sitting on speed strips

Bailey Boat

for those that carry autos, how many right handers keep their mags on the right?

Because a right handed person reloads an auto with their left hand!!!!! Am I the only one that practices a reload around here????? "Shirley" not????


New member
Because a right handed person reloads an auto with their left hand!!!!! Am I the only one that practices a reload around here????? "Shirley" not????

That's the point, I reload with speed strips with my left hand just like I do my mags.


New member
I am right handed and load speed strips with my right hand just like the guy in the video.. I would need to be ambidextrous to load a Jframe quickly with my left hand. Speed strips are even harder than speed loaders. Whenever possible I carry speed loaders, but in the summer I carry strips. Of course all of my autos are loaded with my left hand.


New member
Hi - I don't understand why one would have to be ambidextrous to use them with their left hand. I'm surely not. I will also say that I found in class that the speed strips may be slightly slower than speed loaders, but under stress I had a much higher tendency to drop rounds when using a speed loader.

I could never get used to switching hands. Further, there are a lot of problems with reaching through the frame like that to reload, one being the position of the firearm and your hands, another being the fact that the forcing cone may well burn you depending on loads and how many rounds were fired.

In every case of reloading, one must use both hands, unless practicing some sort of emergency one-handed reloading technique, so there's no reason one can't "teach" their left hand to reload a revolver any more than there's a reason they can't teach it to load an auto.


New member
Because unfortunately I don't share your talent. Watch the video, and that seems to be what works for me. No argument here. Whatever works for you is what you should use.


New member
I've seen the video, I saw it before and watched it again when you posted it. If it works for you, go for it. His technique is the old FBI reload, you might look at Massad Ayoob's stress reload as a strong-hand alternative that doesn't require you to put your hands so close to the forcing cone.

The OP seems to reload with his left hand like me. Some folks seem to think one must reload with their strong-hand in order to do it "right". I just don't see it that way I guess.


New member
I just watched Mass's video on stress loading a revolver, and although he makes some good points, I noticed he still uses his left hand to grasp the gun, and his right hand to reload. Am I missing something?
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New member
I rarely carry them back there but its not because they really bother me. As for damage, I could only see it if you’re carrying some soft hollow-points. I suppose they could be deformed but that’s about it.


New member
thanks to everyone who has given their opinions. i learned a lot more than i had expected from a simple question. practices and practicing have been improved.