Starbucks should say "Yes" to Brady Campaign

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Doc Intrepid

New member
Actually, thats awesome.

I would have thought that the anti's would have piled onto that conversation in a deluge of angst and drama.

I was surprised by the ages of responders as well as the tenor of the conversation. Every now and again you notice things that are hopeful...
For some reason I can't find it.

I click the link and it tosses me to my home page.

I copy the link out and paste it and it tosses me to my home page.

I search on Brady and Starbucks, and it returns no hits for facebook, only webpages.


New member
Seems the Megans, Melissas, Roses, Janices, Chris's and Davids dried up pretty quick once logic started overriding emotion in that discussion.

Oops. My sincere apologies to Kayla, she was the first voice of reason to reply in the article.

I got her mixed up with that Janice ding bat.

Thanks for pointing out my mistake guys.
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New member
Yep, the antis dried up in the face of logic.

However, don’t include Kayla in that group. She’s on our side. I suppose that was a typo to include her.


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I don't see how you could read through 4 pages of that without it making your eyes bleed. I couldn't get past the first page. :barf:


New member
I've taken to going out of my way to get my morning coffee at Starbucks, as of late, instead of the two coffee shops on my home from class. I walk an extra 8 blocks to patronize starbucks, rather than the independently owned coffee shops that seem to force their ideals on you. I hadn't had Starbucks since highschool before that.


New member
It has been quite interesting following this here in WI as we can only open carry. And if we don't WALK to our local establishments we HAVE TO (according to current WI LAW) load and unload and case and uncase our weapons in the parking lot. We can NOT carry our weapons on our person and/or have them loaded and uncased while in our vehicles. :cool:

Uncle Buck

New member
I am happy because they have not caved in to the "political Correctness" of banning all guns.

The facebook commentary is interesting, once you get past the first page. Why did the anti's run when presented with facts? I really miss them :barf:

The Chai tea is really good.


New member
Actually, Starbucks did the PC thing,,,

I've been trying to follow the whole Starbucks thing,,,
Lots of us gun carriers are now going to be Starbucks patrons.

Now believe me when I say I will also buy one cup of Starbucks a week in support of a company that didn't come down on the side of the Brady Bunch.

I spent the price of a stamp and wrote a letter to their headquarters telling them they would now make about $100.00 a year off a person who never spent money in their business before.

I don't believe they are ~actively~ supporting our 2nd amendment rights,,,
I think they did the smart corporate thing and used the state's laws as their guideline,,,
Thus taking the easy way out with a shoulder shrug and a ~Hey, it wasn't our decision~ stance.

It's kind of like when Pilate "washed his hands",,,

Am I just being too cynical?,,,
Possibly, I do recognize that tendency in myself.


I don't believe they are ~
~ supporting our 2nd amendment rights,,,
I think they did the smart corporate thing and used the state's laws as their guideline,,,
Thus taking the easy way out with a shoulder shrug and a ~not our decision~ stance.

Quite sensible of them, and any business, IMO.


New member
Aarond - no, I don't think you sound cynical at all. You're right, Starbucks isn't doing anything particular proactive or aggressive in support of 2A rights - they've just chosen *not* to align themselves with the Brady Campaign.

But I'm not bothered by this, because I personally don't like it when companies become activitists in areas that don't affect their core business. For instance, if Starbucks wants to spend its time and profits promoting fair-trade coffee or trying to improve conditions for coffee plantation workers in South America, I'm fine with that, but I don't think they should get embroiled in 2A issues, since it's not their core business.


New member
Like I said though,,,

I did write a letter to their corporate,,,
I will buy one cup of coffee a month from them.

Because in doing the "sensible" thing,,,
And coming down on the side I agree with,,,
They will probably lose a Brady-Bunch customer or two,,,
I'll replace a little bit of that corporate loss with $100.00 of my patronage.

It's the best I can do.
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