should i trade? mak 90 for mini 14 ss


Active member
yeah..i wouldnt even wanna git it a real full auto weapon....thats nothin but troubles...seriously..

If you are talking about the AC556 - you're wrong. I have put thousands of rounds of .223 through mine and it functions flawlessly, even when dirty (with brass ammo). It will fire Wolf steel-cased ammo, but it needs to be kept a little cleaner to avoid the cases sticking in the chamber.

Would I rather have a full-auto AK? Maybe. Although it would be much easier to change out a barrel in an AC556 than a full-auto AK (yes I've checked into this). But, for the cost of a full-auto AK, I could have 2 AC556's, and change to spare.


New member
I too am looking for a good .223 semi auto to play with. After reading all the pros/cons on a few different boards, I decided that the Mini 14 has the most sex appeal.

The Styer Aug (I think thats how its spelled?) was pretty cool but not too much info on those.

BTW, this is my first post, I like your board :)