Small Pox Vaccines...Yes or No

What do you think about the Administration approach to SP immunizations?

  • Emergency workers now, me and mine later, is fine with me.

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • Emergency workers now is fine, but I would like the option to get my shots now too.

    Votes: 10 31.3%
  • I want my vaccination ASAP but would not pay for it.

    Votes: 1 3.1%
  • I want my vaccinations ASAP and would pay for it.

    Votes: 7 21.9%
  • The risk of side effects from the vaccine are too great and I would rather take my chances and not g

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • The government never accomplished anything in 5 days.

    Votes: 2 6.3%
  • I don't think there is enough evidence that the US will be hit with SP to warrent all the excitement

    Votes: 4 12.5%

  • Total voters


New member
I heard this weekend that the Administration will begin the process of vaccinating emergency workers for Small Pox and that a plan is being released today describing how everyone in the US will be innoculated within 5 days if a case of actual SP shows up.

Supposedly the plan is 100 pages long.

I just wanted to test the waters and see how you TFLers feel about this.

Take care


New member
Hmmm, don't take this personally, but that's not a very well-designed poll. I'll take options

  • Emergency workers now is fine, but I would like the option to get my shots now too.
  • I want my vaccinations ASAP and would pay for it.
  • The government never accomplished anything in 5 days.
Um, actually, re my second choice above. I want the option now, and if I took it, I'd be willing to pay for it. Not sure I'd take the option, but what business does the government have telling me that I may not get a vaccination that I'd pay for myself?



Yup!, that's real FREAKIN! smart. You want to see an epidemic, let them do this and we will lose 1/3 this nation.


Bush's masters are sure pushin him to completely
destroy are ability to resist the NWO.

They do this, and the people start dying, the exec and legislative branches will be prosecuted for high crimes and genocide.

Get a ROPE!



New member
Who says it's really SP vaccine they'll be administering anyhow? I wouldn't trust the goverment to administer anything.

I think it's an excuse to declare martial law, and incarcerate anyone they want. The storm troopers will descend on the people to 'administer SP vaccine'...yup.


Okay, I'm a convert. I bet Bush's buddies are all getting vaccinated too, and I'm nervous that he knows something we don't.

I want the option to buy the vaccine. Now.


New member
Well, not too much interest yet but I have a notion to call and/or email my congress persons and let them know my opinion.

The Adminsitration was not going to arm pilots at first either but my guess is they looked at the polls and decided they better do otherwise.

No airline exec is going to say publicly they support arming the pilots but in private I bet you they are aware that the customers want it.

I would much rather take my chances with side effects and get the vaccine now than wait till the ballon goes up and then HOPE I can get it in time. There is not a chance of a snowball......that the vaccine is anything BUT SP vaccine.



New member

Are you saying we lose 1/3 of the population to the vaccine? While some are allergic to it, it is by no means 1/3. I had the vaccine 35+ years ago and so did everyone else I know. No one I know or heard of died from it. Maybe it should be a matter of choice. Me, I'll take another one if offered.


Oh sure, take the vaccine and also take the microchip hidden in it along with any other viruses they have in there. You know how many cancer viruses have been found in vaccines? Not to mention how the UN was using vaccines to sterrilize women in Africa? And now they want to MANDATE IT? If this doesn't get you to start the revolution, NOTHING will.

Bill Levinson

New member
"You know how many cancer viruses have been found in vaccines?"

Ahem. We had 100 percent mandatory smallpox vaccination through about 1970. Those of us who were born prior to 1965 almost certainly had at least one. (Hopefully we still have some immunity left.) It was pretty safe, as I recall.


What do you mean it was 100% mandatory? I doubt that, that is just evil/unconsitutional. I don't think many of the freedom lovers back then would let the government force them to do anything for their own safety. I would rather have a pvt company offer it, they stand more to loose if they is something wrong with the vaccine. Anyone who stands by and let's a forced vaccine g by unopposed is no friend of liberty. I will fight the government that very day they try to force a needle in my arm.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
QuadOughtBuck, relax. The vaccine is a heckuva lot better deal than smallpox.

It doesn't even hurt. Back when I was a kid, it wasn't even a shot. No needle. They jab three or four times with what looks like the X-Acto paper-cutter blade, maybe a steenth of an inch. Then, swab on the innoculant.

We had cute little paper cones, held on with a bandaid. Scared, going in. Sorta, "Look what I got, Mommy!" on the way out. Just no big deal at all.

I don't know where folks get all this paranoia, but I sorta wanta walk away mumbling about tinfoil hats...

:D, Art


IIRC, most plagues take off, due to the unsanitary conditions. Similiar to the AIDS/HIV epidemics.
The vile unsanitary sexual activities of those participants, had a lot to do with the spread of the plague.

I wish I knew everything like some folks do, then I wouldn't be sweatin the small stuff.



Member In Memoriam
FWIW, I heard a quick blurb on The Radio Newz this evening which said a "processing station" with at least 200 "needle-folk" could perhaps do 6,000 a day, working 16 hour shifts.

They'd need "complete municiple cooperation," etc. & very large parking areas around "high schools" (& the like). Pure logistics regards the area to provide the stuff is all.

Regardless of the validity of the vaccine (yup, had one when young(er)), why the sudden "thought process" about this & that? I wonder.

Is a bio-threat all that real all of a sudden that these things need be brought up?

Or, perhaps, is this just being used to defray the process away from our totally open borders & all these terrorists that can buy .50 cal full-autos at gun shows?

I'm confused.

Somebody help me out here?


New member
I got my vaccine many moons ago. Does SP require booster shots or is in a one time for life deal? I was used as a pincushion while in the military, but I don't recall ever getting another SP shot.


New member
I dont know if it was 100% mandetory when we got it in the late 60's, but I do know every kid who showed up in public school got it. Along with several other vaccinations.

And the plan that was distributed was to give State Health officials a plan of action should small-pox come back. From what I've read it would allow any state to vaccinate its population with in 5 days. That's a heck of a lot more doable than the entire country.

The stock of SP vaccine is probably the limiting factor. And I would get it if offered. There's no guarantee that the SP vaccine from the 60's still has any effect.
Unfortunatly, it appears that vaccinations do eventually lose their effectivness.

The antibody levels slowly decrease over time if you're not being exposed to the illness.


Plague generally denotes a bacterial illness -- Black Plague, Cholera, Typhus, etc. These breed in poor sanitary conditions.

Viral illnesses, on the other hand, generally don't care one whit whether you're living in a Victorian mansion with a dozen servants and the most modern sanitation ammenities or in an innercity slum with no running water and a broken toilet.

The last great viral epidemic in the United States, the Spanish Flu of 1917-18, is a good example. It sickened people and killed them indescriminately of their social & economic conditions.

Given that small pox is a viral disease, it could act a lot more like the Spanish Flu than the Black Plague in modern America.