Surefire lights?


New member
Does anyone have any experience with them be it positive or negative? I'm considering getting one for christmas, but I wanted some opinions first.
How reliable are they? Regarding batteries, are they rechargeable, or do you have to constantly buy new ones?
Specifically, does anyone have any experience with the "p113c/113d"?



New member
I have a couple of Surefire lights I use almost daily. One is the little G2 that uses the standard 123 battery and the other is a rechargable 8AX COMMANDER.

I got the G2 for work and have had it for about six years. Works well for what I want it to and not a great lost of money if I should lose it or someone else decided they needed it more then me. Lightweight, small, bright, fits in a pocket well. I use this light only for short look and see type things and it is not really on for long periods of time. Maybe the longest would be ten minutes or so if I am looking in a dark part of a building or basement.

The 8AX came with a two batteries and a charger. I use it the most, I will have it on for longer periods and is used a lot. A couple of times I have run the battery down but I have always had the G2 in my pocket to finish up my day. So I was never without a bright light with these two. I found the 8AX battery will lose it's charge if it sits for a week or so. I would not recommend this light for one to keep in a desk or night stand. But if you use it most every day it is great. I normally will trade out the two batteries every day or two depending on how much it gets used each day or what I am expecting the next day. I have had this light for four years and it is still going strong.

The batteries on the 8AX seem to last just under a hour with each charge. I have thought about getting extra batteries and maybe charging a couple each night so I would have a spare at work but has never really needed that much light time, even when I worked night shift. So I have just stayed with the two that came with it and so far they have been enough most of the time. Like I said if I needed more I have other flashlights or the G2 as a backup. I found the best deal for 123 Batteries for the G2 was from Surefire website. I normally only buy a box of twelve at a time. They are 15 bucks a dozen and with UPS shipping it comes to 19 bucks. These will normally last me about a year with the way I use the G2. You can buy more at better savings but this is what works for me.


New member
Surefire lights are worth every penny. They are pricey, but once you turn them on you will be amazed with how bright they are. I just picked up my first Surefire about 3 weeks ago and have not had one regret since. I went with one their higher end models (a L2), because the range I go to had a good deal on them. But if your aren't sure which to buy, and don't want to have second thoughts of spending that much on a light then start with a G2. 10 x's better then any light you will find at your local Home Depot. I actually just bought 4 of them as Christmas gifts for my family.

But if you have a few of the surefire lights in mind, do a little research on them. There is a similar forum that discusses flashlights, and there are also a few web sites that give detailed reviews of almost every light that is commercially available. But be forewarned, buying lights can be very addictive. I just bought another flashlight (non-surefire) after reading some of the reviews on these other web sites. And as the other poster mentioned, when buying batteries make sure you buy them online. You will end up paying a fortune if you walk in to your electronics store asking for batteries. Good Luck.


New member
I already have a G2 Nitrilon. It's their least expensive light and it's by far the best flashlight I've ever used. I'm getting the smallest LED light they make for christmas and am looking forward to buying an A2 Aviator in the future.


New member
I have a G2 and a 6P. Both have proven to be good and durable, but I won't be buying another Surefire.

I also have a Pelican M6 LED light that is very nice. The same size as the G2/6P, it fills a niche that I needed filled.

My next light is going to be from Pentagon Flashlights. All of the internet chatter indicates that they are top-shelf stuff, and cheaper than Surefire by a few dollars. I especially like that they all come w/ shock-isolated bulbs.


New member
i have two, executive elite and one for my m16. both are very brite and rock solid, never had a problem, batteries get expensive if you don't buy from surefire brand batteries, like for example the cheapest duracell or energizers are like $8 a pair and you can get 12 surefire for $18 or close to it plus the surefires last alot longer. streamlights aren't bad either but surefire still would be my first pick.


New member
the g2 is my favorite. cheaper than the other surefire products, and you can get the high powered lamp that gives 120 lumens. just about all the other surefire products have like 25-30 lumens with the ability to upgrade to 50-65 lumens.
i did order an outdoorsman though, mainly so i could play with red and blue filters on it.

you do wind up investing in batteries though. buy them by the box, its a bit cheaper.


New member
I carry and use a 6P daily for awhile now and the original batteries are still good. I use the flashlight occasionaly, but not where I have it constantly on.
For spare batteries, I did buy a pack of Sanyo 123A batteries in the store, which were slightly cheaper than the Surefire brand. I don't know how well the Sanyo batteries will hold up. I guess I will eventually find out.

r.w. schrack

New member
I preferr the Stinger from Streamlight have been carring it for two years and love it. Don't know much about Surefire except thay are a Streamlights competition.


New member
Love mine.

First was a defender, daily carry. Then I got the 6P and G2 recently.

You never realize how often a light would be useful until you have one. worth every penny.


New member
I have the G2 and liked it so much I bought my mother one. They are great. Don't buy them from a dealer though. From what I have seen they hike the price for them. Order it online from the surefire site and buy some spare batteries from them as well. They are cheaper that way.

Just remember that the batteries only last about an hour in some models but thats the price you pay for blinding light.

I say get one.


New member
Not all flashlights

Many of the Surefire flashlights are not a flashlight as we think of a flashlight.:rolleyes: Many are Combat type lights and are used to quickly blind an agressor. This is why I converted my M2 Combat light to a LED type light it's designed for general type lighting and the batteries will last a long time over the standard type bulbs.;)
Some of my favorite gear has come from Surefire, and I have never been disappointed with them or their service.

I currently use a Surefire L2 off duty everyday without fail, and a Surefire 8NX on duty. I swear by it. FYI, my dept evaluated several lights under very rigorous conditions and the Surefire won hands down.


New member
I have a G2 that I keep for around the house and I have a E2D Defender that I carry almost everywhere. Both are great lights.

Last week I was on a road trip at night and had the Defender in the cupholder in my truck. My wife grabbed it to use to look at the map. Let me tell ya, it's way too bright for a map light! Both of us were momentarily blinded from the light being turned on in the cab of the truck. It was almost painful. That got me to thinking about one of the adjustable LED's from Surefire.

Glock 31

New member
E2D Executive defender. Best illuminating device I ever owned. The term flashlight does not do these things justice.:cool:


New member
Surefires are awesome. Unfortunately, the one they make for the USP is positively hideous (as a friend of mine once put it), and I refuse to employ an adapter. But future HK45 owners won't have to worry about whether a given tac light will be compatible with the rail on their pistol!

That said, I'm eventually going to get an insight LAM for my USP Tactical... I'll have the last laugh! :D

Okay, back to the point, Surefire makes some of the best, and most rugged, lights. Submersible and shock isolated. Handheld or weapon-mounted. They are awesome.


New member
I couldn't be happier with my L2.

Hint: if you buy one, consider that the LED's will last for 10,000 hours and the gas filled bulbs will have to replaced every couple of hours of use.

THe batteries last a long time; longer than surefire says I think.

Awesome, tough lights.
