Strange... nothing left to buy...


New member
Well, I can't say I'll NEVER buy something. But, I'm gonna take a break I think. I'm always paying off gun to gun to gun.

Admittedly, there is a 1911 or two I'd like. But with an Ed Brown and Springfield Custom, I don't see the point.

I just sold off a 1911 because it didn't "do it for me" after having the two custom ones.


New member
Maybe I'll save for a trop to Tahiti :D .

Ya know - I could have bought a car on all the $ I've spent on guns in the past 7 or 8 years :p


New member
It wasn't on purpose but I didn't start buying guns until I was dead-set in my anti-debt ways. So I haven't had to pay off a gun but I remember paying off other things. My suggestion is to set aside some money every month or every paycheck and start building up a gun fund. Then at some point in the future you'll find something that interests you and you'll have the money ready and waiting. If buying a gun with cash doesn't get you absolutely hooked then you'll be needing stronger therapy than I or anyone else on this board can give. :)

I do understand where you're coming from, though. My collection is to the point that I'm not urgently looking for anything. I'm toying with the idea of a 20 ga. semi-auto shotgun for my younger son. And I keep thinking I might have to get a .44 Mag. for myself one of these days. But neither of those has got me to the point of keeping 10 tabs open in my browser looking for just the right deal.


New member
I think Schmeky hit the nail on the head. This is, without a doubt, an addiction and it follows a theme throughout my life. Of course all this is predicated on a time in life when we could afford to feed our addictions:

1. My first passion was airplanes. I lived, slept, breathed airplanes. There wasn't an airplane in the air that I didn't know what it was. Everything I did was to geared towards flying lessons and becoming a commercial pilot. I spent 34 years as an airline captain before retiring. And I didn't go out easily...I was taken out as a passenger in an employee shuttle bus at the airport, suffering a severe spinal cord injury. I haven't been able to fly since.

2. Then there were boats. I was buying a new boat every two years with each one becoming bigger and more expensive than the previous model. I had boats all my life until I sold my last one just before the price of fuel became outrageous and before my injury. Thank goodness.

3. Then came the motorcycles and more specifically, Harley Davidsons. I currently have two sitting in my garage waiting for the day when I can get back on them. I won't go into the expensive details of how much I put into those motorcycles in the way of customization as you other motorcycle freaks know just what I'm talking about. (I won't go into the sports car thing but if you're a motorcycle addict, most likely there is a sports car in your garage also.)

4. Along came the vision of retirement and seeing the world from the ground level so we went out and bought a gigantic motorhome. We used it for one year, learning everything we could. It became an addiction as we traveled, buying three different 4 wheeled vehicles trying to find the proper vehicle to use for towing behind the motorhome. We are motorhome junkies, waiting for the day I am physically able to hit the road again.

5. And finally...the guns. I have been collecting guns my entire adult life. I can never have enough guns. Most of you understand why.

6. My name is Mark and I'm an addict........


New member
I remember in 1959 my uncle traded 7 rifles for 11 rifles. I don't recall if he made money on the deal or lost a little, but we always had something new to shoot. I've aspired to his level of involvment, but tend to be a buy and hold gunowner. Now I just go to a range and find somebody who wants to shoot what I have while I try out theirs.

"tired of always paying off a gun"

What is this paying off a gun? Is the gun on salary? I don't understand. :D


P5 Guy

New member
Enough Already!

I'm not in a big house. All my firearms need to fit into a small safe. I figured that if I got down to a one centerfire handgun, one centerfire rifle and 12 gauge shotgun. Of course there should also be a rimfire rifle and handgun.
I picked .30'06 and 22lr, but I'm still trying to decide on a revolver/pistol round I'm wracking my brain about this. 9mm, 38spl/357mag, or 44spl?
I handload for all the centerfire rounds except 12 gauge.
I want to get down to one of each. I have succeeded with the shotgun and have my work cutout for me on the others.


New member
It's like I've got an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other (sort of like in Animal House). On one shoulder, the angel says to me: "you've got more guns than you can possibly shoot and enjoy and, you've got other priorities you need to attend to." On the other shoulder, the devil says: "hey, old dude, you're 63 years old and at some point that little tremor in your hand and those fading eyes are going to make it impossible to shoot. That could be in just a couple of years. So, why defer pleasure while you're still able to enjoy life?" Guess who's winning as of now:p


New member

I turned 21 this past June and planned on buying myself a nice ccw pistol as a gift for myself. I figured I'd end up buying another come income tax. After buying my Kahr P40, I was ecstatic for the next week straight. Then in early July, I bought a Ruger GP100, because, hey, I needed a big-boy range gun:D.
Then a few weeks went by and I decided I needed a smaller gun for very hot and humid summer days, so I got myself a S&W Bodyguard. Well, a few weeks ago it started to get a little chilly and I just wanted something bigger than the Kahr for winter carry. In comes my gorgeous new Glock 23, and hot-damn its a beauty. The Glock will be my last purchase for a while ;), because 4 handguns is plenty, right?


New member
I couldn't take it anymore, went out tonight and picked me up a NIB Ruger LCP...

I don't think it changes anything, but it sure is fun:p


New member
. Then came the motorcycles and more specifically, Harley Davidsons. I currently have two sitting in my garage waiting for the day when I can get back on them. I won't go into the expensive details of how much I put into those motorcycles in the way of customization as you other motorcycle freaks know just what I'm talking about. (I won't go into the sports car thing but if you're a motorcycle addict, most likely there is a sports car in your garage also.)

You aren't kidding....I picked a "cruiser" up a month and a half ago, and then 2 weeks ago, I picked up a Vintage "full dress" Goldwing, but that's for a whole different forum.

I agree, schmeky is right, I go thru all of the stages with almost anything I buy. I have very impulsive, compulsory, tendencies. I am borderline neurotic, in my thought process. This is why I walked away from guns. I was constantly searching for the next "high" , and wasn't getting it.
I went thru 10 guns in one week, all for nothing more than thrill. This is when i decided I was "in too deep", and decided to curtail my spending. As I have 3 kids under 6, so i needed to be a little more responsible.

Ceste' la vie


New member
I put on a new pot of coffee.

Hi, I'm Dave, and I'm an addict.

I'm sitting here typing this thinking about heading over to the "store". Got an hour to kill before I pick up my daughter. I sure hope they don't have anything cool....

I'm still relatively new to the addiction, but not guns. I'm 44 and have been shooting all my life. It wasn't until recently that I got the bug. I went from 2 pistols and a rifle to 11 pistols (4 with lasers) and 10 rifles (scopes, lights, a laser or

I've got CC holsters, hip holsters, pocket holsters, extra mags, cases of ammo....

My friends just don't understand.

Great thread by the way! I'm glad I'm not alone.



New member
You can always ...

cruise the pawn shops for treasure.

I have several semi-autos. I enjoy them beyond words. I got a little burned out and ventured into an area I knew nothing about - revolvers. Stainless revolvers look like pieces of jewelry. I have been lucky enough to find a few Ruger GP100s - 2, Ruger Security Six, S&W 60, 66s - 2, 686s - 3, and a Ruger SP101. I have not paid over $400 for any of them. They are pretty hard to find at that price, which makes for part of the fun. So when I find one, It is like a treasure hunt success! I dont really care what price they have on it, I just tell them what I will give them. Almost all of mine came in around $325 out the door. I lose quite often, but sometimes I win! The great thing is that all of these guns are worth more than I paid for them. I like to clean them up - most look rough when I get them, but a good cleaning makes them shine right up. I change some grips on ones, leave others.

It is a great adventure, and I now have some really great guns. If you like the chase, you love it. When you go out to the range and pull the trigger on one of your finds, you fall in love with shooting all over again. My dad has now caught the fever and is doing this full time. He absolutely loves it. We now have another thing to share, and talk daily about what he found or what got away. It is great fun.

Try it!


New member
Maybe it's just time to take a break from buying and enjoy shooting. Maybe you can get into other aspects of shooting. Buy a chrono and trigger gauge and use them. Handload if you don't already.

I do know about that addiction, though.