Sigma: Beating the dead horse.


New member
I shot 500 rounds today. Everyone went bang. These were my reloads.

I guess MrApathy thinks everyone that tinkers is somehow handicapped.


WOW... maybe it's cause I'm new to the forums, but I never would have thought that wanting a lighter trigger pull would get you flamed and called handicaped.
It's not because you're new, it's probably because you've read the forum rules more recently than most. :rolleyes:

While it can be ill-advised to lighten a trigger past a point, I agree that it doesn't deserve such a scathing response.


New member
I guess MrApathy thinks everyone that tinkers is somehow handicapped.

they sure arent developing skill from hard work at the range.
which is what I advocate developing skill by working hard in the first place.

when met with adversity you just might find yourself lacking the skill you decided to sidestep for expedient results.

never mind the trigger gets lighter after 1,000 rounds you and others dont seem to comprehend or care you want results now with immediate expedience instead of listening to someone with knowledge and experience.

I have posted on 3 different forums best way to get a nice trigger on sigma. I have 2 sigma's myself with nice smooth triggers. for best results patience is required so is strength. but expecting people to have strength or patience these days I guess is pretty too disruptfull to there delusions of a utopian world where little to no effort is required when met with adversity or simulation of adversity.

you dont even have the gun broken in and your modding it which is less than stellar.

did you try the trigger at the store? search for heavy trigger complaints?
search to see how it smooths out ?
search for a gun with nice trigger out of the box?
if you did, you didnt do a very good job especially when you wound up with a sigma.


New member
As I said before apathy, I was getting great groups with everything stock. Remember when I said that? I didn't even care about the mod until I did a search for Sigma's on this site. Then I read how the trigger was reduced with this mod. I have a large tinkering bone and love to take stuff apart and see how it works. Well this mod let me do just that. And now I have a greater understanding of how my gun works, and it has a better trigger in my opinion.

OfficerJohnson, no. Feels the same to me.