So parts don't fit?


Active member
Witness the number of US manufacturers getting into the AK business

AK's have been popular in the US since the late 1980's when the first ban (import ban) went into place. It's just that now, manufactures have figured out that they can use parts sets, make the receivers here for next to nothing and make a nice profit. Before that, we just brought them in by the boat-loads from China.


New member
The cheapness of the AR is a result of the huge increase in people making parts and receivers... The panic buying followed by a saturated market.

You can get into an AK for $500-600 for a basic version.

But the fact is... People don't get AKs for their modularity. That isn't what the AK is known for in the US.

One of the biggest increases in cost for some custom AKs is the effort to make them more modular and compatible with the accessories common on the market right now... Accessories made more often than not... With the AR in mind.


Active member
The one thing that I don't care for are AK's made up to look like AR's. I generally think one of the weak points in the AR platform is the protruding buttstock that can't be folded. I get it, it serves a dual purpose for AR's - part of the bolt return mechanism/buffer. For some odd reason people find it necessary to add this thing to rifles that can take a real folding stock.


New member
If the parts wont drop into a Colt or GI gun, then its probably a good indication the parts arent to spec, or at least, the correct specs I always had the best luck with. My Colt and GI guns were the only ones I ever trusted to carry, and that was only about 10 guns out of 40.

Unfortunately, even the later Colts were not all that great, with their plastic parts and all. But they still seemed to work without issue.

Everything else were just copies of varying quality (names really mean nothing here) and company specific specs, that very often, were trouble from the giddy up.

Early Springfields were pretty much Colt/GI. Later guns (my last were late 90's guns) flat out sucked. Kimber was right there with the later Springfields (same era). Had a couple of home builds too that were aggravating. Seems most of the home builds Ive had of any type, AR, AK, FAL, 1911, etc, were trouble. The main reason I wont buy another. Learned my lesson, it just took awhile. :)


New member
It's just that now, manufactures have figured out that they can use parts sets, make the receivers here for next to nothing and make a nice profit. Before that, we just brought them in by the boat-loads from China.

And 100% US-made AKs, which never existed prior to a few years ago.

There are at least 4 US companies manufacturing (or planning to manufacture) new AKs in the US now.
I had an Israeli made polymer frame double stack 1911 that would not accept ParaOrdnance magazines. After some examination, it was determined that the Israelis had relocated their magazine catch a little higher. This precluded the use of non-Israeli magazines and compelled the user to buy their magazines. A little bit of work with a dremel and a file and voila! The ParaOrdnance mags now work. Its ambidextrous safety flopped around. I tightened it up to eliminate the slop. Mind you, it was purchased as a frame and a "gunsmith" assembled it for the owner. The "gunsmith" dropped it it without fitting it.

The owner was happy afterward (especially since he didn't have to pay anything for the work).