Tag...You're It!


New member
Alabama, quite possibly deer hunter heaven

Season comes in (bow) mid Oct. Gun season opens mid November, just prior Thanksgiving. There is a week of muzzleloader prior the opening of gun season.

Gun bow and muzzle loader are all then legal from 21Nov till the season close on 31 Jan. Counting the early bow only season, it's well over 100 days. Limit is two deer a day, only one of which may be antlered. Buck limit is 3 per year, of which #3 must be a racked deer having 4 pts or better to a side. The previous two can be any pt count buck. There is no annual limit on does, just the daily two deer a day. It is darn near deer hunter heaven, and for a bowhunter (like me) it may be.

There is no tag system in the sense that a tag is attached to the animal. The license has a section that is to be completed by the hunter when the buck is killed. This area must be "filled in" if you are checked by a WCO w/ the animal in your possession. (say if you get observed and stopped enroute your home after the kill w/ the carcass in the truck). No paper work at all is required for a doe kill. Incredibly, there is nothing turned into the state by individual hunters. Mgmt decesions are based on the kills from the assorted WMA throughout the state, who check the deer from their respective WMA's on their scheduled hunts through out the season.

It is a marginal system at best, but better than 5 or so years ago, when there was no buck limit or antler restriction at all. Incredible.

Now understand this is for the north zone of the state, may area. The south zone may be a bit different, but not by much.


New member
Hawg man, that's what kids are for take em huntin and show em how to measure properly whilest we drink our coffee from the stand and watch,( I really am trying hard NOT to picture that!!!) hehe, BTW Missouri's 4 point antler restriction is four point 1 inch or longer on one side including main-beam. ;)


New member

The only thing I have to add to the prior NC Stats is that I am in Currituck area and our first issue of tags is:
2 antlered,
2 Hunters choice,
2 Non-Antlered(doe or botton buck)

and yes we get all the non-antlered we want after the first card is filled!


New member
Washington state for modern firearm hunters is like this.
Over the counter:
1 antlered deer tag
1 antlered elk tag
2 black bear tags
1 cougar tag (I think they might allow an additional 2nd tag now)

There are drawings for 1 doe or 1 cow elk tag as well as 1 extra antlered deer. Plus drawings for hunting private land.

Basicaly it's not uncommon to spend rifle season hunting deer and not get anything. Public land is over hunted and access has gone down hill. They have outlawed hunting with dogs or bait so bear and cougar success rate is very low. Regardless of what the department of fish and wildlife says, the deer population has gone way down. Ask any hunter here that has spent years in the woods hunting them. Put it this way, my partner and I have hunted one of the higher success rate game management units in the state, and hunted it hard during modern firearm season for 7 years and we have only pulled out 2 bucks. It's a 3 point or better area (at least 3 points on one side). We know many other hunters that have had worse luck. There are a lot of disgruntled hunters here. I know a bunch of guys that have started buying out of state tags in Idaho and Montana because they hate hunting in Wa.


New member

(warning, I am not a lawyer, nor did I stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night, so my understanding of the Oregon regs may or may not correspond to reality)

Antelope: Draw only (I have been wasting money trying to draw one forever)

Bear - Fall, over the counter. Spring - draw system. Pretty easy draw.

Turkey - over the counter

Cougar - over the counter

Now to the fun...

Deer (limit one):
Bow - over the counter, except for a few units that are draw only
Muzzleloader - heck if I know, think it is draw only
Rifle - West side (blacktail) mostly over the counter, East side (Mule Deer) draw only
Extra doe tag - draw only

Elk (limit one):
Bow - same as deer, but more draw only units
Muzzleloader - again - heck if I know
Rifle - (this is iffy at best, as I have only rifle hunted elk once) 1st season draw only, 2nd season over the counter (????)

There are way too many variations by unit/by species to all of this for this to be comprehensive.

Dr. Strangelove

New member

Non-restricted license, buy it on-line or at a dealer.

Whitetail deer:

We get two bucks, one of which has to be four points or better, and 10 "antler-less" tags.

You could realistically expect to fill all your tags if you do your part in this state, if you had that big of a freezer...