Small primer 45 acp brass


New member
Does anyone save and reload these?
I just tossed 6 lbs of these in the brass recycle barrel.
No one I know reloads them.
I'm asking because I believe in Karma.
If there is enough interest I may start saving these and make a great deal on them to someone.:)
Some do segregate and reload them. AFAIK, you can't tell any performance difference. I probably wouldn't use them in a target pistol with a far off-center firing pin for reliability reasons.

You're going to see more and more of these over time. Most handloaders resent the extra sorting needed to avoid crushing large primers or having small ones fall out and don't want to mess with two primer station setups if they have progressive reloading equipment. So they sort anyway. But manufacturers need the small pockets for the currently produced lead-free primers and don't see a reason to make separate brass for lead-free and regularly primed ammunition, so they've been moving toward small primers for both. That's eventually going to lead to more folks reloading them.


New member
Really matters not to me. When I load .45 ACP I generally load about 200 give or take 50 rounds. All I care about when I prime is as to lots of 50 minimum them all being the same. They can be in lots of large or small pistol primer as long as they are all the same. :)



New member
I reload them and have no problem with them. I don't use a progressive press, and I handprime, so if any slip by my segregating them, no problem.

Wished I had known before the brasses got tossed..........

Thanks, Bayou


New member
I reload them as well. Notice no difference in performance, but I really don't chrono practice loads.

Sorting is a pain, but I will sort them and load them as long as they are serviceable.

All I care about when I prime is as to lots of 50 minimum them all being the same. They can be in lots of large or small pistol primer as long as they are all the same.

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New member
Another SPP 45 ACP post :p

It's all good ;)

Myself, I recondition the brass so they're prepped for reloading; but, I reserve them for another day - or year. I've never loaded a single one thus far. But I do have 'bout a coffee can full now.


New member
I toss 'em when I run across them. That way all I have is 'standard' LPP. Keeps it simple. Brass is so cheap, the SPP type isn't worth time to shoot. However, one poster did bring up a good way to use them. Use them in the field where you don't care to pick them up again. Shoot 'em and lose 'em.


New member
I'm a brass hound at the indoor range I go to. If I see someone shooting new factory ammo in 9mm or .45acp, then pack up and leave, I'm all over the brass. If it's small primer .45acp, I still pick them up. Collect until I get 100, then shoot them, but leave the brass. Large primer .45acp gets stashed away for competition use.


New member
Topic Drift

I save and sort, and I don't even own a 45acp!

I keep 40 S&W brass - recondition and process for reloading. And I don't own a 40 Cal; nor do I have any desire for one.

I do have a couple 10mm's (hence, the dies for processing 40); but lack the desire to even get 40 Cal conversion barrels for them.


New member
I've been loading them for a couple years now, can't tell any difference. Sortig isn't any real problem either for me. hdbiker


New member
Thanks folks for the input.
Been away a few days so just got back to read the posts.

I'm a volume re-loader using progressive press's.
I have a pretty steady supply of LP 45 acp brass.

Not a bad idea on saving some in case lg primers get scarce.
That never occurred to me.
I guess I'll put back a 5 gallon buckets worth.
That's about 4500 - 5000 cases.

Sadly with all the brass I have storage space is at a premium.

I'm not complaining; having some much brass is a good problem to have.

I take it there is a market and demand for it.

I'll start storing it until I get a 5 gallon bucket full and sell it off in lots.

I'll soon have 9mm again cheap so keep an eye out if your in need of 9mm brass.


New member
I keep any and all brass I pick up, if its corroded or 22 it goes in the scrap bucket. Anythimg I shoot gets tumbled and processed to be ready to lead later. Any high volume brass I dont shoot gets its own bucket. Any low volume brass, 38 super, 30-06, etc gets a baggie. Later if an amigo needs XX brass I can trade him for what he has that I shoot, including SPP 45 brass. Everyone wins.