squirrel calling

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Tips? Go deer hunting. You'll find more squirrels than you know what to do with. I go squirrel hunting and see.... deer. Works almost every time.

Sorry, I don't have a real answer for you.;):eek:
lol many times ive been deer hunting and had squirrels come with in a few feet of me and never realize im there. if it wouldent spook the deer id take my ruger 22/45 and pop a few


New member
Find a pleasant place to sit still for 15 minutes then discreetly tap and/or rub two quarters together.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
discreetly tap and/or rub two quarters together.

Wow. I just tried that. It is a remarkably squirrel like sound. Not very loud though. I'd be pretty surprised if they could hear it beyond very close range even in quiet woods.

Hog Buster

New member
Many, many years ago when I was just a kid an old man I knew, who always got his limit of squirrels, told me his secret.
Take a penny box of matches and remove about half of them. Find a comfortable spot in the woods and every so often shake the half empty box of matches. He claimed that squirrels were very inquisitive and would come to investigate the sound.
Well needless to say I thought he was just pulling my leg and I let this info pass.
Years later I was squirrel hunting, had a penny box of matches and I remembered his secret. Just for grins I dumped out about half of the matches and started shaking the box. Within 5 minutes I had 2 big squirrels hopping around in the tree in front of me. I couldn't believe it. Went home that day with a limit.
I've tried it many times since and almost always have had squirrels come to the noise.
I haven't really hunted squirrels in years, but next time I go I may try it again. If I can still find a penny box of matches.....


Staff In Memoriam
Peetza, The 2 quarters call works much further than you can imagine... their hearing is VERY acute and sharp.

For pesky shy busy-tails, I often will frisbee throw my cap past the tree trunk they are using for cover. When they move to hide from the cap, BLAMMO!!!!

The matches call idea is based on the sound of a squirrel gnawing on nuts or pine cones... Others more hungry will look for the hidden food "bounty/booty".

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Peetza, The 2 quarters call works much further than you can imagine... their hearing is VERY acute and sharp.

Entirely possible. I've never tried calling them. Usually when I see a squirrel I am trying to kill it with my evil stare because it's messing with my head while I'm trying to hunt deer. I've never wanted to attract the friggin' things.;)

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
EstillEngineer#59 said:
excuse my ignorance but what is a "penny box"???

A penny box is a sure sign that you're old.:D;) It is a reference to the price of the matches.

Similar to a "16 penny nail", which meant that you could buy 100 of them for 16 cents.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
so its just any old match box???

Yes sir, though it is also a reference to the size of the box. I don't remember penny boxes but I assume that they're the little tiny ones. Probably the smallest box of "Strike-Anywhere" matches that you can find would be a reasonable approximation.


New member
Most calls gets their attention and has them looking. That includes the two quarters. However, they seem to lose interest very quickly and go on about their work. I have used the whistles, quarters, Barkers and a few homemade gadgets. What you really want, is something that really ticks them off and gets them to start barking at you. This happened one day while crow calling and every time I blew it, they started barking. I had crows coming in and squirrels barking til I shot the first crow. Another time I had a call that sounded like a cat meowing and that got them pi**ed off as well. You can also rub two walnut hull together and they will look. Practice in your back yard and like I said, they lose interest very quickly. i also get their attention by waving an old tail or rag like a tail on an excited squirrel and again, they will come and look. Sure hope none of you fellers hunt in my woods cause you are likely to call the boys in white suits.

Be Safe !!!


New member
The only thing you need is your lips and the back of your hand. With a little practice, you can bark just like a squirrel.

I use it all the time, but you don't really "call" a squirrel to you. It is best used by sneaking into a spot where you suspect squirrels are hiding and then using a call to get them excited enough to call back and reveal themselves to you.

Hog Buster

New member
Penny Box of Matches

For all you young squirts, here's a penny box of matches. The 12 gauge shell is in the picture to show size.
I have no idea what they cost now.
You are right pepperoni & cheese killer, I'm older than dirt.


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