sitting on speed strips


New member
Is there any reason to not keep speed strips in my back pocket? Any chance of damage to a round if sitting on hard surface for an extended period?


New member
I hope the rounds are laying flat rather than vertical.

In any case, unless you have a steel plate where the sun don't shine and you're sitting on a rock, I doubt you could damage the rounds. But why in the back pocket? Ouch! Even my thin wallet hurts.

Why not the front pocket?



New member
Today was first day with them, yes they lay flat. I had the gun in the right front and money clip & in the left front so the speed strip landed in the back left. Middle of the day it just kinda hit that me that maybe they could get damaged in the back pocket.


New member
I think it would cause more problems than a thick wallet, not for the rounds but for your back side (siatic (sp) nerve)


They used to make belt wallets for speed strips.
I was cheap and used a belt mounted eye glasses case to carry mine.
Made me look like a nerd, that was the look I was going for at the time, (snort, yeah sure, snort!).
A verticle open top eyeglass case w/spring belt clip might work as well.

Yankee Bill

New member
Your butt would more likely suffer some damage over time before the bullets would.
But if it is not uncomfortable sitting on them you shouldn't have any problems.



New member
If they hurt your butt, get a cheap cell phone case. Clips to your belt and holds two loaded strips. About $6.00 at the Dollar General.

Bailey Boat

"I had the gun in the right front and money clip & in the left front so the speed strip landed in the back left."

Since you're talking speed strips it leads me to believe you're using a revolver. Since you say the gun is in your right front pocket it leads me to believe that you're right handed, why is the reload in your left rear pocket???? It should be in your RIGHT rear pocket, think about the firing/ejection of empties/reloading sequence......


New member
Bailey Boat is correct - the reload needs to be on your right side if right handed - practice your reloads. Two issues - one: if your speed strip is in your back pocket and you are on your but or squatting - you will play heck getting the strip out; two: if you are right pocket carrying - then either buy some cargo pants to store the strips (I do) or get a pouch for your belt (I use an El Paso Pick 2-6 Box - kinda looks like a small cell phone pouch and does not attract attention).

357 Python

New member
If you carry semi-jacketed hollow points (hollow points with a bit of lead exposed) the mouth of the hollow point may deform from the pressure exerted from the solid side. I have had some deform over time in real tight ammo pouches.


New member
Well, I'm sitting down with a speed strip of 38 in my right rear pocket. . .and I'm not wearing any underwear too. . .( Well maybe not, I do have long johns on due to working in the cold today )

What I've found, have the strip up running left to right and the bullets facing down. The rounded side of the bullet is more comfortable than the square rubber strip. Also, if you pull the strip up a bit when you sit down they are just below pocket top level and not where you are sitting reasonably straight.

However, be prepared to loose a strip, early on a strip escaped somewhere from home to the salvage yard and back home again. Maybe I've discovered how ammo got lost in cars that I've taken apart over the years.
I found a glove pouch made by Bianchi that holds two Bianchi speed strips like it was made for them. The pouch can be worn on the belt or will slip into a back pocket like a wallet.


New member
Never had an issue with a speedstrip in a pocket, but I now carry mine in an IHL wallet on the belt right behind the holster. It simply offers better access in that position.

Flint Ridge

New member
I carry two speed strips in the right rear pocket and have driven hundreds of miles at a time that way, very comfortable actually. I have two that are kept vertical back to back, with the tab up for easier access.

The Great Mahoo

New member
I carry 1 strip in my back pocket. Never been a problem, and not the least bit uncomfortable.

I also have a dump-pouch from Simply Rugged, but rarely find myself using it. Its nice enough, but I've no problem with them in my pocket. The pouch can be uncomfortable when seated, since I like to wear it slightly rearward.

old bear

New member
As others have suggested some sort of ammo pouch, either on your belt or in back pocket may be a better idea.
My only concern may be having a round come loose, or the strip itself getting hung up if you tried to remove it one handed in a hurry.

Deja vu

New member
Just wondering. After reading this I read that if you are right handed and keep your gun in your front right pocket that you should put the speed strips in the back right pocket?

I would think that you would want to keep the speed strips in your left front pocket so that your left hand can grab the speed strips so you don't have to change your gun hand to get more ammo... am I wrong?


New member
I never had a problem with them in the back pocket. The left back pocket. And I'm a right hander. Question - for those that carry autos, how many right handers keep their mags on the right?