squirrel calling


New member
The only thing you need is your lips and the back of your hand.
can u explain a little more about how to do that call???
Make a really noisy kiss on the back of your hand, then start toning it down until you sound like a squirrel.

Sometimes a bit of slobber helps ;)

Uncle Buck

New member
The old man I used to work for when I was a kid always kept a box of matches on the mantle, next to his shotgun shells. I always thought they were used to light the fireplace until we went hunting one day and I saw him slip them into his jacket. We would find a likely place and he would gently shake that box and sure enough, a squirrel of two would show up. Pretty neat how that worked. I am going to have to try the quarters.

Squirrels are so dang inquisitive and destructive. You should see the damage they do to my barn and the number of feed sacks they rip open. I had left my medicine cabinet open and one had found its way inside and decided it was a good place to store acorns...

I am really surprised no one has come up with the age old answer to getting squirrels... I thought every youngster was taught this growing up... Just climb a tree and act like a nut!:eek:


New member
Again, for all the methods I have tried, the reaction is either one of curiosity or getting ticked off. Getting them mad is the best one as they are territorial.
The Crow call and the Cat meow gets them going. I have also used the lip method as described with or without using the palm of you hand. Just try to make a sucking squeaking sound with puckered lips. If squirrels could laugh, it sure would make it easy on me as I have certainly given them opertunity to do so and fall out of the trees. ... :eek:

Be Safe !!!


Staff In Memoriam
If you want the big buck squirrels, you shake the tree and listen for his nuts to rattle...;):D:eek: