Striker fired, is that all you are buying now?


New member
Oh, I have one! I even EDC it.

I don't want any more, but never say never I suppose.

Math isn't my strong suit, but I guess my striker-fired EDC means that striker fired guns make up somewhere less than 2% of what I love. ;)


New member
I like'em all. My personal defense pistols are all Double Action Only. SIG 229R DAK, Beretta 92D Centurion, Glock 26 and the red headed step child...a Colt All American 2000.

Variety is the spice of life but all of them having a similar trigger pull makes for training consistency and better liability protection.

If limited to only one semi-auto...The Glock 26 would be the winner.


New member
I'm primarily a striker guy but it's more about weight since I like to carry all of my pistols. Most of the polymer DA/SA guns are a little lower quality than I prefer except HK (which I just don't like for some reason). That said, I picked up a CZ 75-BD a couple weeks ago and am thinking about picking up a CZ P-07.


New member
I love them all. In my collection I have 4 strikers, 3 DA/SA's and 1 revolver.

My favorite is still the P2000 though (DA/SA).


New member
Interesting times in firearm technology. At least in the last decade.

What's interesting to me are the in between categories. Like the CM9 - a precocked striker fired that's got a butter smooth DAO trigger pull.

Or I've heard the SW99 is a DA/SA striker fired.

And advances are being made to make striker fired trigger pulls crisper - trying to approach traditional hammer fired - all the time. It would be interesting to hold the LC9 and LC9s side by side and really wring them out.

I find that what I purchase next usually has to do with what I want to experiment with, no particular order. Last purchase was a 9mm 1911 to see what all the hubbub was about with hand fitting etc.


New member
I actually used to prefer DA/SA handguns but have moved away from them for a couple reasons, the main reason is the the trigger return springs. They have a recommended service life of about 2,500 trigger pulls. Even though they have been known to go well beyond 2,500, unless I was constantly replacing them I won't depend on a DA/SA handgun for self defense knowing it could break as I near that 2,500th trigger pull which isn't very much considering that includes dry firing. Next I never had a real issue with, but it's real, and that's the transition from DA to SA after the first shot. Like I said I never had a real problem with it, but at the same time I am faster and more accurate in those first 2 shots with a striker fired handgun. While I sold all my DA/SA handguns, I will probably pick up one eventually for a range gun.


New member
At one time all I owned was sticker fired handguns, then I bought my first 1911. Now with the exception of my old safe-queen S&W, all my handguns are SA/DA hammer guns and I love them! No more plastic for me.:)


New member
I prefer revolvers for targets, plinking, and SD, but somehow ended up with more semi-autos than revolvers.

I prefer steel-framed service weapons, but do have a few polymer and/or striker fired pistols.

They work just fine. I have nothing against them.


New member
Striker fired, is that all you are buying now?

Not even a little. I only have two handguns - one striker and one hammer. I enjoy shooting both, and I am accurate with both, but the hammer fired trigger is noticeably better. The next gun I am looking at is striker fired, but my overall wish list is split about 50/50. There are just too many nice hammer fired guns out there to go all striker.


New member
I have a few strikers but I overwhelmingly prefer SA/DA with a decocker for carry. The strikers are good guns but I wish they didn't have so much of the market share. I'd like to see more development, more innovation, and more new models coming out in what I like to carry.


New member
All my EDC are DA\SA with and without hammer. Funny, I thought I was the only one that still liked them. Guess not.
BTW, I do have striker guns also.
I cut my teeth on revolvers, so the DA doesn't bother me.


New member
Nope! I've got, and use, both. Am predominantly a hammer-fire shooter but, out of my current collection of five pistols, four are true, revolver-style DAO (two of those are strikers, two are hammers), and the fifth is a true striker SA.


New member
Heck no. I prefer DA/SA almost always. i have a few strikers but hammer-fired SAO will always be my favorite, followed by DA/SA with a nicely tuned SA pull.


New member
I have a question for the folks against striker fired guns......

What is it about them that you do not like? Is it being able to ride the hammer upon reholstering? Or is it another single, or combination of factors?


New member
Last two I have bought have been striker fired. A Taurus PT111 G2 and a Sig P320, both in 9mm. The Taurus, I gave to my daughter, the Sig I only have 100 rds thru, so still working with it. I carried a Glock 19, for years, but lately have been trying several other types. Currently at my top of my EDC is my Sig P250. I know everybody has been bashing on them, but for me it has been perfect for my needs. I have DA/SA's, SA's, DAO, and Striker, they all have there merits, and that's the nice thing about all the choices we have, anyones need can be meet. When I first started with pistols our choices were mainly limited to revolvers from S&W, Colt, and Ruger, and for autos we had Colt 1911's, BHP's and S&W 39's. We have come along way and I for one am glad we have so many choices and just wish I had a bigger bank account.


New member
Nope like both, funny people want to draw a line between the two systems and yet the trigger feel (what's really important) overlaps so much between the two.


New member
mavracer said:
funny people want to draw a line between the two systems and yet the trigger feel (what's really important) overlaps so much between the two.

Disagree. Strikers generally have a level of creep/mush that hammer guns can mostly eliminate. Granted, DA/SA makes it harder to do. A good SAO will always blow a striker away, though. The latest gen of striker guns (VP9, PPQ, P320, etc.) has certainly narrowed the gap, though.


New member
I own and like both, but my recent purchases and likely next options are most likely striker-fired.

My main carry combo at the moment is my FN FNS9 4", and Kahr CW9. The weather and clothing I'm wearing is the main determiner of which gun I pick.

That said my carry gun for years was a CZ PCR (lightweight compact cz75 with a decocker) and I am perfectly comfortable carrying it.

I'm working security, hopefully moving to armed in the next few months, and I would be perfectly happy with any of those on my belt, but holster availability means I'm going to carry the FN.

As for new purchases, I'm getting both the XDS 4" 9, and the FNS 9 compact, the only questions is the timing on the funds, and which I get first.

Of course my wife says I have to get her a Steyr 9mm before I get either.


New member
Disagree. Strikers generally have a level of creep/mush that hammer guns can mostly eliminate. Granted, DA/SA makes it harder to do. A good SAO will always blow a striker away, though.

There are many striker guns that have excellent SA triggers IE HK P7 just because most of the current poly guns have mushy triggers doesn't make it a design flaw it's how they are made to operate.