Small .22 Fun Gun


New member
I've got a Firestorm (Bersa) .22 with 5,000+ rounds through it.

* A very ergonomic pistol for me. The stock grips are good and it points well.
* The trigger is fantastic.
* The 3-dot sights are good.
* The gun is small enough for backup CCW duty if you have no other choice. I carried mine for a couple months in a pocket while my Ruger was being fixed.
* Light weight, so high-velocity rounds feel like you're shooting a Bersa .380.
* Easy to strip and clean.

* Mine was utterly UNreliable with bulk .22 ammo at first. Stingers, Mini-Mags, and Aquila hyper-velocity worked flawlessly. After about 4,000 rounds, I decided to try the cheap stuff again, and it worked flawlessly. I don't know when I could have made the switch (definitely not within the first 1,000 rounds).
* When loading the magazines, you have to make sure the top bullet is tipped upward. This involves pulling the follower button all the way down, tipping the magazine upside-down, and shaking the magazine until you get what you want.
* Can be hard to find. I got mine very gently used from the range/gun shop I frequent. The only other place I saw it was at a trade show in the same location.

I had the Firestorm and a fairly new Ruger 22/45. I decided I needed only one .22 and gave away the 22/45 to a good friend of mine. The Firestorm is WAY more fun to shoot.