaurants, and as house keepers and gardeners.

There are an estimate 11 million illegal aliens in the US. Who will fill these jobs? I posted in another thread that many illegal employees are very hard working people that are strving to support their families back homes. They are reliable and appreciate their jobs. If there is a way to give them temporary work permits and hire them legally, I'm all for it.

We are a country of immigrants. Many of you seem to have forgotten that.

Big Ruger

New member
Yes we are a country of immigrants. There is , however a big huge gigantic difference between how my people came here and how these ILLEGAL immigrants come here. Most of our people came here on a ship with no option of going back. They were determined to become Americans or die trying. They had no illusions of their new country changing its customs to suit them. They also understood that they would need to learn the language or they would not survive. Another good example is the Asian refugees who came here in leaky boats in the 70's and 80's. The illegals come here in many cases never intending to asimilate. If they have a good year they can go home and live good for a while. Then sneak back in, and work some more. I have said before, I dont think anyone, with the exception of a few whackjobs waaay out on the lunatic fring want a time when there is no immigration at all. It has to be legal. It has to be controlled. We cant just throw open our borders and let anyone in anytime in any manner they wish, else we will cease to be a sovereign nation. ERIC


New member
The good is that the Minutemen break ground this weekend with a new superfence to help secure our borders! NEWSMAX.COM has the latest, plus a link to go to for donations to help out.
I have sent two donations myself and it sounds like many people around the country are too!

BOO to our TREASON senate:mad: I had to get that in.

The politicians of this country are very sorry bunch.

I hope Bush doesn't sick the NG on the Minutemen, it wouldn't suprise me though.

The American people are the only ones who can pull America back up to the top, and once again be the shinning city on the hill.


New member
Big Ruger,
illegals come here in many cases never intending to asimilate.
I'm sure that many immigrants want to asimilate. I'm sure many of them are working so many hours that they don't have time to go to school. Since they have no legal status, they can't register for school even if they had time. They learn what they can to get by.

If they have a good year they can go home and live good for a while. Then sneak back in, and work some more.
As for the illegals going home and sneaking back in... wouldn't you want to see your family? Many leave their parents, wives, and children back home in hopes to support them. Does that seem reasonable? Even legal immigrants would want to go and visit their families once in a while.

Most of our people came here on a ship with no option of going back. They were determined to become Americans or die trying.
Mexicans have to cross miles of desert to get to the boarder. Cubans (since I am from Miami) brave 90 miles of ocean on leaky inner tubes to get to America. Are they not risking their lives?

My parents are immigrants (legal of course). They busted their butts working 2 - 3 jobs at the same time. They have been in this country for over 35 years and are very well off now. They still have a slight accent and they still follow their Chinese customs. Do they need to asimilate?

The United States is like a quilt. We have our unique customs and backgrounds. It makes the country richer and we embrace our differences rather than trying to fit in to your mold of the typical American.

I do not advocate blind amnesty for illegals either. We need to work out some way to allow illegals to work legally. Deporting 11 million people is impossible and impractical.


New member
I posted in another thread that many illegal employees are very hard working people that are strving to support their families back homes. They are reliable and appreciate their jobs.[/QUOTE

It's cheap labor subsidized by the American taxpayer and if the senate bill
makes it through the process the end cost will be a disaster and will do nothing to stem the flow of illegals.

We are a country of immigrants. Many of you seem to have forgotten that.

Don't think we have however times have changed and I fail to comprehend
how an uncontrolled flow of poor under educated people will enhance this
country. The question is how many is enough, at what point would you halt
the flow.


New member
from the Minuteman Project Website said:
Future generations will inherit a tangle of rancorous, unassimilated, squabbling cultures with no common bond to hold them together and the certain guarantee of the death of this nation as a harmonious "melting pot"

The result: political, economic, and social mayhem

yet they go on to say
MMP has no affiliation with, nor will we accept any assistance by or interference from, separatists, racists, or supremacy groups or individuals, no matter what their race, color, or creed.

I'm a little confused... they feel that a melting pot will lead to the death of this nation. Exactly what the HELL should we be? Should we all ignore our heritages? Should we all be Oreo's (blacks acting white), coconuts (hispanics acting white), and bananas (asians acting white)?

Maybe we should herd up the people who are different and execute them. Does this intolerance of different cultures sound a little like Adolph Hitler?


New member
Deportation is not impossible, just start with the prisons, clear them out and send em back.

That would save alot tax payer money.

Nobody addresses the health risk these aliens bring in, and what about the huge burden they already place on our health care system?


New member
It's cheap labor subsidized by the American taxpayer

Exactly how is illegal labor subsidized by American tax payers? These illegals will get absolutely NO benefits. They are "invisible" and will get $0 social security, $0 unemployment, and they will not be eligable for Workers' Compensation.

I will tell you who American businesses are subsidizing. Lazy A** people on welfare and unemployment, and workers' compensation scam artists.

Nobody addresses the health risk these aliens bring in, and what about the huge burden they already place on our health care system?

Should we, the richest country in world, turn people away who are sick and dying just because they are illegal? No civilized country in the world will do that. While I am not advocating socialism, look how the US treats our poor. Those who can't pay for their medical care die. How many people can afford health insurance? Take a look at Europe and Canada. Medical care is gauranteed. Just as a side note, if it is discovered that a patient is illegally in the US, they can get deported. A friend of mine is a deportation officer. She told me about a lady who got into an auto accident. After they treated her, they held her until the deportation officers came and sent her home.

As for burden on our health care system, I say we clamp down on the bogus malpractice suits that are raising malpractice insurance through the roof. Patients families sue doctors because they could not save poor Johnny's life. Well if Johnny didn't smoke 2 friggin packs of cigarettes a day, maybe he wouldn't have cancer. Hold doctors responsible when they are at fault. Don't hold them responsible for not being able to save someone from a disease they did not cause. I'm willing to bet that if bogus suits were punished with stiff fines and the scumbag attorneys who file them are hit with punitive damages, malpractice insurance would go down significantly. The medical care and health insurance would then be more affordable.


New member
How sad the American people in baorder states have watch their own hospitals close because of illegal aliens. Now nobody gets to seek medical help at that hospital. Everyone loses.

How much did these illegal aliens cost us as far as:

Legal fees
Crimes committed
Lost schooling for American kids and related costs.
Closed and overcrowded healthcare facilities.
Sending our money back to teir country
Cheating the system and not paying taxes
Drug dealing
Human trafficing

Why does the rest of the world have to come here and turn our country into a socialist dump like the dumps they come from. We built this America out of nothing and into the best this world has ever seen.

I for one am tired of go nowhere sob stories.