So Confused!!!


New member
At least as funny as...

...the pot calling the kettle a disparaging term.

anon said:
I think showing a little respect, or courtesy by addressing statements regarding my posts to me directly would be more of the man thing to do.



The pot calling the kettle black? My oh my, that sure came outta left field. My wife like most woman just has to get in the last word, even when she's not part of the conversation. In a nice way I hope that's direct enough and ends now, since the original subject matter is no longer being discussed? This thread no longer serves a useful purpose.:rolleyes:
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New member
In a nice way I hope that's direct enough and ends now, since the original subject matter is no longer being discussed? This thread no longer serves a useful purpose.

Sounds like somebody wants the thread closed so he can get off the hot seat. :D

Doc Hoy

New member
In gunsmoke's defense...

....He did post a well worded and comprehensive bit of information which did not get a response even though it served to bring the discussion back to reality.

This is not the first time I said something on the forum that I thought was a little funny and it won't be the last.

But this time it certainly took the discussion away from the idea of the thread.

I see Gunsmoke's point.


New member
Hmm. I read it a couple of times and I don't see the relevance of his point with respect to the OP's question at all.

I must be having a dense day. It is unusually humid here today...

Doc Hoy

New member
No...I didn't say....

Gunsmoke's post had anything to do with the OP, only that it brought the thread back to "reality" because it is serious, pertinent and (I assume) accurate.

Not disagreeing with you...Only saying.


New member
I've read this thread all the way through a few times. And honestly I don't see exactly why he got so butt hurt. Because someone didn't acknowledge his post?? Big deal :rolleyes: I happen to enjoy the humor on this forum.


New member
Getting back on topic my local PO will not ship a gun under any circumstances. Not black powder, not antique, not anything. I think it's run by a died in the wool gun hater tho.


Has your local PO worker actually died as you say? Or is he dyed in the wool?

I don't think you know what you mean!


New member
Yeah it seems different PO's make their own rules. When I shipped that '51 to Mike my PO said I could as long as it was dissassembled :rolleyes: Which I did take the barrel off when I packed it luckily.


This is a just a lovely intelligent well meaning tight little group that are apparently made up of charming ladies. Instead of ignoring my post, or just disagreeing with it, one of the jokers started to goof on me. I was born in the morning, but not that morning and know when I'm being goofed on. Then of course a couple of loyal followers with apparently boring lives just had to join the tag team and chime in against the new guy.

Making a harmless joke is not the same as goofing on someone. Guess I just can't laugh while someone's trying to belittle me. Disagree with someone from this group and their panties get into a bunch. I'd rather be face to face with a man who's trying to put me down, rather than go back and forth on a forum where the individuals I'm conversing with may be wearing beanie copters with propellers and being spoon fed by nurses.

If you thought I wanted to end this thread in order to get in that last word your very mistaken. I wasn't on any hot seat, but there's lots of hot air around this group. Excuse the expression, but I didn't want this to get outta hand. Apparently you don't want to let it go, so please continue in your fun and please don't let me have the last word. Bet I know who your leader is and he'll probably fire the first shot across the bow. But I'm not returning fire anymore. I'd never do that to ladies. Have an interesting life.:D

Doc Hoy

New member
Zullo...I am inclined to agree.

I am totally convinced that anything run by our government is FUBAR'd.

I did 26 years in the Navy and I will say that I developed the opinion that everything in "the book" was put there for a good reason by people who knew what they were doing.

Officers, including some fairly senior officers would gripe about this regulation or that regulation but in the end it always seemed as though the real problem was not the rule but the implementation of the rule by a misguided human.

Now that I have moved into post secondary education I can tell you that we adhere to a set of rules which sometimes do not make sense. Maybe this time I am the one who is just griping about the implementation.

I think the difference is that either because of the passage of time or because I am now in a very different environment the thrust of the rules we follow serves a different purpose. I have a lurking suspicion that it has a lot to do with lawyers.

The Post Office Manager who will not ship any weapon regardless of whether he can stand on the strength of law should be horse-whipped. In a way, he is shredding the constitution. No military person would take that lightly and no civilian citizen should either.


New member
There exists a USPS complaint procedure that can be effective when dealing with an uneducated or napoleonic USPS employee. Just ask to speak with the postmaster of the particular office (you may need to make an appointment) and then request a complaint form from that individual. Fill it out as accurately as you can, including dates, times and conversations. You may or may not personally see that effort rewarded, but it will come down on him when they investigate it.