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New member
I got this on e-mail today from a friend on a concealed carry mailing list. If this passes, I won't be complying and we'll see this in the Supreme Court! I suggest you pass this one around.

I found the bill at:

This may be why the IRS need all those machine guns.
I don't see this bill even passing the committee with the republicans that
are on it. But lets get on the phones.....

Committee on Finance

Roth (DE) 01-12-73 Chairman Moynihan (NY) 02-11-77 Ranking
Grassley (IA) 02-05-91 Baucus (MT) 01-23-79
Hatch (UT) 06-25-91 Rockefeller (WV) 01-06-87
Murkowski (AK) 01-04-95 Breaux (LA) 05-16-90
Nickles (OK) 01-04-95 Conrad (ND) 01-21-93
Gramm (TX) 10-12-95 Graham (FL) 01-04-95
Lott (MS) 06-20-96
Bryan (NV) 01-09-97
Jeffords (VT) 01-09-97 Kerrey (NE) 01-09-97
Mack (FL) 01-09-97
Robb (VA) 01-07-99
Thompson (TN) 01-07-99

Republican Members: 10
Democrat Members: 9
Total Members: 19
Total Subcommittees: 5

Senate Bill SB-2099 will require us to put on our 2000 1040 federal tax form all guns that you have or own. It may require fingerprints and a tax of $50 per gun.

This bill was introduced on Feb. 24. This bill will become public knowledge 30 days after it is voted into law. This is an amendment to the Internal Revenue Act of 1986. This means that the Finance Committee can pass this without the Senate voting on it at all.

The full text of the proposed amendment is on the U.S. Senate homepage. You can find the bill by doing a search by the bill number. (SB-2099)

You know who to call; I strongly suggest you do.

Please send a copy of this e-mail to every gun owner you know to help STOP this bill!!

Marv Graham
1000 Brookwood Circle
West Columbia, SC 29169-4004
DAY: 803-935-8684
NIGHT: 803-926-3432

"Those who beat their swords into plowshares usually end up plowing for those who didn't."
Ben Franklin

The first step is registration, the second step is confiscation, the final step is subjugation.


New member
I don't post here often as a matter of fact hardly at all however I just got done reading the bill and have all my hackels raised. This bill needs all of us weather hunters, target shooters or skeet to stand up and be counted on this one. If we don't then it's either going to be the end of our rights or the begining of a long ugly time.

Go and read the bill as it's proposed. anything that even resembles a handgun from a starter pistol to parts of handguns will be registered. If you don't register them then you get hit with tax evasion as well as not registering the handgun. Think about this one, tax evasion is a Felony or can be quite easily.What they are proposing is just the start, next comes reading material because of the reloading manuals.

Don't think it'll happen?? look at what the definiton of Pornography is. I don't support it but look at how hard it's regulated.What makes you think that they wont lump reloading manuals in the same catagory because they can promote violence.

It's time to stand up and be counted before you are being loaded into the trucks and being counted.

"I will not be harmed,I will not be insulted. I will not be layed a hand upon,I do not do any of these things,and I expect the same of others." John Wayne the Shootist. Credo of J.B. Brooks.



Here's a copy of it (LONG):S 2099 IS


2d Session

S. 2099
To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the registration of handguns, and for other purposes.


February 24, 2000
Mr. REED introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance


To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require the registration of handguns, and for other purposes.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Handgun Safety and Registration Act of 2000'.



(1) IN GENERAL- Section 5845(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (defining firearm) is amended by striking `and (8) a destructive device' and inserting `(8) a handgun; and (9) a destructive device'.

(2) DEFINITION OF HANDGUN- Section 5845 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to definitions) is amended by adding at the end the following:


`(1) IN GENERAL- The term `handgun' means any weapon (including a starter gun) which--

`(A) is designed to or may be readily converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, and

`(B) has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand.

`(2) DISASSEMBLED PARTS INCLUDED- Such term shall also include the frame or receiver of any such weapon, and any combination of parts from which a handgun can be assembled if such parts are in the possession or under the control of a person.

`(3) EXCLUSION- Such term shall not include a firearm classified as `any other weapon' under subsection (e).'.

(b) TRANSFER TAX IMPOSED ON HANDGUNS- Section 5811(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to rate) is amended by inserting `or as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8)' after `section 5845(e)'.

(c) TAX ON MAKING FIREARMS IMPOSED ON HANDGUNS- Section 5821(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to rate) is amended by inserting `, except, the tax on any firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) shall be at the rate of $50 for each such firearm made' after `firearm made'.


(1) IN GENERAL- Section 5844 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to importation) is amended by adding at the end the following: `This section shall not apply to any firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8).'.

(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENT- Section 925(d)(3) of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting `(without regard to paragraph (8) thereof)' after `section 5845(a)'.


(1) IN GENERAL- Section 6103(o) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to disclosure of returns and return information with respect to certain taxes) is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(3) TAXES IMPOSED ON TRANSFER OF HANDGUNS- Returns and return information with respect to taxes imposed by part II of subchapter A of chapter 53 (relating to tax on transferring firearms) on any firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) shall be available in an on-line format for inspection by or disclosure to officers and employees of--

`(A) any Federal law enforcement agency, and

`(B) any State or local law enforcement agency,

whose official duties require such inspection or disclosure.'.

(2) CONFORMING AMENDMENTS- Section 6103(p)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended--

(A) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A)--

(i) by striking `or (o)(1)' and inserting `(o)(1), or (o)(3)(A)',

(ii) by striking `or (l)(6)' and inserting `(l)(6)',

(iii) by inserting `or (o)(3)(B),' after `(16),', and

(B) in subparagraph (F)(i)--

(i) by striking `or (l)(6)' and inserting `(l)(6)', and

(ii) by inserting `or (o)(3)(B),' after `(16),', and

(C) in subparagraph (F)(ii), by striking `or (o)(1)' and inserting `, (o)(1), or (o)(3)(A)'.


(1) IN GENERAL- Any person possessing any firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 not registered in the National Firearms Registration and Transfer Record maintained by the Secretary of the Treasury under section 5841 of such Code shall register such handgun--

(A) within 1 year of the date of the enactment of this Act, or

(B) upon the transfer of such handgun before such 1 year anniversary date.

(2) TREATMENT OF REGISTRATION AS TRANSFER- For purposes of any tax imposed by part II of subchapter A of chapter 53 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to tax on transferring firearms) on any firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of such Code, any registration of such handgun under paragraph (1)(A) shall be considered a transfer of such handgun.

(3) NONAPPLICATION OF PENALTY- Section 5861(d) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 shall not apply with respect to the possession of any handgun before the date of the registration of such handgun under paragraph (1).


(1) AVAILABILITY- To promote and assist compliance with the handgun registration requirements under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by this section, the Secretary of the Treasury shall make available such registration and fingerprint forms as may be required by the public for compliance with such requirements--

(A) to State and local law enforcement agencies and facilities of the Department of the Treasury throughout the States, the United States Postal Service, and such other agencies and departments of the Federal Government as the Secretary determines would aid in making such forms available to the public; and

(B) through the Internet in a downloadable format.

(2) SINGLE FORM- The Secretary of the Treasury shall make available registration forms that allow an individual to register the possession or transfer of more than 1 firearm classified as a handgun under section 5845(a)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 on a single form.

(h) PROGRAM OF PUBLIC AWARENESS- Within 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall commence a program to broaden public awareness of the handgun registration requirements under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended by this section. Such program may include voluntary cooperative efforts with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies and public service announcements as deemed appropriate by the Secretary.

(i) AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary for the Secretary of the Treasury to carry out the provisions of and amendments made by this Act.

(j) EFFECTIVE DATE- The amendments made by this section shall take effect on the date of the enactment of this Act.

Jack 99

New member
Don't you love Administrative Law?

I hope nobody has any doubts about who the American Gestapo is. Put the IRS in a position of power to regulate firearms and we'll be sunk.


New member
I just heard of this bill today.Is it a "For sure" thing, or can we stop it?This is the perfect way to circumvent the Constitution and cause Law abiding gun owners to pay through the nose , or, become tax evading Felons!


Staff Emeritus
Near as I can tell, this is in committee. Now, if I'm not mistaken, it's got to get out of committee, through the House of Representatives and then through the Senate.

This is the end of August, how many more days will Congress be in Session?



New member
I will not comply. Rest assured, it will go to the Supreme Court - I'll be one of the plaintiffs.


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mickey:
I just heard of this bill today.Is it a "For sure" thing, or can we stop it?This is the perfect way to circumvent the Constitution and cause Law abiding gun owners to pay through the nose , or, become tax evading Felons![/quote]


New member
If this were to become law, could you refuse to submit your tax return on the grounds that doing so would violate your 5th amendment right against self incrimination?


New member
I guarantee I won't be submitting :mad: They can kiss my ***. My letter will be typed and sent to my elected employee for sure. I had forgotten about this and didn't think it was still active.

We preserve our freedoms by using four boxes: soap,ballot,jury, and cartridge.

[This message has been edited by loknload (edited August 24, 2000).]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Karanas:
If this were to become law, could you refuse to submit your tax return on the grounds that doing so would violate your 5th amendment right against self incrimination?

I think there is no problem there if you are legal . The 5th just covers you if you might be guilty of something . If you legally own a gun they just want to know it .
Is it just me or is there an inordinate amount of gun stuff happening in Klintons last days ? This IRS thing is out of left field . Why not , does your dogs name consist of more than 6 letters ? Do you own more than 3 knives ? Is there a cattle prod in your neighborhood to your knowledge ? Quite simply put . ***??????
I'm not rich but I got a grand to throw into the pot to fight this .


Brett Bellmore

New member
It's not just you; Clinton can see his power slipping away, and he knows that he no longer has to worry personally about being elected, so he's lashing out at us with every power he has, constitutional and un, to do us as much damage as he can before he's ousted. It's only going to get worse as the election approaches, and if Gore loses, Clinton's going to go absolutely berserk.

Sic semper tyrannis!


New member
"... become tax evading Felons"

Can someone please explain why I will become tax evading felons if I don't list my gun. I PAID TAX at the time I purchased my gun. Is it legal for the gov't to tax me twice? Do they charge $50/gun each year or is it a one time deal?

"(2) DEFINITION OF HANDGUN- Section 5845 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (relating to definitions) is amended by adding at the end the following:

`(1) IN GENERAL- The term `handgun' means any weapon (including a starter gun) which--

`(A) is designed to or may be readily converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, and

`(B) has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand."

I don't have any handgun (according to the definition in part B above). I always use TWO hands to fire my gun (I can't use it with a SINGLE hand). So I am off the hook.

I am totally confuse (especially I live in Kali).


[This message has been edited by YoungGun (edited August 24, 2000).]


New member
Brett is probably very close to the truth.
Clinton is one sick individual and he is very vindictive.
Don't be fooled by his smiles and smooth, fuzzy talk. That is all a con.
We have a loose canon rattling around the ship of state these last months of the year 2000.
Be on your guard.


New member
Those of you living in the folowing states
have the best ability and chance of influencing the comittee members as they are
congresscritters from your state.


The ball is mostly in the court of residents
of the above mentioned states as Congresscritters usually do not listen to any one but their pac contributors and their constituients and sometimes not even to them.

Is the US Government corrupt---naaa---
no way , right????

vote bush nov.


Member In Memoriam
Just for starters, "`(A) is designed to or may be readily converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive, ..." means we're clear on anything using smokeless powders as they are not explosives.

'Course these idiots think so & many would be up against it before the error was pointed out in court ....

Won't these guys ever stop with this stuff? Rhetorical, oviously.


New member
If senate bill sb-2099 ever becomes law , we will all have to start filing zero income tax returns. This is legal because there is not law that forces us to assess our net worth for the government, it is on a volintary basis.

One needs meerly to refuse to volintarly assess ones self and file a zero tax return.

All spaces are filled in with zero and one needs to visit

and get the book The Federal Mafia by Irwen
Scheff as well as the law kits to answer the letters that you will be recieving from the IRS in order to stop IRS from taking you to tax court ,which is illegal for them to do as there is no law giving them the power to do so.

It also seems that the 16th ammendment, aside from never being properly rattified by the required number of states, is so worded that they can only legally tax corporations and not individuals .

Therefore, on the IRS computers, they list individuals as (non-existant corporations)
for the purposes of legitimizing their tax collections.

Irwen Schreff's series of books, audio tapes , floppy discs and video tapes has all the answers in form letters that you can copy and send to the IRS , in order to prevent IRS from taking you to court for
non self assessment for tax purposes and
subsequent no payment of taxes.

It seems if you do not assess yourself,that is to say you report zero income, IRS is powerless to assess any taxes
upon you, because there is no law to force you to assess yourself.

So the answer to SB 2099 is to file zero sum tax return.

Find out more at

There is also an email newsleter you can subscribe to at:
or is that .org --try em both ans see which works.
their email is

[This message has been edited by ernest2 (edited August 25, 2000).]


New member
If this passes, it SHOULD mean civil war. I don't understand why anyone would put up with this crap.

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
I have written the following to my legislators,

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
To my representatives,

Word has reached me regarding Senate Bill SB-2099. I am extremely displeased with this bill. In fact I am absolutely furious.

How something like this could even make it into consideration is utterly offensive and un-American. We live in a special country where the power is supposed to be derived from the will of the people, not from the whim of the elected.

SB-2099 will not be tolerated. No true believer in our way of life or our form of government should support or condone even the very consideration of this nonsense.
This bill proposes to not only create a situation of double taxation(tax put on the purchase of said firearm, and then tax for merely creating it), but it also is an even more extreme violation of the Second Ammendment of the US constitution than most current gun laws, including the National Firearms Act(an illegal legislation).

I neither support, or condone criminal behavior, and I even obey the speed limits which few see the point in obeying. It is appalling that a proposal to limit my freedoms would be even discussed by people I, and others like me, helped put in power. We support you, and appreciate your efforts on our behalf, when they are indeed on our behalf. This bill, however, is not a bill proposed in support of the American people and their way of life, but in spite of them.

I truly hope that my fellow firearms enthusiasts have written you about this as well, because I know quite well that they are angry about this, and many non-gun owners are as well, being quite sick of the IRS and thier absurd powers. I hope you will see that this is not popular, nor even constitutional, and not only strike it down, but absolutely berate and shun those who have proposed it, because they are bad people, with bad intentions.

Thank you for your time,

The Alcove

I twist the facts until they tell the truth. -Some intellectual sadist

The Bill of Rights is a document of brilliance, a document of wisdom, and it is the ultimate law, spoken or not, for the very concept of a society that holds liberty above the desire for ever greater power. -Me


New member
To find out who your Congressman is you can check

Try to take away my gun...and you will see my 2nd Amendment Right in ACTION!!! -Me


[This message has been edited by MrBigglesworth (edited August 25, 2000).]
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