Should I buy this J frame


New member
Fairfax, VA.-Following up on yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment protects a private right to possess firearms that is not limited to militia service, the National Rifle Association of America today filed five lawsuits challenging local gun bans in San Francisco, and in Chicago and several of its suburbs


New member
tedwhite Very nice acquisition, I'd say. Too bad about not being able to keep your J-frame in your own home. Which leads me to a question. I'm planning on visiting my daughter sometime this summer. She lives in Oak Park. I have an Arizona CCW permit. Will I be allowed to bring my Model 36?
Today 02:40 AM

Illinois is not a carry state, you can bring your handgun but it has to be unloaded and in a case in the trunk.

glock199mm Fairfax, VA.-Following up on yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling that the Second Amendment protects a private right to possess firearms that is not limited to militia service, the National Rifle Association of America today filed five lawsuits challenging local gun bans in San Francisco, and in Chicago and several of its suburbs

I'm sure the ban will be found unconstitutional but the city will fight it so it will probably be 2-3yrs. :barf:


New member
What is too much?

I was thinking 20-50 rds to get a good feel for the carry loads I'll be using probably not +P's either gold dots or buffalo bores.


New member
Sorry, but thats a funny looking gun, JMHO.

You have much to learn, Grasshopper.



It's your gun, but I wouldn't shoot any +P. It's a good way to stretch the frame. Some people might be able to put hundreds of +P rounds through them, others maybe only a few. Get the Buffalo Bore standard pressure loads for self-defense.


New member
nice one KYJIM how long have you had yours and how's it holding up it looks like you use yours unlike the guy I bought mine from :)


New member
The general consensus seems to be Buffalo Bore's are low enough pressure to shoot all you want in non +P guns.

IF that's the case, I'd practice like hail with what I was gonna carry.

Then practice some more.


New member
When I got my Chief's Special last month I immediately went to the range and put 100 rounds through it. Then a few days later I did another couple of boxes doing quick draw and shooting double action at 3 silhouette targets about 7 yards distance. Boom-boom, boom-boom, boom, pretending I was neutralizing 3 threats.

But I wouldn't use plus-p's. Don't want to take the chance.

Here's a picture:


  • Model 36.jpg
    Model 36.jpg
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