Sig Custom Shop


New member
Anyone have any work done by them? Particularly the SRT trigger and the Action enhancement? Been thinking about getting that done on my P220 and looking for some opinions.


New member
Just get some monkeys with Dremel tools and hammers to pound away on your gun, the results will be the same.

While Sig makes a reasonably good gun, I've found their custom shop results to be average at best. They either don't care, are too busy, or some combination of the two.

I sent my P220 away for a Labor Day special (SRT, night sights, barrel re-crown, polishing feed ramp, etc.) and got back some halfass job of an unevenly polished feed ramp, broken trigger return spring, and crooked sights.

The Sig made a return trip for repair of springs, which they managed to achieve without screwing anything else up, but I eventually replaced the barrel because I couldn't bear to look at the terrible uneven hack-job they did to the feed ramp. They claimed the appearance was "normal."

Save your money. Keep your Sig as it is, or get a better gun if your'e unhappy with it.

Grayguns is a much better Sig gunsmithy if you want any custom work done, btw. They're not as fast, but they actually care about returning you a working gun that is better than what you sent them.


New member
My best friend had his P220 sent in for the SRT and action enhancement. Came back very nice. My only complaint is I felt his DA came back almost too light, but he likes it so hey.

Bruce Gray is in a different league, but you'll be waiting around for a long time. The SRT kit can typically be done yourself, though sometimes it might need a bit of fitting (I learned the hard way).


New member
I have had two Sigs completely done and they are a fantastic custom shop. Under one weeks turn around time door to door. Sig Sauer is probably the best company to deal with. You do get what you pay for and with Sig you get more than what you pay for and in a good way.


New member
Sig Sauer is probably the best company to deal with.

While I will very much disagree with that, I have nothing bad to say about their custom shop.

For reference the work my friend had done was 1-2 years ago.


New member
Really??? Please elaborate. I have ALOT of first hand experience with them and nothing but outstanding service. In fact, my LGS all carry Sigs and had work done with the same results and that's about 13 guns combined over the last two years.
While I will very much disagree with that, I have nothing bad to say about their custom shop.


New member
I really don't want to get into it on this thread and derail it, but you're free to PM me if you want.

Note that I am not saying SIG is horrible, but I just don't believe them to be the "best", as you stated, by a long shot.


New member
I was just wondering because there is a special which includes the Action Enhancement and SRT for half price and I wanted to get the Sig night sights put on as well. Was hoping to hear better news though


New member
I think you will generally find reviews to be positive. There will always be a few folks that have bad experiences and they tend to be the most vocal.


New member
Think I may go for it. I have been wanting to get in the AR game lately and really don't have cash to do both but I honestly know I will end up shooting the Sig much more as there isn't really anything around me outside of 100 yds. Plus, I know so little about AR's that I don't even know what I would want in one lol.


New member
I would really be amazed if you ended up regretting it. I think my friend considers it some of the best money he has spent.


New member
Yea I agree. This is one that I will plan on keeping forever so I'm sure it will be money well spent. Late 90's model that I got from my step father. She's a keeper!


New member
Sig Sauer currently has a Father's Day Special going on for a limited time. It is 25% off the Action Enhancement Package. It reduces the cost down to $129.95.

You can also add the Short Reset Trigger for an additional $49.95. which is 50% off.

There is also some kind of deal where you buy the coin and get shipping for about twenty-five bucks if I recall correctly. I got an email with the offer a few days back.

You can either go to the Sig web site or call their Customer Service for more details.

Hope this helps.


Bruce Gray; Gray Guns....

I checked the posts & didn't see it mentioned but gunsmith & tactics instructor; Bruce Gray of Gray Guns is considered to be one of the top SIG Sauer pistolsmiths in the US.
I do not own any P series SIGs but Id look at Grays shop if I wanted any custom work.



New member
I have owned pistols worked on by the Sig Custom shop and Gray Guns. I currently do not own a gun worked on by either one.

I have had 2 Sig Custom shop guns. Both were smooth and consistent. It had an AEP job & a throated barrel. They were nice shooting guns. There was a slight improvement over a brand new in the box gun but honestly if I put 5 of my mid round count Sigs, 2500 to 5000 rounds down the pipe, with those 2 guns 99% of shooters could not tell you which one had and action job and which one did not.

The Gray Guns pistol was a step up from the Sig custom shop. It was done back in the day when Bruce and Flork, now of Apex Tactical, actually touched and did the work on your guns.... :eek: It was a P226 Tactical. It was a sweet gun with as nice a DA as I have ever shot. I bought it from a guy who paid for the Gray gun work as a suppressor project gun but then scraped that idea and then sold the pistol. Had it not had the threaded barrel I would have kept it

IMHO the Sig Custom shop is only as good as the guy who picks your gun up out of the que and works on it. Some will be excellent others will have avg work. If it were me I would never send one in during a special because you can assume that volume will spike and getting a gun on and off the bench quickly is SOP during these times.

That said the Sig custom shop is much cheaper than Bruce Gray so that is a major consideration for most people. In the end I stopped customizing Sigs in my collection. I find that they do what I need them to do after about 2500 rounds and a few tweaks I can do myself. For me the classic P series pitol are first and foremost high quality combat pistols I do not need to make them into race guns. YMMV


New member
I had the same work done to my p225 that the op is asking about. Mine came back great! No hesitation in doing it again.

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