SHTF Car Trunk Gun HELP!!!


New member
I think the Kel-Tec Sub 2000 will be my purchase instead of the shotgun now. I can interchange the mags between the Kel-Tec and my G19 (one of my main ccws). Plus I have a bunch of 33 rounds mags just lying around that can accompany this rifle in my trunk.

From what I read from multiple sources, it has an effective range of over 100 m. AND at distances closer than 50 m, the 9mm bullet approaches the muzzle velocity of a .357 Magnum. At 200 m, velocity approximates .380 ACP muzzle velocities. Thats pretty darn good if you ask me.


New member

I am sure if stuff hits the fan, all on this forum can take care of themselves.

Lets get back to discussing actual attributes of various weapons and loads for various purposes.


New member
If it ever gets that bad, call the police and have them come over and give you a police escort to work.

What country you living in dude?? Definately not the U.S.of A.

Bill DeShivs

New member
Here is a real SHTF situation. I work in Memphis- a city always on the verge of riots (it has happened several times) and infested with gangs. Memphis is also on a very large earthquake fault. I work in a very large municipal facility in the very heart of downtown. I live 32 miles away in a suburb. It is quite possible that I will have to make that 32 mile trek home to protect my family, or that I may have to hole up and stay on the job. I have seen what the locals do-riots, looting, etc. I don't always carry a long gun with me, but on election days, days that the "race thermometer" is up, or when the natives are restless-it's good to know that I have something a little bigger than the 2-3 handguns I always carry.
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New member
My truck gun of choice is the ~$350 Saiga AK47 style 12-gauge shotty. Semi-auto, a few mags of buck and a few of slugs and you're good to go. :)

TexiCali Slim

New member
Ya Know

I love my shottie for HD but if your looking for a trunk gun, see if you can find a used mini 14. Reason being that if a SHTF situation did happen it looks (to the untrained eye) like a hunting rifle, even with a extended clip.(oh yeah I said clip):eek:
One of the best advice given to me is "Preception is stronger than fact" and if you are, god forbid walking around with a "ZUMBO" gun someone may associate that with a negative. The Mini 14 just doesnt look as aggressive as the other bad black guns.


New member
+1 on the sling to keep your hands free when needed.

Get a Ching sling and learn how to use it properly. This allows you to carry the rifle in standard fashion, but also to sling in across the front of your body and have it instantly ready.


New member
There's a pretty collection of pages at on how to build your own 3-point tactical sling. I tweaked this a little to work with my rifles, but I've been able to build a few of these for about $7 a piece. That's not bad considering that they retail for $40-50. Check it out at

And as to the mini not looking mean enough, I think my mini looks plenty mean to serve as a visual deterrent.



New member
I like the combo of a G19 and a Mechtech CCU, especially in a CCW state. Leave the upper and the G18 mags in the car and take the G19 with you. That way, if someone steals the car, they don't get a gun too.


New member
In my state a long gun with a loaded mag inserted is a Fish & Game violation even if it's locked in the trunk. Loaded handguns can be carried anywhere. If I had a car with a trunk, I'd probably keep an AR carbine in it. I often have a leaver gun as it stands no. Much better to take a $200 loss than a$700 one. Essex


New member
Just ordered the Kel-Tec Sub 2000. Gonna keep it in the car in a laptop case with 2 to 3 33-round Glock mags and a G19 mag.

I'm so excited... can't wait for it to come in so I can take it out to the range.


New member
Hey BillCA, being up in the Tech zone, maybe you could get one of those Segways:D You probably could mount some cool stuff on it...make it a Combat Segway. :D