Something new on Wild West Alaska


New member
gwillikers, I'm pretty sure the shows are, at least semi-scripted and not spontaneous. But they are fun and interesting. And, I do belive he really is trying to produce his new .500 lever gun. Next week is final episode for the season and the answer will be shown.


New member
I wouldn't say the WWG-500mag rifles inclusion into the show was 100% scripted but definitely put in to show off their abilities, and perhaps drive interest into their Las Vegas storefront.


New member
It would surprise you how many people stop by the booth at SHOT Show and ask about the 500 in the 1895. Why use the old design? It's a design that works but was designed for low pressure BP.


New member
Be sure to watch the Wild West Guns crew tonight on Animal Planet. It's the Wild West Alaska Christmas Special.

Also be sure to stop by our booth at SHOT Show next month in Vegas!
Tom Servo said:
Also, it would be an excuse to get one of the revolvers.
Having accepted an invitation to shoot one of the revolvers at the local range ...


Color me wimpy, but that there big boomer is NOT fun to shoot, and I seriously doubt it can be fired multiple times by ordinary mortals with any likelihood of scoring multiple hits.


New member
For those of us who missed the show the other night,
Our TV schedule sez the show will be repeated on Jan 2, at 7pm.
And a new episode will follow at 9pm.