Stocking up


New member
IMHO, now (this year) is a good time to stock up on hi-cap magazines and foreign MilSurp ammo. (Especially 7.62X39, 7.62X54R and 5.45X39)

After 2008, availability may be somewhat limited!:p


New member
Worst case, if you are wrong ( and I am not saying you are) , ammo does not go bad that fast if properly stored. Besides, you just bought some extra range time!

Daniel BOON

New member
Massacre in Virginia

rosie and her army of anti's are out in full force. if u do not own a semi auto rifle, buy one. if you do, buy lots of ammo.
If you own a cloak, sell it and buy a sword.


New member
Ms. Pelosi formed an informal committee soon after the shootings to see what could be done about the gun laws.

Nevermind the loss of life, hop on the political hobby horse and see what else can be done to erode our rights.



A lot can happen in a year. Remember that Hitlery is one of the most polarizing tapeworms on the American political scene. Barak Obama looks good in the absence of scrutiny. I wouldn't be too discouraged yet. The Demonrats have plenty of time to screw up, and given history they will.
The only problem is that the Republicans are only slightly less despicable than the Dems. None of them (with a few notable exceptions) would make a boil on Thomas Jefferson's a$$. Yes, I am cynic, for which I offer no apology.


New member
Yes, I am cynic, for which I offer no apology.

:D :D I'm 63 years old, and IMHO, anyone today who is over 40, and isn't a cynic has his head buried in the sand!:p

Once again, we can honestly say:

"These are the times that try men's souls."


New member
I went to the range after work today, and fired 232 rounds. I bought 300 on the way home.

So I guess I'm building on the ~8500 rounds I bought last month. I can't afford much more. Now if only the two rifles I've had ordered for a few months will appear while I can still have 'em.


New member

Been buying some Mags for both handguns and AR.;) Prices have not jumped as of this Month but who knows just like gas one day it's just jumping up.:eek:


New member
Nothing wrong with stocking up on ammo and mags, but if the NRA suddenly doubled in size, the political types would have to sit up and take notice. They are already a bit concerned, lets give the anti's a reason to lose a few nights sleep.

If not a member, why not invest the price of a box of ammo in a membership? If already a member, sign up a shooter/hunter friend.



New member
Nothing wrong with stocking up on ammo and mags, but if the NRA suddenly doubled in size, the political types would have to sit up and take notice. They are already a bit concerned, lets give the anti's a reason to lose a few nights sleep.

If not a member, why not invest the price of a box of ammo in a membership? If already a member, sign up a shooter/hunter friend.

Yes indeed!

The best investment in the future you can make!:D


New member
[Yes indeed!

The best investment in the future you can make!

Glad you didn't resent my hijacking your thread!

Back to original subject, one can't have too much ammo; it always seems to increase in price, so is a good investment.:)



New member
Obama is currently the hot ticket because many Dems are desperately seeking anyone but Hillary. The Reps are in a similar fix because they have no one who appeals to the majority of their voters, which is why Thompson is so appealing despite not having announced. So 2008 is still up in the air.

Also, if you look at the actual reaction of folks to the university massacre, you'll see little reaction in the mainstream media. That is because most people see the obvious, which the biased mainstream media doesn't want to talk about: Criminals and whack-jobs don't give a fig about gun laws, only law-abiding people do, and law-abiding people don't go on rampages. Technically, the massacre should not have happened; the school had a gun law against carrying guns on campus. Well, now we know how much protection such laws actually provide. And most Americans know that, so that's why there's been a surge in gun sales. Most Americans know that you must rely on yourself to stop some criminal or whack-job from killing you and your family. They don't want to be unarmed when the next Cho comes around. I think this massacre will actually turn people off about gun laws.

Ironically, however, most people don't link the 2nd Amendment to their right to protect themselves.

Regardless, the future is always in flux. There's very little downside to stocking up, other than storage space, and usually lots of upside, such as beating cost increases and having plenty of ammo on hand when you want or need it. 2,000 to 4,000 rounds is probably a good minimum, if you want to stay proficient and still have something for SHTF situations.


New member
Nothing wrong with stocking up on ammo and mags, but if the NRA suddenly doubled in size, the political types would have to sit up and take notice. They are already a bit concerned, lets give the anti's a reason to lose a few nights sleep.
Probably the best way to dramatically increase the NRA's size is by getting more women interested in guns for fun and for self-defense. It wasn't a "Million Dads March" that protested gun ownership. Too often, the guys make the ladies feel uncomfortable about guns, but it's the ladies - our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters - who are the most vulnerable and in greatest need of an equalizer. Watch any nature documentary, and you'll see that the lions never pick on the strongest zebra in the herd. Instead, they go after the easy prey. In human society, that easy prey is usually the elderly or women.

If we could double the number of women who are involved in the NRA, my guess is that the Brady Bunch would post a sign on their office doors: Will the last one out please turn off the lights. And our mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters would suffer far fewer muggings and rapes. That's a win-win.