SKS Bullpup Conversion -250$- SHOULD I DO IT??


New member
How much more is a legal/neutered AK-47 over an SKS in Kommiefornia?

I was looking into that the other day, and I found one for about 750$ after tax and the CA DROS fees. If I could find a yogo with a busted stock for under 350$ I'd be in business with the 250$ SG Works SKS Bullpup stock conversion kit for a total of about 600$. And I don't have to worry about the all the bullet button B.S. (unlike the AK) because the standard SKS (as well as the SG Works conversion kit) loads from a stripper clip, not a detachable mag. *

But 44 AMP has me thinking:

Study for a moment your SKS and the proposed bullpup stock. Figuire out where the gas goes if a primer or a case ruptures. Personally, I don't care for 40,000+psi that close to my face. What's between you and the action opening? A thin piece of plastic?

No thanks.

Hell... Maybe the CA neutered AK is a better option for me... I think my face is worth more than a 150 bucks. Gonna need more info on the safety/design of the SG Works SKS Bullpup stock. Thank you all for your insightful comments.


New member
I recently had a massive overpressure in a bolt gun, if it would have been in that bullpup.... holy $@&#, no thanks.


New member
I recently had a massive overpressure in a bolt gun, if it would have been in that bullpup.... holy $@&#, no thanks.

That's right, huh? And that old Soviet steel may not be as formidable as the new Ruger, either....


What's bewteen you and the action opening? A thin piece of plastic?

Oh come on, thats not plastic. It's a space age Polymer, and did you notice that it's black? :D

They guy on the tape wasn't trying to hug it too tight I see, and he was not aiming that thing, LOLOLOLOL!


New member
I beg you, please do not. I am so tired of seeing crap like this in gun stores. You want a bull pup rifle, save your coin and buy one. Your SKS is what it is, and it is a fine rifle. Don't jack it up.


New member
You know, if you want a pistol grip on an SKS, get a norinco/chicom model and slap it in a tapco fusion stock. Get the feel of the AK with the stripper clips and the option to go with detachable mags if you can work around laws or manage to get out of that hole you live in. Nice weather, but crazy people are in control. :eek:

that is if you haven't made a decision yet.


New member
I've made my decision.

Not gonna touch this gun- maybe put a scope on it if I use it to hunt in the future, but other than that it will remain unchanged due the advice I have received in this thread. Thank you all very much.