Star Wars character's sidearms on Earth?


New member
I'm married, so I can enjoy this conversation without the testosterone contest of "why don't you have a girlfriend like I finally do!" ;)

Han Solo is one of those guys who would have an $800 primer grey El Camino, with a Supercharger under the hood. For that reason, I don't think he'd use an old blaster. Check the evidence in both ESB and ROTJ. Han's pistol always had the latest upgrades on it. If he just stuck with 'old reliable', it wouldn't have changed each movie. For that reason, I vote Han a USP kinda guy. .45 of course. I could also see him with a Glock 10mm, since Glock is so aftermarket friendly. No matter what he chose though, it couldn't be a revolver. You can't spray ammo like Han does and expect to reload after every 6 rounds.

I agree that Chewy would have a good Combat shotgun with a bandoleer of shells across his chest.

None of the Jedi would have firearms, it just ain't civilized. They would have a mix based on their personal tastes, similar to what you find on Highlander. Darth Vader would be a Barbarian sword man, while Obi-wan would have the samauri sword.

If Jango Fett had a pair of CZ's, one of 'em would be an 85 Combat, for the left handed controls.

When li'l Boba grows up, he'll be toting a supressed MAC with one of those fancy Shoulder rigs.

I think you guys are also right on the money with the Tusken Raiders. Old military bolt guns with cheap Chinese optics would closest resemble the performance of what they had...

Stormtroopers, being so well funded and having the latest technology, would be armed with OICW's :D


New member
The Mighty Chewbacca would have a 12 ga coach gun with two bandoleers crossed over this chest.
Ewoks would use old worn out H&R .22 revolvers.
Yoda should have 2 Ravens. :D :rolleyes:


New member
Forget the shotguns...

I picture Chewbacca with nothing less than a Barrett .50 semi-auto...with a bandolier of loaded mags across his chest.

It would fit him well.


Mauser 98 Broomhandle pistols in 9mm all the way around.

Sten SMG's 9mm for the Stormtroopers.

Lee Enfield No1. MkIII .303 rifles for Rebel troops.

Sandpeople get muzzle-loading Jezails.


New member
With regards to Jar Jar being responsible for killing the Republic, I'm reminded of a saying from Dilbert.

"Stupidity is like nuclear power. It can be used for good or for evil, and you don't want to get any on you."



New member
I don't know enough about StarWars or guns to really join in, but I do know that Han Solo would not have one gun. He'd have more than you could imagine, in all sorts of weird places, for when one ran out of ammo. Han's a "spray'n'pray" kinda guy. Except that hokey religions arn't worth a darn, so he wouldn't pray. He'd practice a lot. ;)

And the Ewoks would have paint guns. And their fur would always be funny colors, because they'd have too much fun with the guns themselves. :D


New member
People, hello,

The sand people already carry AK's here on Earth. ;)

Good List

PS. Luke's Aunt and Uncle would be card carrying members of VPC with a "No Lasers Here" sticker on their window.

Remember their fate...

Hunter Rose

New member
I have to go with pocat...

I actually MET "Chewy" (can't remember his name now) at a Con a couple years back: he's about the only person whose hands a Barret would look right in. The man is HUGE...

Jim March

New member
Jar Jar would have a rusty old Ithaca model 37, with the duckbill attachment used in 'Nam...cuz otherwise, he'd never hit squat.

Chewie is a BAR kinda guy...or maybe an M60. Something very big and belt-fed, for sure.

Yoda has a pair of NAA MiniMasters in .22Mag :D.


New member
Secondly - the greatest shots - Period - are the Tuskin Raiders. The "Sand People" as they are also known. AK's It would seem so... but not quite fitting. They have Quigley guns. Pot shots at low flying jets at are going about the speed of sound and they are making plenty of hits. Pod racers are very hard to hit.

"... and these blast marks, too accurate for sand people, only imperial stormtroopers are so percise." -- Obi Wan (Ben) Kenobi to Luke at the slaughter of the Jawas.

I don't know what I should be more concerned about-- that I am bothering to argue the point or that I quoted that line from memory.

six 4 sure

New member
I see Han with a blued, but tricked out Colt Delta Elite.

He doesn't want something flashy, so any stainless fiinish is out. I'm thinking he'd want something with some power, but he doesn't want a gun that everyone else has. So a familiar piece that was made in limited numbers. Thus the Delta Elite.



New member
"... and these blast marks, too accurate for sand people, only imperial stormtroopers are so percise." -- Obi Wan
Yes, he said it. But who of note was ever taken out be a stormtrooper thereafter? How many rounds were fired by stormtroopers thereafter?


New member
Have we forgotten Darth Maul?



New member
I outside of the hero characters, who were in theory protected by the force, the storm troopers made short work of just about everyone up until the battle of endor. They slaughtered the crew of Leia's ship The Blockade Runner in Star Wars, They overran Hoth making short work of the Rebel soldiers and up until the teddy bears entered the fray they were doing pretty well against the commando force on the moon of endor.