Star Wars character's sidearms on Earth?


New member
Hypothetical question. Had the entire Star Wars saga taken place on Earth, where they all used conventional weapons, what would each character's sidearms or main weapons have been? Here's my guesses:

LUKE SKYWALKER- Stainless Beretta 92
HAN SOLO- Smith & Wesson N-frame .45 Colt
CHEWBACCA- Scoped M14 rifle
OBI-WAN KENOBI (Alec Guiness)- WW1-era 1911
SANDPEOPLE- AK-47 and SKS rifles
JAWAS- M1 Carbines
DARTH VADER- Glock 20 10mm (why not?)
GREEDO- Taurus PT-108 (nobody said he's smart)
REBEL SOLDIERS- Enfield MK III .303 rifles (on Endor they get L85A1's. Gee, thanks!)
YODA- Kel-Tec P32 (and knows how to use it!)
LANDO CALRISSIAN- Les Baer custom .45
BOBA FETT- M4 Carbine with the works (tac-lite, M203, ACOG sight, laser, etc)
EWOKS- .45 Liberator pistol (that way they can kill a Stormtrooper and capture his G-36)
HUTT'S GUARDS (THE PIG-LIKE CREATURES)- 12 gauge Remington 870 (riot configuration)
IMPERIAL BIKER TROOPERS- Glock 17 (hard to reload and steer those bikes at the same time)
QUI-GON JINN- Browning Hi-Power
YOUNG KENOBI- Same WW1 1911, except it's still shiny new
ANAKIN SKYWALKER- Glock G21 (yup, he's turning to the Dark Side!)
MACE WINDU- Kahr K9 (oops, wrong movie)
PADME AMIDALA- customized Colt Officers ACP
SENATOR PALPATINE- Claims not to own a gun. Promises to disarm the Republic "for the good of everyone"
JAR JAR BINKS- Glock .40, hopefully it'll kB and kill him
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New member

"JAR JAR BINKS- Glock .40, hopefully it'll kB and kill him"


No way would Han Solo carry a 357... It would be a S&W 29 in 44 mag, or maybe a 25 in 45 ACP or 45 Colt. He is definitely a big bore kind of guy.


New member
No way would Han Solo carry a 357... It would be a S&W 29 in 44 mag, or maybe a 25 in 45 ACP or 45 Colt. He is definitely a big bore kind of guy.

You're right. Out went the L-686 in my post, and in comes the N-frame. :) I forgot the .357 might not be enough to stop a Bantha in its tracks. :rolleyes:


New member
I thought Han would be carrying a broomhandle Mauser - after all, his blaster in the movies was a dressed up Mauser.


George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Some issues with the list.
First off - The greatest shot in the whole original trilogy is Leia.
Her gun would be a SIG P210.

Secondly - the greatest shots - Period - are the Tuskin Raiders. The "Sand People" as they are also known. AK's It would seem so... but not quite fitting. They have Quigley guns. Pot shots at low flying jets at are going about the speed of sound and they are making plenty of hits. Pod racers are very hard to hit.

Storm Troopers - G-36s? No. Way too precise. Ruger Mini-14s.


New member
Darth Vadar's sidearm

would be a Chinese Broomhandle Mauser in 45 ACP.

I think Luke's initial pistol would be either a Ruger Single Six or Target auto.

And JarJar's pistol would be a Ruby in .32 ACP.


New member
It's Friday night and you guys are sitting around talking about what kind of handgun Yoda might use.

I find your lack of dates...disturbing


New member
oh, do I feel so much better now I have a girl friend !!! especailly after seeing this post ! guys you are pathetic , don't you have something more constructive to do like clean your guns or reload ammo??:D


New member
hmmm...ok, lemme take a crack at a coupla characters.
(Warning, spoilers, so if you haven't seen EP 2 yet, a coupla things are given away.)

I think that Luke would carry a lever-action .30-30, at least in the beginning, because he's a farm boy. Later, well, that's when he'd get the accurized 1911.
I think that Yoda, and most of the Jedi, actually, would carry highly customized 1911's. More elegant weapon from a more civilized age and all that.
Mace Windu would carry two. One would be hard chromed, and the other would have the harsh environement finish that is on the HK USP's.
Teenaged Anakin Skywalker would carry an HK MP5 chambered in 10mm. For when you just have to lay the smack down.
Sandpeople: old Enfields or Mauser K98's. They're backwards, poor, and can't afford weapons that waste ammo or have too many breakable parts.
Jango Fett: 2 CZ-75's
Jar Jar Binks would be given a headband with C-4 and a detonator switch And told that it's a head massager. :-D
Princess Leia would carry a SIG P 210 (thanks George!)
Senator Amidala would probably carry a tricked out Kahr P9 and a copy of the Constitution.
Trade Ferderation battle droids would carry the FN P90
That's all for now.

George Hill- I think that the sandpeople have company now in the marksmanship department. Zam Wessell (the assasin) pulled off a great shot on that little flying robot.
Then Jango Fett pulled another great shot off when he shot Zam.

Oh, BTW, did anyone else find it highly amusing that Jar Jar was the one to get the ball rolling and pass the law that gave all that dictator-ish power to Palpatine?
What was it that Lenin said about useful idiots?
On a deeper level, I found that more satisfying than idea of seeing Jar Jar eat a lightsaber.

Marko Kloos

New member
On a deeper level, I found that more satisfying than idea of seeing Jar Jar eat a lightsaber.

On a deeper level, yes. But I certainly wouldn't have minded the shallow entertainment of Jar-Jar having an unfortunate accident with Anakin's lightsaber.
All the Jedis and Darth would be carrying samuri swords - and they'd be fast enough to deflect bullets with them too. Why else would they be wearing those long cloaks? By the way, I'm voting for Darth Vader as the most misunderstood and underappreciated philantrophist.


New member
Okay okay, Darth gets the .50AE Desert Eagle then. Glossy Black-T finish though. No chrome or gold accents! :eek:
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New member
Han Solo would be a Glock man!

My vote for Han Solo's sidearm would be a Glock 30!

Why? Good size to power ratio. Accurate. Plenty of capacity. Would fit the description of "smuggler's gun". I can see Han with a G30 or maybe even a G21 on his leg. Other than that I see his character with a well worn Remmington 12 gauge.

Chewbacca would (in my opinion) pack some sort of "tactical" shotgun in 10 gauge.



Ceol Mhor

New member
Han with a super-duper new gun? No way. Think about the Millenium Falcon! Han's a guy who uses old, worn-down, jerry-rigged junkers. With near-constant attention, they are the best around, but they have an uncomfortable tendency to break a lot. Is that a Glock of SOCOM? No way. I see Han carrying a Chinese select-fire .45 Broomhandle Mauser with a 20-round mag (and not because that's what his movie prop was based on). And a Semmerling (tiny single-shot .45 with a 4-round mag) as a backup (yes, Han reminds me of a Repairman Jack kind of guy).

And Yoda definitely needs an 'elegant weapon from an ancient age'. It also needs to pack a lot of punch for its size. How about a Colt SAA in .45 LC?