So who open carries?


New member
I've been open carrying for a few days because I'm waiting on my CCW. The first night it was a little weird. But the more I do it, the more I see it's not a big deal. At least in Boise...


When I lived in NC, I always open carried. Gotta watch it there, it's a limited privilege. In SC, where I live now, it's not legal, so if I'm going from SC to NC, I simply leave it concealed. My CWP covers both states under reciprocity.

Both methods have pros and cons. Frankly, I prefer open carry because it's a lot easier.

Open carry is a warning. Concealed carry is a surprise.

Most sheeple will think you're some sort of LEO (do NOT encourage that thought). Those in the know will glance at you then ignore you. One out of 100 will make a big deal out of it. Simply ignore them and don't get into an argument with them.


New member
I generally dont in town, but there some occasions that call for it. Stuff like severe weather rolling through or supicious people in the neighborhood. Any time I hear gunshots (kinda goes without saying).

Out in the woods or on the water though, absolutely.


New member
We all carry openly in the shop but open carry in public, other than in your own establishment, is illegal in Florida for the most part.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
If open carry were legal the only thing I'd do is not try so hard to make sure my gun was always hidden no matter what. I still wouldn't "open carry" but I'd dress without caring if it showed so much.


New member
I live in a state where it's perfectly legal to do so. When I have, many ppl don't even notice the gun. Those that do kinda do a double take then don't seem to take any more notice. I have a CCL and usually carry that way. I only open carry when it's a super burden to conseal.

I've always thought it better to have a consealed weapon. Wouldn't want someone with plans to do harm knowing I'm the first one they need to take out since I have the gun ya know.:eek:


New member
Here in Alabama open carry is illegal. When I get my concealed carry permit renewed, they always emphasize that you must keep it concealed.

Even if open carry was legal, I would carry concealed almost all of the time. I carry for self defense. If I have to use it for that, I want it to come as a complete surprise to the other guy. True, if it were openly carried, some would leave you alone because of it. However if someone were going to assault you anyway despite you having a gun, they would probably just shoot you without any warning.

When hunting I will have a gun on my hip in addition to my rifle. Depending on what I am hunting either a .45 caliber Blackhawk or a .22 Single Six. Even then though I will usually have my S &W .38 snub in my pocket.


New member
I open carry about half the time. Maybe more. I've never had a negeative comment. What few I've had have been along the lines of "Can I do that too?" "Is that a Colt?" "The hammer on your pistol is cocked."

The fellow who told me my pistol was cocked was genuinly trying to be helpful. When I told him it was supposed to be that way and was perfectly safe, he said "Really? Learn something new every day" and went back to pumping gas.
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New member
OC is ok here in Nebraska. I do it when hunting and run to town with taged deer, but you can tell it makes folks nerve up. There is a man localy known as "Cowboy Jim" who OC alot but most folks think he is crazy. Not in a way to be feard, but that he likes to have all eyes on him. He is a Army Vet. and just a big man (as in tall and husky), african american dressed in cowboy clothes with big S&W on each hip. Not exactly unnoticed in wal-mart in Kearney Nebraska. Great guy though, but most will not know because folks find him unaprochable. Open carry makes folks too nervous and although legal, it's just not socialy aceptable. In the case that a bad guy is about, the one who is open carrying is a target. Just my $.02


Win73, I think OC is legal in Alabama. Alabama is a traditional open carry state their is a prohibition against carrying openly in a vehicle without a permit. orchidhunter


New member

If open carry is legal in Alabama, why does the sheriff's office always emphasize that it must be kept concealed? They never mention anything about a vehicle. They just say you have to keep it concealed. The only place I ever see anyone other than a LEO carrying openly is when hunting or inside, either in their business or home.


New member
Open carry is perfectly legal in Louisiana, but I don't OC unless I'm in the swampy woods on my grandfather's property. Out there, you need to carry some sort of firearm for protection from both animals and people, since armed tresspasors looking to hunt on other's property is not uncommon.

I'm not old enough to get a CCW, but when I am I will. Carrying is not necessary most of the time for me. I live in a very safe and peaceful community. However, for hurricanes, floods, or if I have to go into New Orleans, carrying is a very good thing. Open carrying in public however just doesn't seem smart to me. Why bring a lot of unneeded attention to yourself, or make yourself a target? I would much prefer people not knowing I am armed, and just passing under the radar.