Swedish Bikini Shooting Team


Allow me to quote Sgt. Hulka: "Lighten up, Francis". They demonstrated safety and competence with their firearms. As far as their wearing bikinis to the shoot is concerned, well, they ARE the Swedish Bikini Team! That is how they identify themselves. I would certainly expect them to don their bikinis at an event where they were advertised to be appearing. Jeez folks, don't take it too seriously. Now if we could just get Fox News' Laurie Dhue to slip on a bikini and do some target shooting, we would have something. She is an excellent shot, by the way. Oh, well. I guess it will have to remain a fantasy.


New member
Granted, it's kind of arguing against human nature to protest skinny blonde women using T&A to make guys happy, but I'm going to do it anyway.

If you guys are serious about attracting more women to the shooting sports, then you should stop drooling all over yourselves about displays like this. It only reinforces the stereotypes about gun owners as a bunch of redneck white guys with the manners and morals of neanderthals.

Fact is, a lot of what I hear from my fellow gunnies really makes me ashamed to be one of them. What does Rosie's girth have to do with gun control? Why slam Sarah Brady's ugly face instead of her ugly political views? And why not make fun of the way Mike Barnes or Jim Brady look instead?

I come across threads where guys are complaining that they can't find any good women to date or marry. All the available women seem to be superficial, incapable of real thought and susceptible to the stupidest, most emotional anti-gun rhetoric. Maybe that's because so many guys, gunnies included, have sent the message out that logical brains are not desirable. What's desirable is being skinny, blonde, and willing to parade around in public in impractical outfits that show a maximum of skin.

If you judge people by superficial standards, eventually they will think and act in superficial ways. This is a Bad Thing.


Rainbow Six

New member

Good one! :D

Gunnel is just FRIGGIN' FINE! Definitely my favorite of the bunch! I hope CZ does a calendar of the "team".


To be fair, I also drool over brunettes using T & A. :rolleyes:



New member
I don't believe that the "Milwaukee Babushka Squad" would generate as much attention:p

I know of at least one case where scantily clad Trap Girls caused several wives to start accompanying their husbands shooting:D Had something to do with the location of a "Tweety" tatoo on one of the girls!

Geoff Ross


Staff Emeritus
Personally, I hate threads like this.

Any picture of a pretty woman immediately brings out public slobbering by a bunch of the fellas.

Then the "that's-not-appropriate" crowd steps in with their moral reprimands.

Each side presents extremist views as either "human nature" or "morally correct" and states anyone who doesn't agree with them is hurting our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

To the droolers:
Please drool privately or elsewhere. Yes, the female form in its ideal state is lovely to behold. No, we don't need to hear which is your favorite, why she's your favorite, or your fantasies concerning your imaginary involvement with her.

Furthermore, anyone who goes shooting in shorts, sandals, or a shirt with an open neck is not real bright considering hot shell casings and (in most cases) flying insects, etc.

To the censors:
Take care of yourself, your family and your friends. If a picture of a handsome man or a comely woman offends you, don't look. Turn off the TV. Cancel your magazine subscriptions.

I agree that sex is used too much in advertising but it is an attention-getter. Even those who despise the concept are attentive to the ads (if only to "be offended") and still buy the products. If the ads offend you, write the TV station, the magazine editors, and the advertisers.

But when a beautiful woman or a handsome man puts her(his) body on display, do not assume they're being exploited.
- They probably are earning more money than you and I put together.
- They probably care too much about their bodies to engage in promiscuous sex.
- It is their decision - one you have no Right to interfere with.
- To assume they are ignorant, stupid, and/or uneducated is engaging in the very stereotyping you claim to abhor.

My oldest daughter is a part-time model.
- She is not immoral and dresses at least as well (even when modeling) as most people I've seen in church.
- She is not inept with a firearm. She can shoot rather well, field strip her personally-owned semi-auto, clean it properly and store it safely. She understands, for example, the difference between a .45 auto and a .45 Long Colt.
- She is not brain dead. It is her involvement with her major work as a Secretary/Recorder for county government and her duties as a wife and mother that prevent her from returning to college and getting her degree.

(By the way, she's a lot smarter, more successful and more practical than many of us WITH college degrees!)

Furthermore, to both sides, if you go to the range or avoid going to the range because of how other people are dressed, I suggest you investigate your own moral fiber and ability to make your own decisions.

Ohhh, there is more I'd like to say.... much more. But I'll let it rest for the moment with a single comment.

Those of us who believe in Constitutional Law and the Right to Keep and Bear Arms are a large and diverse group of people. We are not one-dimensional clones of each other. Therefore, we will have differing beliefs, attitudes, and moral values. Most assuredly, we even will have differing views on how to restore our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

However, if we waste our time being divisive, stressing our differences instead of our similar RKBA views, we will remain divided and ineffective. We then will lose our struggle for freedom and our differing views will become truly irrelevant as our paternalistic, elitist government will decide what views and moral values will be implemented.

Let's skip the lusting and the moralizing. Ben Franklin was correct, "We must hang together or we shall most surely hang separately." Let's get back to our struggle to restore freedom in America - and remember - to HAVE freedom, you must PERMIT freedom. Though that surely includes your freedom to speak your mind, I ask - no I plead - that you determine whether your comments unite or divide our ranks, whether your comments strengthen or weaken our RKBA or whether your comments only strengthen and support your ego.


New member
Please drool privately or elsewhere.

I am drooling privately.

Personally, I don't see the problem with having the SBT at a range. If it attracts publicity to (as in the link that started this thread) a strong-on-safety shooting event, then it's a good thing. It would have been even better if the local media had covered the event, or even one of the national networks (FoxNews would probably be the only one; I can't see CNN or CBS allowing one of their reporters within 10 miles of it).

I can just see it now:

News Reporter: Hey, boss, I need truck #5. There's a modeling team down at the Evil Gun Range!

News Director: What???? No way! I won't let you go anywhere near a place with Spawns-of-Satan flaunting their Evil Baby-killing Guns!

News Reporter: But Boss! We can get proof of their Evil Ways on film, and show how they seduce young women into following their Demonic Path.

News Director: Um....well....OK, but wear a bulletproof vest, and don't get out of the van!

(Later at the range....)

News Reporter: Wow! {burble} Look at those women! {giggle} One of them looked at me!

Camerawoman hiding behind her camera which she's keeping between her and anyone nearby with a gun: I think she was trying to mind-control you. Don't you thing you should interview someone? That guy over there has a clipboard and a shirt with the name of this place. Maybe he's in charge. {News Reporter starts to walk uncertainly over the the referenced man, still staring at the Swedish Bikini Team.} Don't get too close! The Evil Mind Rays from his gun might get you!

News Reporter: {Still gawking at bikini-clad women and not hearing what the Camerawoman said.} Excuse me sir, I'm looking for whoever's in charge here.

Rangemaster: That'd be me. What can I do for you?

News Reporter: We're on camera right now for KLNS (K Liberal News Station). We heard that you had some models or something out here, I guess that'd be them over there?

Rangemaster: Yep, and they're doing pretty darn good, too. They've got the safety rules down pat, and are giving the regulars a run for their money. We even had a few women from town stop by after hearing about this, and they said they'll come back next weekend to learn more.

News Reporter: Um, oh. Well, viewers. So there you have it--the Evil Gun Range not only actually has attractive women instead of the Helga-the-Horrible women we talked about all last week, but they know how to handle their guns safely.

Camerawoman: {muttering} You're gonna get fired for that. You're not supposed to make them look like good folks or that they're safe. I warned you not to get too close to those guns!


New member
I think this one is my favorite.


Member In Memoriam
To be fair, I also drool over brunettes using T & A Good point Rainbow6 but to be perfectly fair we must not omit .......... Redheads! :D


New member
Dennis, well said.

cuerno de chivo, not every woman who dresses that way is a whore. i'm sorry that you think they are. no where did i say that T-n-A is the way to get more women to go to ranges. all i stated is that i would enjoy seeing more women go to the range.

as with everything i post, it is just my humble opinion. take it for what it's worth, you have your's and i respect that <if you thought thati was telling you your's was an invalid opinion or anything of the like i apologize>, however i request that you respect mine.


"cuerno de chivo, not every woman who dresses that way is a whore"

Never said they were a whore or a slut, just that they dressed like one. I know that it is all the rage. But I'm not too wild about it being a positive sign for our society especially since I believe that far too many teenage children and young adults have essentially the morals of alley cats. It, dressing like a t**ty bar waitress in public (ala "at the supermarket), is a symptom of this lack of morality IMO.

You and I are apparently in disagreement that this is a symptom of this lack morality. We shooters are diverse bunch of running from conservative to liberal in things other than politics. I am a social conservative who views the State through libertarian glasses so I disagree with a lot of folks in the Shooting Community about many things.

Furthermore my response on the improperness of dressing in such a revealing manner was brought on by your position of it being normal not the T & A publicity stunt.

I know that this is just a publicity stunt and that these female models are not prostitutes and might actually be women of virtue.
My complaint is that it is bad publicity just like showing up to a gun rights rally wearing full camo would be. FWIW I've seen three female replies to the SBT T&A stunt by women on TFL and glocktalk.com. They have all been negative.

The horse is dead, and my arms are tired. So I am going to quit beating it.


New member
By any chance is Cuerno de Chivo Spanish for "Reverand Bubba Flavel" ?

BTW, that wasn't meanspirited if you know who it is ;), so relax. I know how people can overeact on this site. I just read two pages of it.

"If you guys are serious about attracting more women to the shooting sports, then you should stop drooling all over yourselves about displays like this. It only reinforces the stereotypes about gun owners as a bunch of redneck white guys with the manners and morals of neanderthals."

So us black, brown and yellow rednecks don't drool over women ? And who are you to be accusing Neanderthals of not having morals ??!! Ever met one (bet not) ? I happen to know a few who would take offense to that !! Jeez.


New member

:D Just for your information ...
I have never seen those girls at ANY major IPSC event in Sweden. For sure I would have remembered :cool:


New member
All I want to know is where...

.....was Leather Nun when I was in Jesuit school???

Dios mio....estoy enamorado otra vez...hay chihuahuaaaaaa:D


New member
"I went looking for guns and boobs, and injstead found boobs with guns."--paraphrased from Yankytrash.

Careful when you look at these. The wife might give you a clout round the ear.

Unless she's intrigued by the idea...;)