Swedish Bikini Shooting Team


New member
That is known as "eye candy"............................... unless they are close enough to grab !

Not with those CZ's in their hands.

It does make me think that the local ranges need to hire some women like that. The ranges would be full and we'd all be better shots as we try to show off by showing how good a shot we are. Just so the women don't think I'm sexist, they should hire a pool boy for the women too. What a better way to increase female participation?
Personally I think that it is inappropriate. I also think that T & A publicity is not going to attract women or families to shooting. I take my 6 year old nephew shooting. I don't think that my sister-in-law would appreciate me taking her son to a place with a t***y bar atmosphere.

David Scott

New member
Bikinis are designed for the beach and the pool (though I favor swimming nude; why design clothes to get wet, and go through life with tan lines?). On a pistol course, IMHO their attire was inappropriate.

I suppose it's to the good that they actually ran the course and shot acceptably, instead of just showing up to flash cleavage. They could have done that wearing normal clothes, though. The SBT is a manufactired "media event".


New member
Aw, c'mon guys! I live on the South Side of Milwaukee where all the women look like this:

It's refreshing to look at some comely young women from time to time.



Member In Memoriam
That is known as "eye candy"............................... unless they are close enough to grab !

Not with those CZ's in their hands."

Croyance, if you do it right my friend they will only use the CZ's on you if you stop!

"Don't go to the beach then or swimming pools, for some reason they all dress that way" That is a FACT and I for one am glad of it :D :D.


New member
Monkeyleg: They don't ALL look like that. I drive to the South Side at least once a week. One time I personally saw two women without babushkas. Be honest!


New member
cuerno de chivo, do you or his parents also blindfold him when he is taken to the mall?? quite honestly, i see more women and school age girls wearing less than that to go to the supermarket.

the bikini team was tastefully covered, enough to be appealing to the lookers, but enough to be decent. is it recommended clothing for a shooting range?? nope, i'd suggest something a little more protective.

anyway, personally i would love to see more women at the range than my own wife. i would enjoy it if they were to look quite like that. as my wife likes to remind people around me, i'm married...not dead. AND she lets me flirt all i want as long as it's being recriprocated :)


Bud Helms

Senior Member
If you click on The Photo Gallery, this is what comes up:

Gallery Temporarily Closed for Upgrades

Due to the extreme demand for the SBT images we are experiencing higher than anticipated traffic on the site. Please bear with us while we make adjustments to ensure optimal performance of the site.

We appreciate your enthusiasm and interest in the new SBT. Please stay tuned as there are much more quality images to come!

SBT General Manager - John Mars


"i see more women and school age girls wearing less than that to go to the supermarket. "

There are many women and adolescent females who dress like they make a living on their back or from dollars stuffed in g-string. It's not right IMO. I wouldn't want my niece, my daughter, my sister, my wife, or my mother dressing like a whore. I know that it is all rage today like opening your legs for any Tom, Dick, or Harry before a female child is even old enough to drive a car. I do not think that is a positive sign for our society.

"personally i would love to see more women at the range than my own wife."

I can gaurantee that using t**s and **s as an advertisement to draw more women to a range is not going to work.


New member
Kind of agree. I remember one incident at an indoor range where the woman was dressed in a leopard ultra small miniskirt with 3-1/2 inch spiked heels waving around a hip cap 9mm. I didn't exactly feel comfortable.
