"Starter" 1911

wrangler yj

New member
You can always trade that in on another 1911 if you like the feel of it. Buy it, shoot it, enjoy it. Then if you want trade it.


New member
O.K., will buy, thanks.

I'll just shoot light loads and try the 1911 platform out. If I like it I'll be prepared to spend some $$$ on a nicer model.

gun nut

New member
Pay the $50 and shoot the heck out of it. If you dont like it you arent out much and should be able to recoup your investment.

Larry D.

New member
Grab it quick.
Get it fixed and, if you hate it, sell it for a nice profit.

Does he have any other steals like that laying around?:D


New member
Does he have any other steals like that laying around?

Afraid not, most everything else is sold, he just saved the one gun he had because he thought I'd be interested. I'll post a review when I get it and shoot it. Thanks for the replies/advise.


New member
Get it.

For $50 it's worth it. I just wouldn't shoot +P loads out of it. ANd maybe after awhile upgrade to something else, but a good start :)


New member
$50??? jump on it. Any pistol for $50 is worth it. I would get the llama, get it safe and shoot it. I wouldnt spend a lot of money on tacticool. Just keep it as a shooter.

Get a SA mil-spec, RIA tactical, etc for a project 1911.


New member
I don't do tacticool I do practicool;)

Seriously, I don't see myself ever needing a rail for anything, esp. on a 1911; to me that'd be like mounting those wheel spinny things on a 1967 Cuda:barf:

What is the reason (specifically) for steering clear of +P rounds with the Llama? What is the typical point of failure in a 1911 if exposed to excessive pressure? I'll prolly follow the "no +P" advise, I just gotta know details.


New member
Well the metals in the foreign knockoffs of those years were always suspect. And no doubt they were designed for standard milspec ammo. +P just isn't a good idea in any firearm that's not designed for it. At least you're likely to beat to death an old gun. At worst it may go KaBoom some day! :eek:

Standard FMJ hardball is a plenty serious round anyway.

I don't do tacticool I do practicool

I agree!
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New member
O.K., so after some research and listening to you (TFL members), I've decided that even if I were brave/silly enough to shoot +P ammo through this gun, or any other 1911 for that matter, it still isn't stout enough for big bear (defense not hunting). My 500 S&W mag will continue with that duty. However, this doesn't kill my interest in the 1911, it'd still be better than the Kel-Tek PF9 that lives in my bedside biosafe, that is once I get the kinks worked out of the el-cheapo Llama or (preferrably) buy a better 1911 once I decide I like the platform. Thanks again for the help.


New member
BTW in no way was I disparaging the Llama. Check it out for safety then have fun. Even without the hold open it should be safe to fire assuming nothing serious is wrong with it. Sloppy old milspec guns can surprise you. My old Ballester Molina flopped and slopped all over the place but always went bang and even with pitiful sights could stay within 4" at 25 yards. Good enough.


New member
O.K., I picked up the gun yesterday and went to the range. The local gun shop was out of cheapo rnfmj ammo so I had to either not test fire before purchase or spend $$$ on some hydra-shocks. I spent the $$$. It jammed a few times, every time it was a fail to feed, the lip of the hp would catch where the feed ramp and chamber meet. He has never cleaned the feed ramp (he didn't know you were supposed to) so I suspect that may have something to do with it. Accuracy was suitable, I'm not the greatest shot with a handgun but all were within a 12" circle at 25 yds and I did one magazine (semi) rapid fire. good enough to shoot a bg.

I need a slide stop and may want to change/replace a couple extra parts. It is a Llama MAX-I 45 LF serial # 71-04-04XXX-XX. Where can I find these? Also, any idea what year it was made? Thanks in advance.


New member
Well a functioning 45ACP for $50 is a heck of a deal! It'll probably be extremely reliable with standard ball ammo. Hope you can find the parts you need. I don't know a source but there must be parts somewhere. And if you can compare it to a milspec 1911 you might discover parts that are interchangeable. Most knockoffs economize the manufacture of a 1911 but there's no need to redesign everything. If magazines interchange that would be great!