So, how many of you went shoot'n today?


Staff Alumnus
What's a better way to celebrate Independence Day then go shooting with Old Glory flying beside you? :D Ntohing smells like gun powder first thing in the morning!

Me with my new Remington 700 VS SF .220 Swift


View of the 200 yard target attached


  • 200yards.jpg
    64.8 KB · Views: 94


C.R.Sam and I went out and found a kid to take along.(he is only 53).Spent a couple of hrs out till it got too hot.All handgun shooting and Sam tried out his new bought M 19-4,2 1/2 in round butt.Shoot real well.
Allready a happy 4 th


Staff Alumnus
No shooting today, except for shooting my mouth off at work.

ObSnicker: Some of the boxen I support are in England. Or Great Britain. Or whatever the hell they call it over there. When I needed some information from a user there, I was sorely tempted to include "Happy Anniversary of the Day We Told King George to Go fsck Himself" in my email. :D

Mal H

Mighty fine rifle, Son. You gotta' love that caliber, they don't call it Swift for nothing.

And by looking at the targets, I see the rifle shoots good too! Although on the third one fom the left it looks like you had a flyer or two. ;)

I did go plink a few .45 rounds in the back yard today. I heard the Marines doing the same thing today in their back yard. Somehow I don't think they were .45's though since the windows rattled a little with each one.

Happy 225th!

The Rock

New member

Me and my roomie hit the range. Just finished cleaning guns. Shoot and sighted in my Savage 10FP and did a little handgun. Now onto bills and related crap.

Taxation without representation wasn't any good, but I'm beginning to believe that taxation with representation isn't too hot either!



New member
Right nice lookin back yard you got Son. Love the grass.....all we have is weeds n dirt.

I took two kids today......countin Beemerb cause he won't even be 60 for days yet.:D




New member
Number 2 son and I went to the range today and sent 300 rounds downrange in commeration of the courage of the Founding Fathers. Thank you for our liberty and the Second Amendment.


Staff Alumnus

The two fliers are from change of loads. I went from 50 grain VMax to 50 grain Sierras. Amazing the difference the moly coated VMax makes in POI.


Jewell trigger just ordered. It has a Leupold base and rings. The rings were trued on a lathe. Scope is a Bushnell Elite 4200 6-24x40. Glass bedded action and free floating barrel. It'll shoot even better once I get the new trigger.

Anyway, Happy 4th of July!
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New member
I cant wait!!!
Im goin up in the manistee area thursday to sunday and all im goin to do is shoot, were gonna do some red squirrel huntin too should be fun.

Calamity Jane

New member
Hubby (snakedan here on TFL) and I went to the range and had a great time shooting our black powder guns (1 rifle, 1 pistol, both are .50 cal). We figured what better way to celebrate Independence Day than to have "muzzleloader" day at the range?

Before going to the range, we watched the Patriot on cable TV. :)

And then to wrap things up, we're going to spend a nice quiet evening giving our smelly muzzleloaders a soapy BATH. :D


New member
Had three runs at the 300m range today, with my SIG 510.

168, 173 and 181 points on 200 max, so I didn't do too bad.

Didn't take my digicam with me, though. :(

Anyway, Happy 4th of July. We have our national holiday on August 1.


New member
Range was busy today! Evil pistol day for me, P99, G26, Vaquero, Kimber 1911. Rifles will be this weekend.

Mal H

Son - You mean I guessed right?!! I was only kidding. Have you downloaded the picture of the 200 yd target yourself? I can see the 200 yd targets, but they must be what, 3 or 4 pixels each? :)


New member
I went to the range early today. I was the only one there. Shot my Model 70 .300 WM and my 'home-made' .35 Whelen on a VZ 24 action. Both shot really good groups (for me). The .300 put in a 3/4" group at 100 yds with 150 gr Ballistic Tips and the .35 a 1" group with 225 gr Ballistic Tips.

Nice, relaxing, peacful way to celebreate 225 yrs of freedom earned by also burning gunpowder. And, I might add, I feel a very appropriate way!

May we remember the prices that have been paid for our freedom and guard it with the same kind of devotion!

Happy 4th to you all!