Smith and Wesson SD9, first trip to the range


New member
This weekend I picked up a new S&W SD9. Wasn't planning on buying it, but at $325.00 NIB, I couldn't turn it down. Glad I didn't.

My dad and I both shot it, and both loved it. Very accurate, comparable to my M&P 40, although the trigger isn't quite what the M&P trigger is. The fit and finish is great for a gun in its price range and the ergonomics are wonderful. It actually fits my hand better than the M&P.

My only gripe is that instead of throwing the spent brass to the right, it spits them in my face. I had one land on my left arm and stay there until I shook it off as it was burning my skin. Any ideas on what may be causing this? Other than that it is an amazing gun for the price, or at a much higher price.


New member
Private sale. The guy I bought it from bought it, then decided he really wanted an M&P9c. So he bought the M&P and needed to get rid of the SD9 in a hurry. He even paid for the transfer.

Jack Bauer

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My local Gander Mtn. has them for $449; I'd love to find one locally for under $400, but they just ain't there...ordering from Bud's, paying shipping & transfer fees would put me over the $449...then again, I'm not really in the market for one...:)


New member
I knew they would immediately talk about the price and not answer your question.:rolleyes:

Anyway, try another type of ammo and see if the extraction does the same thing. It could be your extractor needs a tweek or something. Also, give it a good cleaning and check for any metal shavings etc that could be causing this.

If you believe it to be a problem, call Smith CS and see what they can do for you.

Congrats on the SD.

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New member
Thanks Lee. I'll give it a good cleaning and run some other ammo through. Hopefully that'll take care of it. Other than that, it is an amazing gun. Really glad I bought it.


New member
Maybe not an exact comparison because I have the SD40, but it functions perfectly. No brass in the face. I, too, think they are a great buy.
Anyway, try another type of ammo and see if the extraction does the same thing. It could be your extractor needs a tweek or something. Also, give it a good cleaning and check for any metal shavings etc that could be causing this.
It could also be grip. A low or relaxed grip on a lightweight pistol can result in vertical ejection.


New member
Apparently I'm a dumbass, as I can see no reason why S&W (one of my favorite firearms companies) continues to manufacture variations of the sigma (which was pretty much universally trashed a few years ago) when they are producing the M&P which by all accounts is a much better pistol.

By the way I own an M&P 40 that had to go back to S&W for a number of problems which they did correct for free. It did come home with a great trigger, but still occasionally locks the slide back in the middle of the magazine.

I like it (my M&P 40) enough not to sell it, but I think my Glocks are better guns. However, from what I have seen the M&P is better than any variation of the sigma and I won't be buying one no matter what they call it.


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And Yet to Have trouble whith my Allied 9mm SIGMA "Apparently I'm a dumbass" You Said IT I Did'nt Falshootist, You can get a Lemon in any Make of Handgun ; )


New member
Yardog your right. I've never had a Sigma and don't intent to. I don't understand why S&W continues to make a gun with a horrible reputation (the Sigma) after they spent a ton of money and time to develope a better gun (the M&P ) by most reports, and continue to retail the Sigma.

I mean **** basic business practice is when you develope a better product you stop producing the inferior one. Glad yours works but I'm not wasting my money on one. Like I previously stated, I have an M&P which is supposed to be a better product than the Sigma but its still not as reliable as my Glock even with a trip back to S&W.


New member
so honda should stop producing the civic?

it's an entry level product. grabs the casually interested shooter, compares alright at its price point, etc. Now, I'm not sure if they really need the SD model splitting the two, but I don't think only selling a high end / high price product is the type of company they are trying to be.




New member
I don't understand why S&W continues to make a gun with a horrible reputation (the Sigma) after they spent a ton of money and time to develope a better gun (the M&P ) by most reports, and continue to retail the Sigma.

Harley continued to produce, and sell, it's same line of motorcycles after gaining a bad reputation. They fixed the problem, which is what Smith did with the Sigma...and they sell, which is why they continue to produce them.

Also keep in mind that commecial sales are but one segment of the Sigma market.


New member
I've never quite understood why the VE Series guns are denigrated all over the internet; but then DA revolvers with 'untuned' triggers were a fact of life for me for a number of years.

I bought an 'Allied Forces' SW40VE a couple of weeks ago and passed over the SD40 to get it. I think the SD is an excellent pistol. I just wanted a gun that would work well, shoot well, and be suitable in any role where a DAO sixgun. The 'Sigma' does that and does it quite well. Any of these long-stroke DA autos are going to require some effort on the shooter's part for good results.

Odd about the ejection pattern on your SD9. Try a heavier load and see if that helps some.


New member
Every day I get a better understanding for the old man that lives up on the hill on the out skirts of town with no contact with the general public!!:mad:

Congrats Deegle on the SD9!
I really like the look of the SD series!

With my handguns, the power of the load will change where the brass ends up!
Light loads will drop it right on me.
+ P loads will drop about 6' to my right & behinde me!

Which ever it turns out to be, I bet S&W will take care of it!

Best of luck!
Would love to see some pics!!