SKS Bullpup Conversion -250$- SHOULD I DO IT??


New member
I just bought a very nice Russian SKS, and it's in really good shape (I'd say 85%-90%). I unfortunately live in California where our tactical options are limited as most of you probably already know. There is a new company called SG Works that sells a California legal bullpup stock for only about 250$. You can check them out at

So being that this is a nice Russian model SKS, (that I will be shooting frequently regardless of weather I covert or not) should I go ahead and convert, or leave it alone. I'd appreciate any helpful thoughts.


New member
The numbers do match, and thank you very much for your advice! This gun is so fricken cool already, I think I'm gonna look for another to convert. Any advice on a norinco vs. a yougo? If I obtained a yougo and the #'s all matched, should I leave that one alone as well, or convert?


New member
Weird! I was pretty skeptical when I heard of it, but it's pretty well executed. I just don't feel comfortable with the bolt actuating THAT CLOSE TO MY FACE.... maybe it's just a bullpup thing...

Let people shoot it at the range and you'll hear "that Microtech AUG had the GRITTIEST trigger I ever shot!" haha ;):rolleyes:


New member

I just don't feel comfortable with the bolt actuating THAT CLOSE TO MY FACE.... maybe it's just a bullpup thing...

I did not think of that... That's an awful lot of powder going off right next to my eye. Thank you for the food-for-thought.


New member
*sigh*...but it's so pretty....

If it's a quick changeover and you don't have to permanently alter the rifle, there's no harm in it. Frankly, I'd use the $250 and change for a different gun. But out in Colorado, I have a wealth of options when it comes to scary guns.


New member
Don't touch that. Bullpup conversions and permanent modifications to surplus/historical firearms are for fudds and dumb inner city bubbas.

Silent Titan

New member
i have a para sks that is very similar to your rifle. my step dad tried many tapco mods on his sks, some worked.... some didnt. the final result was that my stock sks ran like a champ and he had to pick though the mods that worked. you have a great gun that is a piece of history. if you really want to tapco out a gun, spend a few bills on a mini 14 and go to town


New member
I would leave the Russian alone... that gun is too nice to mess with. Enjoy it... I dont have one, but I wish I did!....

If you really want to convert one to bulpup, I guess the Yougo would be fine. But like some have said. I had a friend that had an SKS and it shot Perfectly until he started messing with the stock, and magazine. I dont know much about it. I've never owned an SKS, but I personally think you might be better off looking for a better rifle for the application you are thinking of then spending the $250 on a new stock. I know you live in CA so you are limited to foreign rule, but I'd think there would be something you could save for on top of your $250 that would be better than a converted bulpup SKS. Even the guy in the video advertising it seams to be struggling a bit.


New member
+1 for the no vote.

If it helps here is the general rule for SKS mods.

1) Obtain rifle & go online
2) Ask about all the cool mods and attachments you see.
3) Decide that the folks who say don't touch the rifle are not 100% clear on how awesome the conversion will be when done.
4) Buy a stock and other attachments.
5) enjoy (for a brief moment) your new range toy.
6) After shooting it some decide it is not all it was cracked up to be.
7) Remove the 100s of $ of crap, refinish the original stock and return rifle to original configuration.
8) Find that the rifle is much better in its original configuration and sell all the add on stuff on GB at a loss to the next guy. Who is @ stage 4

Only mods I would recomend would be a trigger job by Kavari (I think is how it is spelled).

The SKS is what it is a small effective carbine that is (mostly) non-detachable box fed. If you want a high capacity version look into the SKS M or D models or go for an AK.

Also check out the SKS Suvivors Board. There is a lot of good info on that site.

44 AMP

Study for a moment your SKS and the proposed bullpup stock. Figuire out where the gas goes if a primer or a case ruptures. Personally, I don't care for 40,000+psi that close to my face. What's bewteen you and the action opening? A thin piece of plastic?

No thanks.