street purchase


New member
Justice06RR, No offense sir, While better than nothing, stolen firearm information on the website you linked will be far from complete. To be available on that website, Florida LE must have conducted, or be conducting, an investigation involving a stolen firearm, the reporting party must be able to provide the firearm desription and serial number. Florida LE will not be listing thefts that occured in the other 49 states unless it is material to a Florida investigation. Time will have elapsed between the time of the theft and the time an agency processes the report into NCIC. This may be almost immediately, if all the necessary information is available, or months afterward if the theft is not discovered right away. Within my humble experiernce, thieves,burglars, etc, tend to move/sell/trade stolen property ASAP after coming into possession of it. At some point afterwards, the information may be entered on Florida's stolen property website. It also has been my experience that many firearms owners do not have a record of serial numbers, and somehow think it's up to the police to figure out what the serial numbers, if any, were on their stolen property. Sometimes, if a gun is recovered at all, it is years later and states away from where it was stolen.......