Smith and Wesson SD9, first trip to the range


New member
FALshootist said:
Like I previously stated, I have an M&P which is supposed to be a better product than the Sigma but its still not as reliable as my Glock even with a trip back to S&W.

Unfortunately, you probably have a "lemon" on your hands. :( Sigmas may be considered low-end, but in general they're very reliable pistols these days--typically far more reliable than your particular M&P. My M&P hasn't had a single malfunction to date, and I've put well over 2000 rounds through it by now. I've run it without lube, without cleaning for a long while, held it at every angle, and tried to limp-wrist it, but I haven't gotten it to fail yet. Most M&Ps are like this, but sadly a few are not. I've even seen some "lemon" Glocks that wouldn't shoot reliably no matter what fixes were tried (something major must be out of spec, I'd guess), although it's rare. Keep bugging S&W about it--your M&P should be at least as reliable as a Sigma, but from your description and my experiences with both models, it isn't.

1/2 cocked

New member
I fondled all 3 today.The SD9 looks like quality. I found nothing to complain about. I do think it is a very similar apperance on the outside to the Sigma. The trigger is better than the Sigma but not as good as the M&P. It is a stroke like a Kahr trigger, not a break like a Glock.
I actually found the Sigma trigger to be decent. I had a Sigma when they first came out and I am wondering if the Sigma trigger has been improved over the years? The SD is about identical in size to a Glock 19 but has a superior grip. I'm thinking hard about picking one up for fun and games.