SP101 Questions


New member
I'm planning on picking up the SP101 2" DAO by the end of the year but see the .38 version (single/double action) of the 2" and 3" used whenever I swing by the shop for ammo. They always catch my eye but I'm partial to magnums. Why would someone opt for just a .38 with this gun? Doesn't it seem like a waste of a gun's potential?


I can see why someone would opt for the 38spl over the 357mag round in a snubbie. The frame is certainly strong enough to handle 357mag but not in large amounts. I say go ahead and get the 357mag version that way you can work your way up by starting with 38spl loads. A 357mag snubbie is a wrist breaker so try Corbon 38spl+P+ before the the 357mag to see if you need to send it to Magna-Port.


New member
I hear a lot about porting. Isn't that bad for the guns? i.e. more muzzle flash? Gemini looks like they have nice packages for gunsmithing that usually involve porting but I'm not sure what it does or what the advantage is.


New member
If there was ever a snub that is up to the .357 Mag, the SP-101 is it. Not only is it built like a tank, the gun has superb recoil management characteristics- even with the factory stocks. They are accurate too, and the 3" .357 we had around here for awhile shot as fully well most 4" fixed-sight .357's I have handled. I had bought that gun for my wife, before she discovered that the Springfield XD fit her better than anything she had tried.

The 2" SP pictured below was brought to me by a detective buddy who wanted the windage regulated a tad; this "before" group was fired at 25 yards offhand, with 125 grain magnums. We moved the group right onto the orange dot before we were done.

But back to your original question- why build such a tank in .38 Special? I think it comes down to sales. There are agencies like NYPD, plus innumerable private security outfits, that specified ".38 only" for decades, and Ruger understands that there is always going to be a market for a good .38 snub.

If you like the SP mag, go for it. I'm betting you'll be able to handle it just fine, and it'll always chamber the .38's if you're so inclined.


New member
Allot of folks are only going to shoot 38's out of them anyway. I myself, would just as soon rely on a well placed 38 +p than a wildy fired 357. Of course, my Sp 101 is in 9mm anyway.
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New member
Mastro I had a SP101 for while and only shot .38s out of it. I found that it was just too heavy for my liking and being that I only used .38s I didn't need all the beef. I picked up a S&W 642 yesterday and it seems much more practical for someone who wants a convenient carry piece in .38spcl.


New member
I got my 2.25 DAO SP101 last month, and it goes everywheres I go. Its a .357 but I have shot primarily target .38 ammo, also have shot .357 Hydra Shok, It is a bit heavy but I have gotten use to carrying it in my front pocket for the last month or so. I also prefer to shoot the .38+p speer gold dots. With a holster carrying is easy. I like that I can shoot both .357 or .38's out of this gun.


Porting isn't bad at all for guns and as long as it's done by a porting company like Magna-Port won't hurt the gun's value. Porting works by releasing gas through the holes before the slug leaves the barrel which pushes the muzzle done reducing recoil.


New member
Thanks for the info on the porting. I might want to send my SP for that kind of work when I get it. I'm not turned off by weight in a gun. I do have a 36LS that I could pocket carry if I were so inclined - but I'm not. I like to keep everything in it's own place so the weight of the SP is personally not an issue with me at all. I too shoot mainly .38's for cost but I like the option of using magnums once and a while including for personal defense. However, if I keep seeing these used guns in the shop - who knows? I may finally cave in and pick them up. Sharp looking revolvers.... ;)


New member
Dear Mastro....

Just another take on the Ruger "snubby". Like every other revolver that Ruger makes this one is over engineered to the nth degree. That means with care it will last darn near forever. Great little gun. As to porting, I have found it to be loud and messy and have stayed away from it - although it does what it says it will do. FWIW :p
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New member
I'll have to wait and see how it goes. If the gun is already well made, I'm not sure it's necessary really. In fact.... ;) ...in Massachusetts we have a no tax day. I wasn't planning on getting anything but then the Ruger Mark III6 became available recently. I held it in the shop. Really nice gun. I've got the New Single Six too but I've always wanted one of these. Sharp looking but given how it is to clean and the fact that it's not super expensive, I decide to take advantage of the day and get the higher priced gun which would make more sense with the tax break. I picked up the Ruger SP 101. 357 DAO. I dry fired the gun to check the trigger and can't figure what all the complaining with folks is about - and I'm a lady with weak, piano hands. This is a really nice gun. Anyway, got home a few minutes ago and just cleaned it up to take to the range today (or tomorrow - got to see how my father's hands feel today) but it should be fun. God, what a beautiful looking gun. :D


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SP101 Mag




Trigger pull way heavy
Slip on rubber grip woefully inadequate for magnum loads
Accuracy with magnum loads leaves a lot to be desired


New member
I have a 686 4" and 2" snubby so I don't find this gun to be at all heavy. What's more, I don't find that the trigger pull lived up to all the bad hype. I've felt worse: i.e. Beretta Tomcat, Walther P99. This is a sweet gun. I'll probably practice with the .38's to save on the ammo but this is a gun that would handle the magnum far better than the model 60 I own.


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Hi, how ya doin? Have you ever shot 357 magnums out of a snub? Find a good plus p round in 38spl. The term "hand held saturn v" comes to mind. Your hand and ears will thank you. :)


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Some people have .38 SP 101's because they bought them one month before Ruger brought out the .357 version. Sometimes life hurts.



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I picked up a 3" a couple months back as a "truck" gun. The first outing was with full house .357's and 158g .38 +P. After two boxes of the magnums, I'd had enough. The +P was manageable. Since I shoot autos exclusively and hadn't picked up a revolver in years, maybe the recoil had something to do with my grip as my palm and I weren't friends for a few hours. Next time out will be with either .38 specials or WC's. I agree that it is one beautiful looking gun...and built like a Checker cab.


New member
Just fired the SP at the range today. Did very well considering it's my second DAO gun (sold the 442). Absolutely loved it and didn't mind the recoil at all although shot .38's as my father's hands sometimes bother him to shoot magnum loads. Took some getting used to when he tried my SP but overall very impressed with the gun. :D