Strange... nothing left to buy...


New member
I am always on a quest for a new gun. And, I get bored easily.. Or, sometimes I get a gun and then don't like it.

So, since my first gun in 1993... I have owned MANY different makes and models. I'm always selling something and then buying something new...

I feel like I've either owner or shot pretty much all decent semi autos in 9mm and 45.

I have 11 handguns now, and I have some REALLY nice ones (even a couple of super nice 1911s).

But, I will admit that I am getting a bit tired of always paying off a gun, and then getting the next one... And the next one... And the next one... I've been on that trail ride for many years now

I went to a large gunshow today... Thought I might buy a HK UMC (45 carbine). But, I was amazed at how large the pistol grip was. So, I passed...

And, that was about all that is left that I am interested in...

So, I think I'm done... I have several handguns and 1 rifle (which is enough for me - rifle-wise). And, there really isn't any handguns I want that are out right now. Plus, with 2 expensive 1911s, I don't see much point in chasing after other custom/semi custom makes...

There are some out there that I wouldn't complain about owning... But, I'm not lusting after anything... And I'm rather tired of spending so much $

What's wrong with me... :eek::D

I plan to get a laser for 2 of my weapons. And, I want a shoulder holster for 1handgun. But after that... I think I'm done on the accessories too....
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New member
I think I may be approaching that sort of situation myself. I think I may get another Tokarev, but after that I don't see myself getting anything else unless an amazing, like-never-before type deal comes up, or I need to replace one if it suffers total failure. As far as handguns go, I have SD and HD covered as well as plinking. I've got rifles in small, intermediate, and large calibers and definitely don't see myself getting another rifle any time soon. I'm basically done.


New member
I thought I was just about done earlier this year. Since then I've bought 3 new handguns and am pleased as punch with each of them. You never know what will tickle your fancy next.


New member
I have 11 handguns now, and I have some REALLY nice ones (even a couple of super nice 1911s).


To paraphrase John Paul Jones, You have not yet begun to have guns...:D

I've been at it since 1957 and I'm faaaaaar from through.


New member
i still need to get:
a 9mm 1911
Jericho 941/Baby Eagle in 9mm
a 22 lever action rifle
a beretta ulrika 2 12 ga

and on my want list
a S&W Stealth Hunter .44 mag revolver
a desert eagle in .44 mag
a FS2000 in OD green

this is in addition to the 11 guns i already own.

oh yeah, and a taurus 709


New member
I have been horse trading, buying and selling firearms for about the same time frame (About 1991) and I'm down to about 60-65 handguns right now.
And not even close to being done! Too many cool old colectibles and nice shooters to give up on.

Some think of a 1911 as just a 1911, but so many variations out there, 1911, 1911A1, Pre Series 70, Commanders, Combat Commanders, Gold Cups, Natl. Match, Super Match, I could go on and on. Same goes for SAAs, Brownings, Berettas, S&Ws, Sig, Walther, luger, Mauser, Etc...

C'mon ShipWreck, you cant just call it a day and say your done! It does'nt work that way. You wait and see. Something will have your fancy in no time.;)


New member

I too am in just about the same boat. I have been buying, collecting, selling, trading for a bit longer than you; however, at the moment there are only two hand guns that I am even the least bit interested in buying.

Could be that as time has gone on, my tastes have "refined"? I tend to really only be interested in hand guns with a really good trigger and accuracy. And if I already have one particular style of hand gun and another is only a little different... why bother?

I went to a gun show recently and only ended up with the stamp on my hand. And a sore neck from shaking my head at what many of the vendors were asking for their wares. (Still can not understand how they sell used guns for sometimes hundreds more than the identical new gun can be bought at a local gun store. Or when they have the same model gun new marked for different prices on different parts of the table. And they do sell some of the higher priced ones.)

Then again, I like to shoot guns; I don't buy them just to sit in the safe. And being that I only have two hands... only so many guns reside in my safe at a time.

But, to each their own. Maybe after a few gun designer/engineers sneak into Area 51, things will be a little different for those of us that have owned and shot many guns over the years.

Until that day...


New member
Shipwreck, what's wrong with you is that you need to spend more time shooting those fabulous guns you own. I too stopped feeling the need to add on when I found my ideal 1911.


New member
There is ALWAYS something to buy. The quest just doesnt stop.

At this point in time I have about in excess of 125+ firearms and in excess of 300 firearms if you count items of the same kind that I have more than one and only this week I received calls from 3 different dealers offering me items that I do not have.

Avarice & lust knows no limits brother ;).


New member
I kinda know the feeling...I hit the wall with my present 5 dozen handguns and 2 dozen or so rifles, having disposed of well more than that along the way...

There are other pieces I'd like to own...if a real deal came along...but I'm not on a mission to add any at this point...

I'm not one to buy geegaws like lights and lasers either...I'd rather stock up on ammunition and magazines...


New member

To paraphrase John Paul Jones, You have not yet begun to have guns...

I've been at it since 1957 and I'm faaaaaar from through.

Well, as I don't have unlimited funds, I have sold guns I got bored with to buy others. So, over the period of time I talked about, I have owned quite a few.


New member
Very timely post from a personal prospective. The other day I was noticing that there is precious little room remaining in my safe for any more guns. (My safe is one of those Heritage Safes big enough to walk into). One would think I would have all the handguns a person could want and each time I buy one, I tell myself the same old lie, "This is it...I can't possibly want another gun." This afternoon I am making the drive to my local FFL to pick up my latest purchase from Gunbroker.

None of my guns are safe queens and they get cycled to the range on a frequent basis. I truly have one of everything that I liked and wanted but somewhere, sometime, something will catch my eye and my imagination and it becomes part of my collection/accumulation.

I enjoy the hell out of everything I own but to tell you the truth, I have had to stop subscribing to those gun magazines or I would go broke. My wife thinks I should be committed to the HaHa Hotel and my friends that know of my hobby can't understand why one would want so many guns. I don't dance to their tunes and yet, I am a very happy camper. All you guys/gals know exactly what I'm I'm talking about or you wouldn't be haunting this Forum.


New member
I'm with ya Shipwreck. In the last couple of years, I have been thru well over 100 different handguns, and rifles. I have my collection where I want it(except for a good .45) And I think I'll leave it.

Now I am back into motrcycles, picked up 2 in a month:p


New member

Good post. I think there are numerous facets to gun ownership. I am a professional counselor specializing in addictions; guns can definitely be one.

There is the thrill of the "chase", looking, finding, deciding, pricing, committing.

Then there is the thrill of newness, followed by the getting acquainted with (shooting) phase. Then after a time the fascination begins to fade.

And it starts all over again.

I'm one of those, and I understand why I do what I do. But lately, after going through a butt load of handguns, I find my choices are going to back to where I started, not really what I want to do.

I understand.


New member
Yes, it is an addiction. I prev had aquarium addictions and then telescope addictions, mixed in with my gun addiction. I would stop 1 and then go to another.

I guess I needa find something new to keep me busying every waking hour :p


New member
I'm with ya Shipwreck. In the last couple of years, I have been thru well over 100 different handguns, and rifles. I have my collection where I want it(except for a good .45) And I think I'll leave it.

Now I am back into motrcycles, picked up 2 in a month

I've probably owned at least 40 since the 1990s.


New member
Every time I feel "finished buying" I end up trading or wanting something else. I finally just said enough- I will probably add a couple over the next few years, perhaps one a year. I'd have have a nice emergency fund than more guns and it's easy to get into the "buy buy buy" mentality.