Smart guns in MD


New member
He then interviewed the NJ author of the law (see the story) who said that if the NRA stopped opposing the law, then she would move to repeal it.

Actually according to the article she said she would introduce a bill to reverse the 2002 law if the NRA would not stand in the way of Smart Gun technology.

New Jersey Senate Majority Leader Loretta Weinberg said in an exclusive interview Friday with msnbc that she will introduce a bill to reverse a 2002 New Jersey “smart gun” law if the National Rifle Association will agree not to stand in the way of smart gun technology.

How can the NRA "Stand in the way" of any technology? My guess is that it is another ploy to discredit the NRA and portray them as evil non-caring goons that oppose technology that could save a Child's life.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Let's not be silly. Folks threaten boycotts and PR campaigns against manufacturers and sellers of the item.

Recall the tremendous and righteous pressure put on SW after their 'deal'.

I think the NRA is correct, if they suggest such things, if the production of the gun is tied to a legal mandate that they must be used and normal gun usage and purchase denied.

So in the abstract, removing the legal mandates and not threatening to use such tactics against manufacturers and seller by gun rights organizations would be the issue.

The legislator mentioned that in NJ there was university research based on grants to come up with a smart gun. There was fed money and IIRC Taurus was involved. So they fed into a possible mandated gun disaster. Should the NRA then speak against Taurus if this happened. Yes, they should. BTW, I knew somehow who worked at the school. Gun never worked.