
New member

Actually got her picked up this morning and had a friend give me a pair of cheap flip-up BUIS to hold me over until I can get my Aimpoint. Definitely different since I have been able to play with it for a little while now, and can't wait to get to the range, though, that might have to wait until next weekend.

Pretty much just about all of the weight is in the rear since that is where the guts are but, you can easily hold it out in a one-handed shooting position just like a pistol due to the balance.



The trigger pull and reset aren't bad at all, at least not to me anyway, and feels to be in about the seven or eight pound range. I can see why some people compare the feel of the trigger pull to a Glock, as it does have a similar feel to a striker fire pistol.

I'm interested to see how well it functions with the variety of AR mags I have, between the 5 MSAR that were included (3-30 rd, 2-42 rd), and then the P-Mags, USGI, and Surefire in the collection. Supposedly this thing can function quite well with the drum magazines designed for AR's also; I may have to test that theory out!

Field stripping is heck of a lot different than what I am, and sure most of us are used to with an AR, but I do like how this one keeps stuff together. I can see how the AUG can be broken down just as fast, if not faster, with more familiarity.


Speaking of familiarity, I see lots and lots of practice ahead in my future!
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New member
Nice buy! I always wanted one, but the inability to use any AR mags with no last round bolt hold open bothered me. I ended up with the Tavor. I hear they are very accurate. I would suggest a 1-4 or 1-6 optic on it. Both are awesome on the bullpups and make them pretty much the most versatile gun around.

Llama Bob

New member
AUGs have always baffled me. It should be called the 8 lbs, since that's what the gun and the trigger clock in at. Or I guess since it's Austrian, the "3,6 kilogramm"


New member
Interesting how the pic rail is attached to the BCG instead of a receiver or barrel.

It is attached to the receiver.

I have an A3 with the non NATO stock and I can echo your thoughts about the trigger, on the heavy side, but really not as bad as some folks make it out to be. Enjoy your rifle.


New member
I'll go ahead and say it, I love my AUG!!!

Just got home off of the road yesterday, meaning son & I had to hit the range asap! Mounted a used, great condition Comp M2 that I acquired from one of my old military buddies, then proceeded to run a few rounds through it over a couple of hours.


Aside from elevation, at 25 yards the Aimpoint was already dialed in pretty doggone good (my bro had it on his CX4, zeroed for 100 yds). Here's the first 30 shots, fired in groups of three, from my improvised "rest", which was simply leaning against the tabletop of my firing lane. No sling, bag, or other support used. *Range has 25-yard limit, and PMC 55gr FMJ was ammunition used.



Not the tightest grouping, but not completely atrocious for my first official use of an optic other than a traditional multiple-power scope. Thinking I may have had the brightness turned up a notch or two too high, as it was practically covering my aiming square completely.

Next, I had my son shoot the same way to establish his grouping, but he adjusted the brightness down for his latter shots. Not bad!


I then flipped my target and fired another thirty rounds offhand, before letting my son shoot the remaining three mags we had. I'd say he loved that! Here's my offhand results (no sight adjustments yet):


Now to get some 62gr FMJ and 69gr OTM to run through it in the near future. More reports later!


New member
I love my 20" green one as well. Although I have to admit mine is an MSAR. Mine has been 100% so I have no complaints.

I can see the utility of having one that uses AR mags. And it is the sort of thing I would normally recommend... except the original AUG mags are a very nice design. They predate the PMAG's by decades and have never failed me yet. Sometimes I find someone closing them out for low prices... even the 42 round ones that work great since they are tucked up next to your body. I don't care for the stock MSAR mags.. some kind of inferior plastic but real AUG ones are very, very tough and as reliable as anything manmade.



New member
Thanks y'all!

Got back over to the range a couple of more times to put a few more rounds through her, and I'm very pleased between how smooth handling it is, along with the accuracy and, how clean my chamber is after almost 300 rounds (haven't cleaned since initial disassembly to get the packing grease off and lube).

I did remove my Aimpoint and switched the securement screw/mount from the left side over to the right slow as to prevent my hand getting chewed up when racking the charging handle lol, then went ahead and dialed in a few clicks of elevation before putting rounds downrange. Not anywhere near as tight a group as the initial outing, but at least I have it dialed in closer to my POA. As before, groups of three rounds fired followed by minor adjustment, and ammunition used was 55gr PMC Bronze.


Next up, I figured I better get my BUIS zeroed in, and this is where I was really surprised, especially considering how short my sight radius is.


Disregard the second, upper aiming box. I had intentions of shooting another mag with the iron sights offhand after getting the initial zero, but ran out of time and had to leave and wasn't able to get back to the range again. I will just have to do that next time I am home.



New member
Very jealous. An original steyr with donut reticle scope is very high on the list of guns I want but have no practical use for.


New member
Very jealous. An original steyr with donut reticle scope is very high on the list of guns I want but have no practical use for.

Sure you do. Self defense. You can get a full sized barrel in the size of a normal SBR. Perfect for home defense. Or vehicles? I wonder if they make one in a larger bore? Time to google.


New member
Sure you do. Self defense. You can get a full sized barrel in the size of a normal SBR. Perfect for home defense. Or vehicles? I wonder if they make one in a larger bore? Time to google.
I didn't search too hard myself, but haven't seen anything for a larger bore. Having a spare barrel in .300 AAC would be nice, especially since already having mag compatibility.

As to your other point, I agree completely. Equipped with the 16" barrel, you have a rifle that is just as compact as an SBR, while maintaining the benefits of said longer barrel. Even if I purchased the standard 20" barrel, I would still only be dealing with 31" OAL.

I knew that I should have taken a picture with it beside my AR and/or WASR (both have16" barrels also, I'll have to do that next time home). For now, this will have to do, please excuse all of the other firearms in the "family portrait" (minus AR and a couple of other pistols):


These next two pictures are not mine, but ones I found online showing an excellent comparison of the difference in length:



What is the reliability factor on this rifle?
100% so far, using a mix of original GI mags and the plastic MSAR mags that came with it, though as stated before, it's only had about 300 rounds through it. Regardless of which magazine I use, the bolt locks to the rear following the final shot, and stays there until I manually rack the charging handle after inserting a fresh mag.


New member

For another size reference this is an AUG A3 next to an SBR'ed MP5 clone. Thats twice the barrel length in a rifle caliber for only about an inch more length. I honestly don't know why these aren't more popular, I guess the price has always been too high for them to catch on?


New member

For another size reference this is an AUG A3 next to an SBR'ed MP5 clone. Thats twice the barrel length in a rifle caliber for only about an inch more length. I honestly don't know why these aren't more popular, I guess the price has always been too high for them to catch on?
Ttarp, looks like something might have gotten screwed up on your post, as only one picture is showing.

Absolutely digging on the HK iron sights, I like that set up a lot! Looks like it frees up a little bit of space vs flip-ups. Do you also have an optic? I would presume if you do, the sights cowitness with no issue...
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New member
I intended to put a T1 on once I'd saved up for it, but I ended up liking those 416 style sights so much I just left them on and don't have any immediate plans to put an optic on. The sights sit at the right height for a really comfortable cheekweld and keep it lighter weight and uncluttered. I have seen an AUG with 416 irons and T1 with a lower 1/3 cowitness on the bullpup forums.