Survival in New Orleans


I didn't think of it before, but honestly I don't think the LEO's are looting but getting things that will be needed once the folks start coming in for care, etc..

More plausible concept then looting.



They're now saying they might have to evacuate the superdome.

This is sick. It won't cost nearly as much hard cash as the Iraq occupation, but the death toll, the misery, the fact that this is taking place on domestic soil, and the fact that these are private citizens rather than soldiers all make it much more demoralizing.

However, to be blunt, anyone who lives in a negative-elevation bowl, bordered by a lake, in a coastal area with hurricanes is just begging for it, levees or no levees. As far as I'm concerned, those who didn't have contingency plans are primarily responsible for their own misery.

However, the city had a responsibility to properly reinforce the levees, and they were negligent. Everyone involved should be held responsible for this disaster. A levee breaks open in the year 2005?!?! It's as if our country's civil engineering capabilities have been frozen for decades! Of course, that's not the explanation; the explanation most likely involves cost-cutting by New Orleans' past elected critters.

The only glimmer of hope in all this is that people may start treating New Oreans as the hazardous area it is, or that New Orleans (if it exists in the future) might properly engineer protection against future flooding. I'm not hopeful, though. FEMA will get the praise for handling an unhandleable situation with mostly uninvolved citizens' taxdollars; the city will say that the breakage of the levee was unforeseeable. Citizens will continue whining about how horrible it is rather than accepting that when you live below sea level in hurricane country, bad things happen.


New member
Prisoners Riot, Take Hostages in New Orleans

Aug. 30, 2005 — Inmates at a prison in hurricane-ravaged New Orleans have rioted, attempted to escape and are now holding hostages, a prison commissioner told ABC News affiliate WBRZ in Baton Rouge, La.

Orleans Parish Prison Commissioner Oliver Thomas reported the incident to WBRZ.

A deputy at Orleans Parish Prison, his wife and their four children have been taken hostage by rioting prisoners after riding out Hurricane Katrina inside the jail building, according to WBRZ.

Officials are expected to hold a press conference regarding the riots at 9 p.m. ET.

A woman interviewed by WBRZ said her son, a deputy at the prison whose family is among the hostages, told her that many of the prisoners have fashioned homemade weapons. Her son had brought his family there hoping they would be safe during the storm.



New member
Xavier Breath said:
If you are evacuating to a church or synagoge overnight though, you cannot CCW in a place of worship.
I'm surprised no one picked up on this comment. Is that a Louisiana law? It sure as heck doesn't say that in the Florida laws. Besides, what about the shooting in Texas a few days ago that left a few people dead. I know there was a long thread on concealed carry in church. Please back up your statement with the actual laws.


New member
I'm surprised no one picked up on this comment. Is that a Louisiana law? It sure as heck doesn't say that in the Florida laws.
Yes. Louisiana CCW law.
Places off-limits while carrying in Louisiana
Date updated: Jul 29, 2005 @ 12:56 pm

A law enforcement office, station, or building;

A detention facility, prison, or jail;

A courthouse or courtroom, provided that a judge
may carry such a weapon in his own courtroom;

A polling place;

A meeting place of the governing authority of a
political subdivision;

The state capitol building;

Any portion of an airport facility where the
carrying of firearms is prohibited under federal law, except
that no person shall be prohibited from carrying any legal
firearm into the terminal, if the firearm is encased for
shipment, for the purpose of checking such firearm as lawful

Any church, synagogue, mosque or similar place
of worship;

A parade or demonstration for which a permit is
issued by a governmental entity;

Any portion of the permitted area of an
establishment that has been granted a Class A-General retail
permit, as defined in Part II of Chapter 1 or Part II of
Chapter 2 of Title 26 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes of
1950, to sell alcoholic beverages for consumption on the

Any school "firearm free zone" as
defined in R.S. 14:95.6. Additionally, property
owners, lessees, or other lawful custodians have the right
to prohibit or restrict access of permittees possessing a
concealed handgun. Furthermore, a permittee may not carry a
concealed handgun into the private residence of another
without first receiving the consent of that person.
Additionally, the blood alcohol reading of the permittee
must not exceed .05% or greater by weight of alcohol in the


Please back up your statement with the actual laws.
Please don't think Florida laws apply outside Florida. :rolleyes:


New member
CNN.COM Headlines says it all... I wonder what the real story is?

> BREAKING NEWS Reports of shootings, carjackings and looting in the area near the Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, a policeman tells CNN. More soon

I think open carry would be a good idea down there... hmm someone pass me a rifle...


The pumps are failing, they expect Orleans to be under another 9 feet of water within 12 to 15 hours.

I hate to say it, I've been there, but New Orleans as it was is no longer.

With the heat, the bodies (sorry, but had to say it) of both human and the animals that didn't make it, the water, the mosquitoes(sp), the sewer, etc.., it's going to take a lot to clean up and ensure that no disease spreads.

IMHO, the government is doing the best thing by getting everyone out of the area and up on higher ground for the next month or so cause it's not going to be safe to stay in the area.

I just don't understand it, with a Cat. 5 hurricane why people wanted/decided to stay. It was making a beeline for New Orleans and turned 250 miles off coast before it hit.

That is what insurance is for. Things can be replaced, your life cannot.

That is why I have a BOB, a car that all my guns/ammo/etc.. that I wish to take will fit into the trunk, plenty of room for 6 people and my cat (also small dog once I get, haven't yet due to the cat).

I have a lot of family in Florida that I could stay with and if they wanted to be jerks, my dad's property (camp out). I am one of those "paranoid" types that have two boxes of MRE's (need to get more), and camping gear if needed.

In a way (and I hope that this is permissible), this is a TSHTF scenario and this is why we have them in Tactics and Training.



> BREAKING NEWS Reports of shootings, carjackings and looting in the area near the Louisiana Superdome, New Orleans, a policeman tells CNN. More soon
Don't they mean boatjackings? Or are streets still dry near the superdome?


New member

You know its one thing to stay in a bowl like city as described above when you are told to get out, but stay anyway and then loot for food and water. I can almost see that, But when the looters and cops start loading up 17" TVs, jewlery, clothing, shoes and computers its time for lethal force. But then Norlins has had one of the if not the most corrup city gov and police force for nearly a decade. :eek:


New member
Martial law clarified

Tuesday, 9:02 p.m.

The state Attorney General's office on Tuesday sought to clarify reports in some media that "martial law' has been declared in parts of storm-ravaged southeast Louisiana, saying no such term exists in Louisiana law.

But even though no martial law exists, Gov. Kathleen Blanco's declaration of a state of emergency gives authorities widespread latitude to suspend civil liberties as they try to restore order and bring victims to safety. Under the Louisiana Homeland Security and Emergency Assistance and Disaster Act of 1993, the governor and, in some cases, chief parish officials, have the right to commandeer or utilize any private property if necessary to cope with the emergency.

Authorities may also suspend any statute related to the conduct of official business, or any rule issued by a state agency, if complying would "prevent, hinder or delay necessary action'' to mitigate the emergency.

It also gives authority the right to compel evacuations, suspend alcohol and weapons sales and make provisions for the availability and use of temporary emergency housing.

The law gives mayors similar authority, except they do not have the right to commandeer private property or make provisions for emergency housing, according to a background brief prepared by the state Attorney General's office.



New member
Shot police officer in surgery

The New Orleans police officer shot in the head by a looter Tuesday was expected to survive, officials said.

The officer, who has not been identified, was in surgery at West Jefferson Medical Center after being shot in the forehead, police said.

The officer was shot by a looter after he and another officer confronted a number of looters at a Chevron store at Shirley and Gen. DeGaulle.

Jefferson Parish sheriff's deputies on the scene arrested four people in connection with the shooting. One of the looters reportedly was shot in the arm by an officer during a shootout.


New member

After officers and others gathered food and medical supplies for sick persons at the Ritz-Carlton from a Walgreens in New Orleans, officer J.J. Jacob lines up residents so they may enter store in an orderly fashion to gather supplies.



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New member
Xavier Breath said:
Please don't think Florida laws apply outside Florida.

Sorry. My bad. I just didn't see any mention of carrying in places of worship being banned on that long church carry thread. You also didn't qualify that it was a Louisiana law. I hope you weren't affected by Katrina. Take care and stay safe!