Smith and Wesson Agreement is Dead???

Will Beararms

New member
Hopefully Hillary and the Democrats will continue to attack Bush thereby galvanizing the middle of the roaders in favor of the status quo. Then, we will have four more to finally extinguish the HUD agreement.

Smith is moving at the advice of qualified attorneys. Like it or not it is a slow and arduous process prone to the law of unintended consequences if extreme caution is not exercised.

My final point, though often shot down as an archaic rebuttal is that even if Schultz
would have been anti-HUD, there was no option. The British owners Tompkins PLC decreed that the HUD would be signed. This in and of itself signals to the need for the U. S. to have American-made and American-owned firearms manufacturers. I for one plan to support all of them in the hopes that they will remain viable and in the hopes that our firearms supply line will not be at the mercy of some British, Austrian or German entity.

Mr. James

New member
That HUD is not enforcing the agreement upon S&W is a mere fortuity. As stated, a change in Administration could bring this execrable agreement back in all its perverted genius. No doubt, S&W is acting upon advice of counsel, but that does not alter the fact that the agreement is alive and well, if somnolent for the time being. The firm had better act to eviscerate this monstrosity now, while the climate is favorable, before spingtime comes and the big ugly bear wakes up...Mr. Ashcroft won't be Attorney General forever, nor will Mr. Martinez be Secretary of HUD forever.

The HUD agreement is fully binding, and enforceable upon S&W at any time the guv'mint chooses.

A humble suggestion: If the company will repudiate this purulent undertaking, then we can talk about supporting this once-great institution.


New member
I'm sorry!

I should have seen this coming but I asked anyway!:eek: The article came to my attention and I wasn't clear on what actually transpired between Boston and S&W so I thought I'd ask!

I'm going to go and start a conversation about abortion, racism and taxes to try and calm things down a bit.:)