SP101 Questions


New member
Which barrel length did you get, MG? I missed it if you already said. Having shot both quite a bit, I have to say I favor the 2" tube.


New member
That's the one I got. I know people have talked about getting the DAO in a 3" but I felt the 2" was more combat style, and for me, concealable. If I get the 3" it'll be the single/double action model. I wanted the spurless for carry and so far, I loved my first range trip with this gun. I can't believe I waited this long because of the bad rep about trigger pull and cylinder rattle - which I don't notice. I checked out the stats and the SP is only two onces heavier than my model 60 2" and yet handles the .38's even better. Seriously, what's not to love? :D


New member
You done good, kid. All subsequent SP's on this place will wear the 2" tube, simply because they carry & conceal better in that frame size. I'm about 5-11 and 205, and the 3" SP in an IWB holster remains one of the most uncomfortable pistol-packing memories in my two decades of it. It was a busy day, lots of in-and-out of the car and face-to-faces with shady characters. Any way I sat in the car, it dug in somewhere. I finally just spun it around Mexican style, and carried it butt-forward. That worked. "Spurless" and "shorter" would have been welcome improvements.

The thing with recent SP's, all all Rugers these days, seems to be this- either you got a good one, or you didn't. From your mini range report, I'd say you got a good one. A very few have exhibited sort of a 'hitch' in the DA stroke, for lack of a better term. I remain firmly convinced that this is a QC issue, and that the design is sound- solid as a rock, in fact.

You have devloped some acumen at this wheelgun business; you checked it out, and chose wisely. If you decide to load .38's in that gun, give the old FBI load a hard look. It has an excellent track record for settling accounts from a 2" barrel, and has been doing so for many years.

What's not to love? Not a single thing. Don't be bashful, Mastrogiacomo. There are several of us who would like to see a pic of that new purchase.

PS- Nice to hear about you going to the range with your Dad, too. When my little girl gets back from Korea we are going to get some trigger time in, as well.


New member
Thanks for the kind words. I probably will be using the magnums soon but my father's hands ache with his athritis, and since he bought the ammo, I prefer to stick with what he's most comfortable shooting. I kick myself for not having got this gun sooner, and wonder if I would have bought my model 60 if I knew what a gem the SP really was. I'm planning on adding the 3" down the road, but not before getting my father the P345 that he's been yearning for. He talked about it on the ride home from the range so maybe for my birthday in October, we'll pick it and head up again to celebrate. Something else to look forward to. Thank you all again for the feedback. :)


New member
I am an SP101 DAO 2.25in fan with the full 357 Mag in 158gr or even 180gr Hardcast carry. Ever since I found mine for $240, I have never really let it go out of reach. It was used, and all I did was clean it, lubed it, polished it with some Flitz, and it was brand new looking, locking up like a tight bank vault, and handles like a dream.

I did retrofit the grips with Pachmayr aftermarket. They fill the hand more, and I can control the 357 Mags easily. I refuse to shoot 38 Spl out of the gun. To me, the 38 Spl is what I would shoot if I could NOT get 357 mag. With mail-order bulk ammo, I do not waste time trying to get a deal on ammo boxes at local stores.

I was a 3in, hammer SP101 snob. I have 2 of them. I also have a GP100 3in and a GP100 4in. The GP100 3in is very nice, but the SP101 is a very nice compromise for the one less round.

I can wear the SP101 OWB or IWB, and bend, stoop, reach, twist in full comfort. The 3in is not that comfortable.

I highly recommend the Pachmayr grips. Blaze away with 357Mag. This is on small gun MEANT to be shot with intensity. The 180gr Hard Cast have a lot of accuracy, and low flash. I was surpised. To me, the SP101 is my backup to the Glock 29. They both launch a 180gr bullet at 1150-1250 fps. I like a good punch.