Stocking up


Reminds me of.....

....a frequent poster on the Shotgun World News site, in the Tactical Forum has a great signature line I'll share with all:

"Buy Cheap, Stack Deep!"

I always buy ammo when i see a good price and add it to the growing pile in the whiskey locker. Had always thought this was my former Marine self hoarding all the rounds I could get but turns out, it's the American way!

I agree firmly and resolutely with the NRA Membership posting! There's an anti-everything lobby and the anti-gunners are strong and well funded and we should be too. Amen. Pass the ammo!


New member
Things do slowly run out, I'm not saying that surp ammo is gonna disappear in a week, but from my experience suppliers take a more "oh ****" approach where they suddenly run out and can't get more. If you are lucky enough to have enough money to stock up on ammo I would.

As far as mags and the dem. house I wouldn't let it slide. The new AWB HR1022 has a good chance of passing, especially after cho's spree. I plan to stock up on a few mags (over 10) in the next month or two before HR 1022 comes up for a vote. Better to buy now rather than pay 2X later or simply be unable to buy it at all.