Sig Handguns? Are they worth the money? Are others?

Big Bill

New member
Are Sig Sauer handguns so much better than other handguns that people pay the outrageous prices they do to get one; or, is it just that the gun is a status symbol and so people pay more to get one even though something more reasonably priced might be just as good.

What other guns can you think of that may also fit this description? Or, am I off base talking about Sig this way? I'm thinking Kahr also. Are there some cheap guns that aren't worth the money? What are your thoughts?
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New member
IMO SIG's are worth the price tag. at least i know my p226 is. the question i asked myself is, is my life worth 6-7 hundred dollars

Big Bill

New member
Good answer prox. But, would a less expensive gun do just as well. Why did you choose a Sig over, say an M&P? I can buy a 9mm M&P for around $450. Why should I pay more?


New member
Bill, 10/4/10

I own a number of Sigs (239, 245, 220, 228) as well as a number of other brands (SW, SA, Glock, Beretta, CZ). In my mind the newer Sig offerings are not worth the money now being asked. Sig now seems to concentrate on fancy looking railed-frame pistols instead of the standard, workhorse pistols they sold in the past. When I look for another Sig I buy a used one, either through Gunbroker or a CPO offering from Good luck.

best wishes- oldandslow


New member
SIG's are good guns, and I've owned a bunch of them, but for me, they priced themselves out of my market, especially since I like to have multiples of what I might carry. I've sold most of mine off and turned them back into Glocks.

When I bought most of mine, most models were NIB with night sights for around $750. From what I've seen these days, its more like $1000+ for the same guns. That equates to almost a 2 for 1 difference if you go with some of the others.

If you have the money, and just have to have one, I doubt you'll be disappointed. If you want more bang for your buck, there are other, equally as good options available.


New member
Good answer prox. But, would a less expensive gun do just as well. Why did you choose a Sig over, say an M&P? I can buy a 9mm M&P for around $450. Why should I pay more?
it might do just as good, M&P is a great gun too. i guess the only way to give an example is.. A corvette Z06 is just as fast as Ferrari F430, but what would you rather own? in my case i would like both. thats why i also own a less expensive Springfield XD.


I have had my share of hand guns and I like SIG the best,followed by Glock
The accuracy is amazing and the feel of the gun is tops.....Some models are
overpriced but if you have the smack get one......


New member
You get what you pay for when you buy a SigSauer.

Though the same could be said of Springfield, Kimber, Khar, Glock, S&W, and the list goes on...

They're all good guns in their own respects. Find the one that fits you the best and you can shoot the best, then stick with it.

Big Bill

New member
When I bought my new Springfield XDm 45, the dealer had a very small Sig 380 carry gun (I think it was a Sig P232 Stainless, IIRC.) that he wanted about the same money for ($699) (I think it was about $50 cheaper.). I just couldn't see it. So, I bought the Springfield; and, I'm happy I did. BTW, the Sig was new and it was the only one (Sig) he had in the store. Maybe he just can't afford to stock more? But, it probably because he can't sell them around here, since we're all so poor.

sonny - have you ever had a CZ 75B ?

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New member
Having fired a P220 I can say they are worth what you pay. I want a P226 in .40 for no other reason than it's a good pistol, I'm familiar with it and even though I have a great XD-40 Service model, I still want one. :)

As for the .45 ACP pistols, the P220 is one of my favorites but I can't keep my hands off of my 1911s or so to speak. I love 1911s :)


New member
Well what can I say to add to this? You only go through life once if you're going to get to the finish line and wish you should have done this or that. Then DO IT if you have the chance.


New member
But, would a less expensive gun do just as well. Why did you choose a Sig over, say an M&P?

For me that comparison would be emphatically, no. With some exceptions SIG makes predominantly metal frame pistols which are hammer fired DA/SA with a decocker.

While everyone has their own preferences, mine are for hammer fired, DA/SA with a decocker, or hammer fired, SA with a safety. And all my pistols are either stainless steel or alloy frame.

I do not like polymer frames (have owned some so I am going by personal experience) and I do not like striker fired weapons.

Possibly an FNP series would be a better comparison in my mind (very SIG-like in field stripping, hammer fired, DA/SA with decocker and/or safety, just polymer frame). But the price difference between a FNP-9 and say a base 226 is not all that great. Or maybe a S&W metal framed 3rd gen. autoloader? (I have not actually owned any S&W auto's, but I might try one if a good deal came my way).

I honestly don't see SIGs as being outrageously priced (okay, some of them are, like the equinox's). A base 226 or 229 is in the same ballpark as a number of other good quality metal pistols.


New member
Sig's are amazing guns. The reason that we have trouble selling them at our store though is because people cant justify the extra cost. As far as reliability goes, glock and the like are spot on with Sig. But accuracy is a different story, i have found the Sig's to be significantly more accurate then the others, minus hk.

Big Bill

New member
GW - I've got a CZ 75BD that meets your criteria very well. I paid $500 for it NIB. So, would that be a better comparison for you? Oh, and BTW, it is VERY accurate, has a nice, smooth trigger, and handles like a dream. :)


New member
Never shot a SIG, but have only heard great things. Dont fool yourself into thinking a great co cant have its fair share of issues (see Kimber).

You mentioned the SW M&P. Exemplary gun. Thats why i have two. I have the MP in .40 and absolutely LOVE it. Feels great, interchangeable backstraps, true, accurate, and never an issue-ever. Takes apart in mere seconds (around 3 seconds). I rank it number 2, behind my +1k Kimber(s) and its less then 1/2 the price. Only hear great things about the XD/M as well.


New member
The "Sigs" of today is not the same as the "Sigs" of yesteryear.
Do some research on quality control issues

Big Bill

New member
Just to be clear, I don't think for one second that SIG products are inferior in any way. In fact, I believe they are some of the world's best made firearms. I very seldom hear any complaints at all about their products (except maybe the Mosquito). But, even then, it's understandable that once in awhile a company can make a products with problems (GM and Ford have had their share).

So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that if I could afford one, I'd probably buy one. But, if there are cheaper alternatives that get the job done, then I've got to consider them.


New member
I own and am very fond of my SIG and CZ pistols. However I am also glad that I bought them when I did because the prices now make me cringe.

If I had the spare $$$ I'd still buy SIG though.
I like Sig pistols and have a few of them too. If the price of the new ones is too high you can get a CPO or a slightly used one for less money. I have other brands as well but I don't recall ever going to the range without at least one Sig in the bag. For carry it is either Sig or Beretta most of the time with an occasional CZ.