Significant Others?


New member
Yesterday on the way home from church, she asked me, "Do you think there is any way I can go hunting this year? I know I can't go very far, but maybe just inside the edge of the woods around the house here?"

We'll figure something out.

Maybe with a crossbow? They are legal here in VA, won't have the same type of recoil as a rifle/shotgun, and using a crank won't require a lot of strength to pull back the string [and maybe a little help from her husband].

Hmmmm well current girlfriend hasn't hunted before, but after talking it over with me...has done a complete 180. Now she gets jealous if I mention I'm hitting up a hunting/firearms store or the range. She has her eyes set on a Mathews Passion Bow [used to do archery in high school and loved it], and is thinking of taking some of the womens hunter clinics at Gander Mountain.


New member
My wife is great about hunting. As long as I keep a good balance, there's no issue. She is usually keeping up with the weather and will tell when I need to go due to bad weather later in the week.

She asks for the balance but It wouldn't a problem anyways. I don't ever want to take advantage of her enthusiasm. She also would rather have some grilled backstrap than a T-bone from a steakhouse.:D

HogDogs, when I get back to SC in a couple years, we might have to hook-up on some hog slaying.


New member
My wife has been putting up with my hunting trips for over 17 years or so she is pretty much ok with it. Other than talking about me spending money she does not say much about the deer hunts because she just loves deer tenderloin on the grill.....:D


New member
#1 was a Cajun, need I say more?

#2 is from MA. What was I thinking? On the upside, she enjoys her time with her friends. I come home dirty and happy with something in the cooler.


New member
"significant others"

If you did not care about how they felt than they would not be very "significant" would they? Therefore, it is important to respect thier needs. What works for me is to make certain that my significant has all of her needs met. Special dinner, long talk, intimacy, and all other needs that she might have or conjure up. Once those have been "dialed in", I can ("go and do and accomplish")! I recommend the above method to all.... Dave


New member
Maybe with a crossbow? They are legal here in VA, won't have the same type of recoil as a rifle/shotgun, and using a crank won't require a lot of strength to pull back the string [and maybe a little help from her husband]

Shooting isn't the problem. It's walking. (She pretty much only squirrel hunts with a 22 rifle.) She has to use a walker and can't go very far with that. She's got a delux walker with a seat, so we'll take her to the edge of the woods with the truck, and a few yards inside, lock the brakes on her walker and she can set there. She's got me to fetch what she shoots. :D We'll work it out.