Springfield XD made in Croatia?

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New member
Looked at one in a local shop. Liked gun, thought about purchase. Looked on the side, and I believe it was Croatia, since it did not say U.S.A, really did not pay that much attention. Guess I'll stick to ruger. Told the salesman not interested, he tried to sell me a Glock. Don't blame him, he is trying to make a living, just like I do every day.


New member
That is correct.

The current "Springfield Armory" is not the institution you think it is dated back in the day, soem rich guy bought the name and branded his pistol that way! A marketing guru...ain't it :rolleyes:


New member
Yep, the XD used to be called the HS2000 and sold for about $300 before the marketing department at sprinfield got their hands on it.

Most of sprinfield's 1911's and many of the M1A parts are made overseas as well.

That said, I own an M1A and I think it's nice. There really is not a comparably priced 100% american made alternative to the M1A though. Can't say the same for the XD *cough*M&P*cough*.


New member
Heck even Chevys arent all 100% made in the USA. I love my XD45. Have over 1,200rds so far, qualified many times and still no jams....ever. unlike the guys next to me using 1911s. I am not purposely raggin on 1911s (they are pretty sexy), but I cant afford to have jams on the street or on duty. Dont restrict yourself just because a product isnt made here or there. Lot of good stuff out there.
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Bart Noir

New member
Springfield also required quality improvements and smallish design changes. In short, it is a better gun than the original pre-Springfield model.

Or so says the gunshop owner who told me, years back, he wouldn't sell the HS2000 because it wasn't good enough for his customers. Now he sells lots of XDs :D

He did seem a bit touchy when I reminded him of his words heehee....

Bart Noir

Uncle Malice

New member
I thought everyone was aware that the XD product line is made in Croatia??

So what?

It's a phenomenal pistol. The quality, fit, and finish are excellent. I have never had one failure of any kind with my XDm or XD pistols. This is saying a lot since I've had 5 Glocks and 4 of them had at least 1 failure during the time I owned it.

I love the M&P line too, but don't knock the XD's because they're not made in this country. If that's your concern, I suggest you stop eating food, because a good percentage of it probably isn't from this country. You should also throw most of your clothing away. Sell your televisions, DVD players, and your computers as well.

I'm all for buying American when it makes sense. But to be honest, the quality on most American made items sucks. Why do you think the American car industry in such dire straights? We can't sell our cars outside of the country because they don't pass other nations minimum emissions tests or mpg requirements! Americans are the best at research and development. We are the kings of inventing new products... Unfortunately, other countries are kings at taking our ideas, making many improvements to them and producing them at a lower cost overall.

And I'm okay with that.


New member
Heck even Chevys arent all 100% made in the USA.

A couple weeks ago, I read that the Camry had a higher US content than any other car sold here.

We buy pistols from Croatia, they buy Caterpillar bulldozers from the US. We buy toasters and PCs made in China, they buy coal, soy beans and computer chips from us. That's how international trade works.
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N.H. Yankee

New member
I have two XD's in 40 cal and they have been 100% reliable and very accurate, on the other hand I bought a S&W M&P 9mm that was a total nightmare. The gun would fail to eject 1-2 out of 3 rounds of various factory ammo, NEW! Sent it back and they put in a new extractor and polished the chamber which had deep tool marks. Did a google search and found out this is a common problem with the M&P series. Also found the same complaints on the M&P forum and Smith&wessonforum.com.

Went to my range out back and found the gun wouldn't group at all, most groups were 6 to 8 inch's +. Took a good close look in the barrel and the same tool marks the chamber had the whole bore had. The gun also shot about 6 inch's high. Sent it back again and they replaced the barrel and front sight. Still the best the gun could avergage at 25 yards was 4-6 inch groups.

Traded it for a CZ P-01 and the the CZ will print sub 2 inch groups at 25 yards. I Lost money trying to buy MADE IN AMERICA. Sadly many American companies have been driven into the ground by unions and poor management, just look at GM. I'll buy American, but ONLY if they are competative in price and quality. I'll even pay slightly more for made in America, but the quality has to be worth it.


There really is not a comparably priced 100% american made alternative to the M1A though.

LRB. And, up until a few years ago, Armscorp. Smith Enterprises is getting ready to make receivers, but they are getting set up for trigger groups, op rod, bolts and such first. At least, that's the rumor.

You're right about comparatively priced, though. A SuperMatch runs about $2500 or so now? Been awhile since I looked. You'll spend around $3000 or so for a superior-tuned M14 specimen from LRB or SEI.

Springfield never really hid the fact that the XD comes from Croatia. What with it engraved on the top of the slide and all.

Frankly, considering that the XD came from eastern Europe as well as the CZ product line, I'm encouraged by that success. I'm more likely to buy an eastern European gun than a western European one (Glock, Sig, Beretta).


New member
XD from Croatia

Anyone who is surprised that the XD line is made in Croatia needs to get out more. It isn't exactly a secret. Most of my guns were made outside this country except a few, Colt, S&W, Browning and Ruger. The XD, CZ, Mauser, FN, etc. are fine guns.


The factory that makes the XD series is about 100 miles as the crow flies from where Austrian Glocks are made. Pistols are not aerospace engineering and Croatia is not the Third World in any event.

As for SA jacking the prices of the HS 2000, that's bunk. SA eventually paved the way first for stainless XDs, then melonite processed ones, different frame colors, compacts, tactical game versions, and ultimately, the development of the XDM, all backed by ad campaigns and a lifetime warranty.

Rather than have top continue on with a low margin model to gain market share, SA licensing the the HS 2000 made for both product improvement and profit improvement for the Croatian concern. What made that possible was the savvy marketing and 100% backing of a domestic importer like SA, which does an excellent job of backing foreign manufactured pistols and even churns out some domestically sourced world class custom 1911A1 pistols.


New member
A couple of months ago I bought a Steoger Cougar .40 made in Turkey very nice gun. I think S&W and Ruger got enough of my money so I spread it around a little. I like the gun enough am thinking about getting one in 9MM.:D


New member
We can't sell our cars outside of the country because they don't pass other nations minimum emissions tests or mpg requirements!

That is patently false. American emission standards are some of the strictest in the world. Most developed countries don't even have standards. In the middle east (Where GM has a flourishing market) cars aren't even equipped with catalytic converters.


New member
I can tell you this..there's a World difference between
Croatia and Austria.

Search online for the average salaries in both countries.

Now think about the price between the Glock and the XD.

The Glock is actually cheaper. I'm not a Glock fan boy
talking either :D

It's like having two cars. One built in Mexico and one in
America. They both cost the same to purchase. Which
company is making the greater profit.


New member
I love my XD45. Have over 1,200rds so far, qualified many times and still no jams....ever. unlike the guys next to me using 1911s. I am not purposely raggin on 1911s (they are pretty sexy), but I cant afford to have jams on the street or on duty.

Did anyone suggest to those guys that they get their guns fixed? I mean, can anyone afford to have jams on the street, or ever? I haven't noticed that the XD series is especially reliable, or that any make or model of pistol is noticeably more reliable than other quality pistols. My buddy's XDm had at least one feed failure in the match we shot on Sunday. Another friend was telling me that the XD is getting something of a reputation for lack of durability, compared specifically to Glock and M&P, but I don't know how the M&P could have much of a reputation for anything, at this point; how long have they been around, three or four years?
Pistols are not aerospace engineering

All forms of engineering are very closely related. Mechanical, electrical, biological, aerospace, computer, marine, sound, chemical, etc.

All engineering makes heavy use of calculus, statics, dynamics, physics, etc.

Bullets are most for surely aerospace engineering, while the pistol itself could be considered mechanical, aerospace; and one can even argue for electrical with semi and fully automatics, as ignited cartridges, and rails produce an electrical charge that runs a mechanism, etc.
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