Something new on Wild West Alaska


New member
Last nights show featured a new lever action the company wants to manufacture. Nothing was said about what makes the rifle a "new" design. But, the caliber did attract my attention. It is a .500 S&W. I'm not familiar with that caliber but it looks like a monster.:eek: Where does it fit with relation to other big banger calibers?:confused:
BTW, I'm assuming the guns only value would be as a guide back-up against charging grizzlys.


New member
I watched it too and saw the first action blow apart. The action looked like a beefed up Marlin to me.

The 500 S&W is an ultra high pressure hangun cartridge. I know operating pressures are equivalent to that of high powered rifles. I am sure some poster will let us know exactly. It will take some serious engineering to come up with lever gun designed to take such extreme pressure.

There are many hunters who like high powered lever guns. Wish those folks in AK the best.


New member
Look up Big Horn Armory Model 89

.500 S&W lever action. Its a nice rifle, but it better be for the MSRP of $2000-3000

a .500 S&W lever-gun would have value as protection against large game like bear or moose, but it would be a good large game hunting caliber. Not by any means a long range caliber, but for thick forest where visibility is less than 100 yards, It would be mean on brown and black bear, moose, buffalo, any big game you can get close enough to be able to hit your mark.

Would punch a really big hole through whatever you shot it at.
But, the caliber did attract my attention. It is a .500 S&W.
Several years ago, Ken mentioned the possibility of making a lever-action in .500. My knees get wobbly at the prospect. IIRC, one or more prototypes were built on a .444 action, but there were pressure issues with the short case.


New member
Wobbly in a good way?

Because I was positively drooling over a rifle in .500 S&W.

I don't have any use for it in a revovler, heck, don't really need the rifle version either, but having that cartridge in a hand lever gun package made me start mentally taking stock of extra organs I could sell off.


New member
I'm sure it would punch a big hole. But where does it rate compared to other calibers, rifle and pistol. Like 30-06, .338, .444, 45-70, etc. when used in a short rifle?


New member
^For most of them, the animal probably won't know the difference.

It is a handgun cartridge that rivals the power of a high powered rifle.

.30-06 and .338 lapua are going to have better down range energy and trajectory for long range shots. Animal wouldn't know the difference between a .444 and a .500. I think out of a short rifle you would get better performance out of the .500 than the .45-70.

With appropriate bullet choice and proper shot placement, out of a rifle I believe the .500 S&W could take any large game the world over, including elephant.
Wobbly in a good way?
Wobbly in a way that would make folks question my emotional stability if I were to type it :)

For me, it would fill a niche. I look at it as a short-action, short-range .45-70 with more versatile loading options. It could be loaded mild enough for home-defense and hot enough to take any game on the eastern seaboard.

Also, it would be an excuse to get one of the revolvers.


New member
Wobbly in a way that would make folks question my emotional stability if I were to type it

Good. That's what I was hoping for. My sister said I emitted an odd squeal when I saw the finished product.

My thinking is that it woud be a great brush gun in a serious caliber, and provide excellent knockdown power on anything below 200 yards.

As Tom said, anything on the Eastern Seaboard. Bigfoot included.


New member
Look up Big Horn Armory Model 89

First thing I thought of when watching the show last night(well, maybe second after those thoughts about Phred.....). That they were just copying a model already out there. I certainly see a place for the .500 in a lever carbine tho and thought the Model 89 was it. Especially in a place like Alaska. I also have thought that along with a .500 carbine there should also be one in .460 Mag. More velocity, better trajectory, less recoil and cheaper to shoot.


New member
The S&W Model 500 alone is an awesome weapon. With a 7.5" barrel and bullets over 400gr it can be a handfull. Trips to the range are interesting as everyone stops shooting to watch you fire this monster.
IMHO, I would rather shoot one at a rifle range vs handgun range.
The muzzle break actually creates a pressure wave that travels left & right of the shooter that some bystanders say they can feel.

Having said that, 60,000 psi in a lever action. At least a lever action would be much more manageable than the handgun, for many anyway. Looking forward to seeing Wild Alaska's prototype as a success.


New member
I just started watching this show, too, and I really like it. I think my favorite person there is Phred; she doesn't suffer fools. :)

Boy, you have to have ice in your veins to hunt bear. And I love how the women are just as tough as the men, and how the men accept that as a given. None of this "now now, little lady" stuff. Very cool.


New member
I didnt see the show but if they get it so it will hold together and stay together I would be selling off body parts allso . I must admit I have a weakness for large cal Lever rifles and it is more than just like of the look of a bore that a small hand can go down the musell and clean . A 45/70 with a good bullet is fast hanbling and hard hitting bear medicine . As for a need for one over my 45/70 well need does not enter into all things in life . I know the bear hunters that come to Alberta that I guide love to see the big 45/70s as back up to there 06 or 338win and over the years I have had a few put away their new rifle and borrow the 1886 that has past down to me and now my son I may be a sentimental old fool (well at 52 not that old ) but I love the 1886 and will pass a Marlin by and pay 2 x the price for one . I hope they get it up and gunning there is a lot of respect for their work in the north


New member
500 lever gun

I saw the show and they were unable to get financial backing to produce large numbers of the rifle in Alaska. I am not sure if they are going to produce it somewhere else. It was an awesome gun though.


New member
Constant readers may recall a lot of effort put into that WWG-500 Mag rifle several years back. I shan't divulge the minute details but will say it called back some memories in the shop. Interest in the rifle was great.