Stupidest Reason You Ever Bought A Gun?

DT Guy

New member
Well, I think I just hit my peak, here. I've wanted a Star Firestar since they came out. I've gotten close to pulling out my wallet a few times, but finally broke down and bought a used .40 tonight. Why...

Because I think it looks cool.

I know, I know, that's a stupid reason to buy a gun. I have absolutely NO use for this thing, but I always thought they were so darned nice looking-like a souped up mini 1911, sort of-that I had to buy it.

"Looking Cool" has to be in the top 3 for stupid reasons to buy a gun, right?



New member
I've heard worse.

I knew a guy in college who bought an SKS because...... looked like a gangster gun. :eek:

I really started to spend a lot less time with him after that.
Appreciating a firearm for it's looks is okay, it's another thing to appreciate one for the violence it is associated with.


New member
IMHO, "lookin' good"... good enough reason to buy a gun. I searched for a year and
a half for just the right .40s&w to carry concealed. I went to gun
shows, I scoured gun shops, I read every gun rag on the stands.

Then one day I saw a picture in a 'SHOOTING TIMES' magazine.
A CZ RAMI. It had everything I had been looking for. Hammer-fired,
positive safety switch, double action/single action, and light
weight. And best of all, it looked great to me. I had to have one.

Two weeks later I did. I paid a premium for it, just because they
are scarce where I live, but I didn't care. I had to have that gun.

Two months later I still get a thrill when I take it off at night and
put it away. I just love the way that gun looks.

Maybe you are right. After re-reading what I have written, maybe
I am stupid for buying a gun based mainly on looks.
But I still love that gun.


New member
I bought a Glock in September the day the ban lifted just because the ban had expired and I was happy.


New member

The main reason I've bought guns is "I want it." One of the almost exceptions to this (I wanted it also) was when the guy offered me a 5" M27 for $200.00. I had to buy that gun.

"It looks cool." I think that's part of why people buy Lugers, isn't it? Or Broomhandle Mausers?

I can't for the life of me think of a stupid reason to buy a gun. Okay, getting one to make me feel manly or virile, I guess. But if one buys a PPK and it attracts women, who's to complain? (Without offering offense to any of our distaff participants.)


New member
Because I got 2 cases of 32 ACP ammo in a trade and didn't own a gun to shoot it in!

Went out and ordered up a surplus W German police Walther PP in 32 to go with my ammo :D


New member
My dumbest reason is "Damn that's a good price!" That is so often a mistake, that I've added "I wonder why" to it from here on out.

My dumbest reason is "I have one just like this, and I wonder if this one shoots as well....Afterall, it's a great price......."

No, probably "I might need this one someday if someone wants to shoot it......Afterall, look at that great price!"

No, the all time dumbest....."I'm buying this to hand down to my son. I'll never shoot it, and he gets it after I die." Of course he wants the ones I've carried the most, because they are the ones connected with me. I have actually used this one with each of my children to justify purchases. I either need to have more children or start buying guns for the dogs.

Why can't I just say "because I want it"?


New member
Years ago a friend of mine was a big 1911 fan and constantly telling me how his 1911 was "better" than my S&W M39 9mm. No, I didn't go out and buy a new Colt 1911 (not for another few years anyhow). I bought a 4" M28 Highway patrolman because it was only $125 NIB and the dealer wanted to move it. After six months of looking I found a new barrel and cylinder assembly for a 1955 Target .45 at a gun show for $90. With the help of a friendly gunsmith we installed the barrel, pinned it and then I had the "learning experience" of timing a cylinder with jeweler's files, a wooden dowel, magnifying glass and a bore light. Then I showed up at the range with my 1911 friend and proceeded to drive an entire box of Winchester Super-X match ammo through the 10 ring at 10 yards with one called flyer. Recoil is negligible and accuracy is superb.

So I bought a gun to "one up" someone's claim of how perfect his 1911 was.

How about buying an obsolete gun just because you have ammo for it?

Some years ago a family friend's widow gave me an entire case of ammo her husband had in his gun safe. It was all .455 Webly ammo mfg during WW-II. He'd sold the Webly in the 60's and forgotten the ammo. So here I am with all this Webly ammo and no gun. So I bought a good Webly specimen and fired some of the ammo. Not a bad shooter, kinda funky. Paid only $110 for the gun and then traded it and 750 rounds of the ammo to a Webly fan in exchange for a 6" Colt Trooper Mk III. :D


We may have a winner, Xavier:

I have one just like this, and I wonder if this one shoots as well

I guess my "dumbest" is 'I don't really need another .22, but this one, having good quality iron sights, will be good to teach my nephew on how to use irons when he turns 10 or 11, or to teach a nooblet I take to the range how to use irons.' Nephew was 3 at the time, 4 now. The only reasons I bought my Taurus Tracker in .45 acp was/is as a dedicated revolver to shoot birdshot when walking in snake-infested swamps & bayous, and to shoot plastic primer-only-powered bullets in the house with. But I liked it so much, it turned into a nightstand home defense gun, for now anyway.


New member
Bought a Romanian WASR10 from a guy because I saw a video clip on the internet of some guys out in the woods bump firing AK-47s. Hey, looked like fun to me. :) Besides, 7.62x39 is cheaper than bowling... :D


New member
Because the chick selling it was hot!
Hey, that's how I ended up with a Glock! Didn't get the girl, and I don't have the Glock anymore, either.

Of course, I also threw myself out of a perfectly good airplane at a ridiculously low altitude a few times because of a girl. And she had her orders pulled right before we left for school. When will I learn?


New member
Because I want to buy a large firearm safe and need more guns to fill it up and justify the purchase.



New member
Bought one while I was in college and had left all mine at home - I just had to go shooting!

Ok - what was really stupid about it was that I bought a Raven .25 acp cause it was the cheapest thing in the shop. :rolleyes:

College educations ain't always found on campus!