Survival in New Orleans


New member
You are living near New Orleans area and the category 5 storm is going to hit. You can’t get out of the area and authorities say no weapons in shelters. What now?


New member
I have this large pelican case that holds my "essentials". Unless they inspect the case when I enter or I am dumb enough to show off, why would they know or care?

As to my going to a shelter, I would rather engage my survival skills on my own. I would have been long gone by now with my family, guns, and copy of my insurance policies. Too many wait for the last minute and them wimper about the lack of assistance from public officials. Aren't they the ones that have been saying LEAVE for the last 48 hours? If I couldn't leave, it would still be my last choice to head for a shelter.


If you can believe this, I saw a news reporter ask a citizen last night in the French Quater about the hurricane. His response was "what hurricane?" I shook my head.

TFL members in the path of this, my Prayers go out to you all. Stay safe and bug out if you can.


New member
Just watched cnn and the main shelter in New Orleans is the Super Dome... and they reported that firearms are not allowed in and that they have already confiscated many from people trying to bring them in.... people who need a safe place to store their guns give me a pm and i will b more thsn happy to keep them at my house... lol


New member
authorities say no weapons in shelters.
Why would they do that? People are not evacuating to Massachusetts you know..........

FWIW, In the shelters people are filling up in my town, people with weapons are welcome. If you look in the parking lot of my town's Civic Center, you will see rifles and shotguns on gunracks in trucks, and I have seen a couple of people open carrying. It's a non-issue. I suspect the Winnibagos have a few firearms inside as well. This is Louisiana, not California. Most people would not dream of evacuating without a gun, because it might be needed on the return home. If you are evacuating to a church or synagoge overnight though, you cannot CCW in a place of worship.


New member
You were supposed to bring 5 days of food and water but no weapons. So those who brought no food will take yours and you'll have no way to prevent it !!!

Marko Kloos

New member
In the event of a natural disaster, the last place I'd choose for seeking refuge would be a giant government-run building with ten thousand other people in it.


New member
Tasteless Joke:

Q: Why is the NO Super Dome being used as an evacuations center.

A: So all the bodies will be in one place.

Sorry, but I would think the average person could get to a better spot.


I dont think guns and the SuperDome would mix. A lot of the people from the wrong side of the city are couped up there. It would not be a good idea to let the very low class/criminals have guns. Other shelters should allow it. But I think problems would arise at the superdome because of some of the people riding to storm out there.

Hope everyone on this forum getting hit by the hurricane is ok.


New member
I'd rather take my chances with the elements than to find myself confined with that many Democrats under one roof.

Dave P

New member
"In the event of a natural disaster, the last place I'd choose for seeking refuge would be a giant government-run building with ten thousand other people in it."

So everyone got searched going in - took hours to do. And now they are not letting people out until it is "safe"? Thank you, miss nanny!


They just declared Martial Law so all Rights, including gun ownership, is illegal if they chose to do so.


Spiffy: Yes, I had it spelled the right way but changed it :confused: , don't ask me why.


New member
Media report of police "protection" in the big easy today: :barf:

"At a drug store on Canal Street just outside the French Quarter, two police officers with pump shotguns stood guard as workers from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel across the street loaded large laundry bins full of medications, snack foods and bottled water.

"This is for the sick," Officer Jeff Jacob said. "We can commandeer whatever we see fit, whatever is necessary to maintain law."

Another office, D.J. Butler, told the crowd standing around that they would be out of the way as soon as they got the necessities."


At a drug store on Canal Street just outside the French Quarter, two police officers with pump shotguns stood guard as workers from the Ritz-Carlton Hotel across the street loaded large laundry bins full of medications, snack foods and bottled water.

I hate to say this but I agree with them getting this stuff. All kinds of stuff is going to hit after the initial shock has worn off.

Was watching Fox this morning and they had full coverage. The Big EZ is basically gone and the waters are still raising. The French Quarter is starting to get deeper also so with all the sewage, chemicals, etc.. going around, the medications are going to be badly needed.



New member
Drudge Report: Cops Join Looting.

“Law enforcement efforts to contain the emergency left by Katrina slipped into chaos in parts of New Orleans Tuesday with some police officers and firefighters joining looters in picking stores clean. At the Wal-Mart on Tchoupitoulas Street, an initial effort to hand out provisions to stranded citizens quickly disintegrated into mass looting……

Some officers joined in taking whatever they couldOfficers claimed there was nothing they could do to contain the anarchy, saying their radio communications have broken down and they had no direction from commanders……

One man said police directed him to Wal-Mart from Robert’s Grocery, where a similar scene was taking place. Most officers, though, simply stood by powerless against the tide of law breakers….

One veteran officer said, “It’s like this everywhere in the city. This tiny number of cops can’t do anything about this. It’s wide open.”

Inside the store, one woman was stocking up on make-up. She said she took comfort in watching police load up their own carts…….. “

Now we know why you must be disarmed for the good of all…. :barf:


New member

All the info you can stand on New Orleans. Click Here. There's an old NOLA saying........."We got a different way of doing things down here..........."
New Orleans has more looters than shotgun shells. The best that can be done is organize the looting so nobody gets hurt. If the goods are not taken by looters to help themselves and their families survive, the goods will be ruined by the rising waters. Law Enforcement is having major problems with communication. It will get worse, much worse in Nawlins. They are still evacuating. I think that the police are not joining in the looting, but simply trying to manage the chaos.


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