So what did you get for Buy a Gun Day?


New member
This one, a S&W 645...


The 1911 guys will probably crap themselves when I say this, but I think you just bought the most under-rated (if not the best ever made) full size .45acp pistol. :)


New member
haha, I love the 645. I shot one for the first time at my campus' open range day for my marksmanship club. It was my favorite pistol there to shoot.

Lou C

New member
Buy a Gun Day?

Are you telling me I MISSED BUY A GUN DAY?



Oops, I forgot my manners. Hi ya'll.
New to this forum, seems there's a lot of excellent information here.
I'm looking forward to various discussions.
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New member
Good choice, Playboy. I have one of those. It's great for sticking in the pocket of my shorts when I have to make a 7-11 run at 1:30 a.m.


New member
Two days late, but ordered a Para P14 Limited in .45. It was my one month divorce anniversary, had to do something to commemorate the event. Picking it up tomorrow.


DAMN! i was so busy doing last minute adjustments on my tax return i totally missed buy a gun day!
a nearby gun dealer just told me he's selling out and retiring so im sure i can make up for missing the 15th:)